
"Gifts can not afford" and 11 more financial habits that you need to forget

All people treat money differently. Someone rejoices at every ruble saved, someone seeks to buy the most luxurious and expensive things. Each of us has our own habits associated with money. Sometimes the way we handle finances can harm us or even annoy others. What habits do you need to get rid of in order to improve your life?

Proposal to split the bill equally

Imagine that you are relaxing with friends in a cafe and everyone is ordering something. It is time to pay the bill. You propose to divide the amount equally into all, but not all participants in the company are delighted with this idea. What is the reason for this?

The fact is that all people have different tastes and preferences, and this is reflected in what they order in the cafe. It is possible that one of your friends, for example, did not take cocktails or dessert, limited himself to one salad. This person quite rightly does not want to pay for other people's orders.

If you always propose to split the score equally, urgently get rid of this habit. People around you will be grateful for this. The best solution is to agree in advance with the waiter that each member of the company should receive a separate invoice.

Friend Discount Request

It is possible that your friends have their own business. They may offer products or services that are of interest to you. You may well become their regular customer, but in no case do not ask to give you a discount "on friendship." Even if your friends agree, it will negatively affect your relationship. Think about how their income decreases when they save you money.

It is possible that one day your friends themselves offered you a discount. You can accept this courtesy, but do not assume that you can use it constantly. Such a habit can make your environment disappointed in you.

Inappropriate curiosity

How do you react when someone is interested in the contents of your wallet? This is most likely to cause you to react negatively. Remember this every time you have a desire to show interest in other people's income.

Do not ask friends and acquaintances about how much they earn. Do not ask them to give the exact value of their cars, clothes, jewelry, and so on. Keep your curiosity in check if they themselves do not tell you about it. Otherwise, it will be perceived as an invasion of privacy.

Remember that you can always find out the cost of the things you are interested in yourself. To do this, just resort to the help of search sites.

Constant complaints of financial difficulties

If you constantly complain about a lack of money, you need to urgently get rid of this bad habit. Such conversations will not appeal to those who earn more than you, and those whose incomes are lower.

Avoid any talk about money in a negative way. You should not constantly return to topics such as the financial crisis, insecurity of deposits, price increases, high cost of products and so on.

Attempts to manage other people's money

Suppose you decide to go on vacation with friends. Do not forget that you cannot choose a hotel without discussing this topic with the whole company. Think about the fact that you don’t know what budget your prospective satellites have. It is possible that the option that seems ideal to you will be too expensive for them.

The same approach is necessary when you are just planning to get out with friends for the weekend.Do not choose a meeting place for everyone, as the costs may be too high for your companions. The decision should be made by everyone who will have to spend money.

Cash only

If you have a habit of constantly carrying large amounts of cash with you, you should definitely give it up. Think about the fact that something can always happen to your funds. This is not only about the threat of theft, although, of course, this should beware. You can simply lose your wallet, forget it somewhere.

If you want your money to always be with you, give preference to a credit card. It can always be quickly blocked if you lose it. Nothing will happen to your money.

Too expensive gifts

It would seem that people who give expensive gifts should enjoy this. However, the luxurious gifts that you present to your friends and family can put them in an awkward position. They may decide that you expect to receive the same gorgeous gifts from them.

Another bad habit is to constantly pay for the whole company. Get rid of it, and your financial situation will begin to improve right before our eyes.

Non-payment of debts

Do you often borrow money from family and friends and then forget to return it? It is necessary to get rid of such habits in the first place. Relatives may be shy to remind you of what you borrowed from them. Therefore, they prefer to remain silent about this, hoping that someday you will still get the money back.

Do not forget that non-repayment of debts affects relationships extremely negatively. Often, close people cease to communicate with each other as a result. Think about how you would continue to treat your friend well, who borrowed a large amount from you and forgot to return it. Before contacting your community for financial help, consider whether you can pay off your debts. It is possible that you should simply refuse the purchase, which you can not afford now.

You yourself willingly give money to friends and relatives on credit, and then you are embarrassed to remind them that they need to return it? This habit also negatively affects your life. Do not be afraid to ask loved ones to return the borrowed money. Perhaps this is what will help you save your relationship with them.

Also, do not lend to anyone who asks you about it. First, think about whether or not the person who turns to you for help will be able to pay you in time.

Forgotten wallet

Any of us is not safe from forgetting a wallet at home. If this really happened to you, you may well ask your friends to pay for you in a movie, restaurant, and so on. At the next meeting, you can simply take the costs for yourself or simply return the money spent on you.

Do you constantly forget your wallet at home? This is one of those habits that are extremely annoying to others. If you do not think about your behavior, then one day you run the risk of understanding that no one else invites you anywhere. Also, people will begin to refuse your invitations so that they do not have to pay for you again. No one will like the feeling of being used.

Hope for a Happiness

Are you used to living for today, never think about what will happen tomorrow? Such a habit can lead you to a financial crisis. Once you risk opening a wallet in order to discover that it is empty.

To prevent this from happening to you, train yourself to plan your budget. Develop a habit of recording all your expenses. This will allow you to get an idea of ​​what your money is spent on. It is possible that you can refuse purchases that you really do not need at all. If you accustom yourself to constantly control your expenses, this will minimize the likelihood that you allow yourself impulsive spending.

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