
How to admit to the boss that you are overwhelmed with work: practical tips

Work is not always fun. Moreover, sometimes the load is so great that even your favorite business ceases to bring joy. Superiors load employees overtime, completely ignoring the fact that this leads to burnout and also reduces productivity.

Let's be honest. The reality is that if you do not raise this issue, it is unlikely to be resolved in your favor. Most executives will enjoy using free labor, even if their meek employees look tired.

Why is that bad?

Overworking employees can have a number of consequences not only for the employee himself, but also for the business too. This can lead to high layoffs and staff turnover. In some cases, this can lead to burnout of personnel, which will sooner or later affect the business. And not for the better. When employees are poorly performing their duties, customers remain dissatisfied and go to competitors. As a result, the company loses profit. In such a bizarre way everything is interconnected.

When work is not a joy

High workloads, tight deadlines, strict superiors, overtime work and a lot of responsibility - all these factors create tremendous stress in the workplace and even lead to burnout. This is a big problem that can turn any work into a hated occupation that you don’t want to spend a second of your own life on.

According to a recent survey, stress accounts for 37% of all health problems associated with work. Tight deadlines, too much responsibility and lack of managerial support - this is what leads to stress, anxiety and depression.

Burnout is defined by psychologists as a chronic state of stress. Perhaps you are on the verge too.

Signs of burnout

Unfortunately, burnout in the modern world is becoming more common. From time to time, you can cope with a little stress associated with work. However, constant stress can cause a variety of health problems, including stomach ulcers, chronic pain, depression, poor relationships, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Among the key signs that indicate this condition are poor sleep and poor digestion, high blood pressure and the habit of constantly thinking about work, even when you are at home. In addition, sudden mood swings and increased irritability may also indicate burnout.

It is important to try to identify these signs as early as possible in order to cope with them until they have become rampant.

There are methods that improve burn resistance. Particularly important is a proactive approach to the problem, which avoids the decline in productivity and other problems in the corporate world that burnout leads to.

What is stress and what causes it?

Stress is a natural response to a threat and produces a certain set of changes in our body.

Your body reacts similarly to sunburn, excessive alcohol consumption, job interviews, exams, and traumatic events. Stress causes the production of the hormone adrenaline, which is responsible for the body’s reaction to fight or flight.

When your body produces adrenaline, your airways open more to provide more oxygen for your muscles. Your ability to feel pain decreases and you become more alert.This is all normal in small doses, for example, when you see a scary movie or are surprised by something. However, the longer you are under stress, the greater the effect it has on your body.

Prolonged stress can prevent you from sleeping normally, it can lead to loss of appetite and can make you feel socially isolated.

How does the body fight stress?

Fortunately, the body has a good system for quickly reducing stress, called the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps our body maintain energy, slows our heart rate and improves peristalsis.

Although a short burst of stress and activity can be beneficial, the body is depleted by prolonged or repeated exposure to stress.

In the long run, stress has a devastating effect on a number of body systems, including digestion, sleep, the reproductive and immune systems, and even our ability to think clearly.

Probably, work-related stress, burnout and depression will soon lead the list of the most common diseases.

Far-sighted companies can create an environment in which they recognize the value of the healthy atmosphere prevailing in the work team, and therefore take care of their employees. The problem is best prevented.

What can you do?

It is always best to have a discussion at an early stage, or at least take into account existing problems before the situation becomes unmanageable. If you are called to the director’s office and accused of not having time to do your work on time, this is bad. Perhaps it is at this moment that the realization will come that in fact the problem is associated with an increased load that you cannot cope with.

If you want to raise this issue, schedule a meeting with your boss when you both will have time to discuss this issue without being distracted. Mark your upcoming event in advance on your calendar.

Write down a list of all the work that needs to be done, as well as the time needed for this. Remember to indicate the deadlines when your work should be ready. If you have any suggestions for improving process efficiency or improving workload manageability, you can also discuss this with your supervisor.

Know your rights

Far from all, employers are honest with their employees. In addition, in labor relations, it is employees who are the weakest link. That is why it is especially important to know the rights in order to be able to defend one's own interests.

First of all, you need to know the reasons that can lead to dismissal. All of them are divided into two broad categories - the actions of the employee, as well as circumstances beyond his control.

The actions of the employee, which may be regarded as a reason for dismissal, include:

  • absenteeism;
  • Drunk;
  • distribution of secrets;
  • gross violation of duties;
  • immoral behavior, etc.

There are reasons that an employee cannot influence.

  • Staff reduction.
  • Post mismatch.
  • Liquidation of the enterprise.

When can’t you fire employees?

Whatever the reason for the dismissal, the procedure in most cases occurs the same way.

It is important to know that on their own initiative, the employer cannot dismiss an employee if he is on vacation or on sick leave.

Pregnant women, as well as single mothers who have children under fourteen, are not subject to dismissal. A similar ban applies to all women with children under three years of age. However, in case of liquidation of the enterprise, these prohibitions become irrelevant.

If a minor employee is hired, you can dismiss him only with the permission of the state labor inspectorate.

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