
How to stretch and do yoga while working at the computer: many exercises can be done right at work

Yoga at the computer is an easy and enjoyable way to relax in the office. If done correctly, it can help your muscles relax and give your mind some time to recover. If you have work at the table or you spend a lot of time looking at the screen, innovative computer yoga will help you become happier and achieve a deeper level of relaxation.

Body relaxation

Use the tilts of the head to extend your neck. When doing computer yoga, it is best to start from the head and move down. To do this, move it in all directions, pushing the neck back and forth and turning it from side to side. Try to make your movements soft and precise, not erratic or harsh, and give yourself plenty of time to do each of them. Each time you move to a new level, stretch your neck as far as possible and hold it in place, taking three long deep breaths. Repeat this exercise for thirty seconds.

Shoulder movement

Shrug, do small rolls, and change hands to relax your upper limbs. To stretch, try shaking them, moving them forward or backward, and moving them up and down. Do these movements slowly enough so that you can feel every time your muscles move. During stretching, choose two basic positions, for example, shoulders up and down. When you enter the first position, inhale and hold it for three seconds. Then move to the other side and exhale. Repeat this exercise for one minute.

Spine stretch

Turn your upper body to relax your spine. Stretch marks on this part of the body are especially good for relieving stress caused by poor posture. To do this, hold your neck and shoulders firmly and do not move your lower body so that you can fully concentrate on your back. Inhale, then turn the spine to the side. Hold this position for three seconds, then return to the center and exhale. Do the same with the other side, then repeat the whole process for one minute.

Foot movement

Lower your legs and move them in a circle. Place them firmly on the floor and concentrate on your connection with the planet. Visualize how the Earth rotates in your mind, then move your legs in a circular motion, simulating the speed of a spinning ball. Take deep breaths as if you were following Earth's rhythm. Do this exercise for a minute.

Body massage

Massage your body from head to toe to relax your muscles. Areas with high tension require deep pressure on the skin and rubbing with force to relax as much as possible. During the massage, focus on freeing your body from negativity. Massage yourself for as long as you see fit. To relieve tension on the eyes and face, gently cover these areas with your fingers or palms and move them in a circular motion.

In search of the inner world

Think of a mantra to focus better. When performing spiritual yoga, reading it out loud or in the head can help you get rid of unnecessary obsessive thoughts. The most common mantra is the well-known “Om”, but any soothing word or phrase is also suitable.

Blocking thoughts

Take deep, full breaths to block unnecessary thoughts. Put your hands on your stomach and begin to breathe, exhaling and exhaling with your diaphragm.Focus only on breathing until it becomes natural. This process, known as the feeling of breathing, will help you block distracting and useless thoughts, creating a deeper consciousness.

In harmony with the universe

Imagine yourself as a powerful entity to understand your place in the universe. Gather your hands as if you are praying. Imagine yourself as a spiritual being, such as a Buddha, or a gathering of pure energy. Remember that you are connected with something big, whether it is a deity, supernatural power or space.

Positive vibrations

Send good vibes to people to feel more positive. Focus your attention on someone who makes you feel warm and happy. Visualize them standing next to you, and let this idea fill you with positive emotions. In your mind, wish them health, safety, happiness and relaxation, and then stretch out their arms to send them light and positive. Thus, you yourself open your mind to joy and happiness. It may even be someone you barely know, such as a school friend.

Request for advice

Mentally ask someone for advice. This will be a reminder to you that you are not alone. Keep your hands in front of your heart and rub them together. If you are religious, think of a divine being or an enlightened master and ask them to give you instruction. If you are not religious, think about the universe itself or someone you really respect, such as a family member or mentor, and ask them to show you the way. Remember that when you take your next step in life, you are not doing it alone.

Thus, these tips will help you easily relax and tune in a good mood.

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