
It would seem that the simple idea of ​​food, but it made its creators millionaires

Sometimes brilliant people come up with new food products that attract at first sight. Such ideas sell for millions of dollars, whether it's regular ketchup or a family cake recipe. Here are the most basic ideas of products that made people millionaires.


Henry John Heinz came up with his famous ketchup, which you must have seen more than once on store shelves or in advertisements. He originally improved the Chinese recipe for 1876 tomato sauce. Now ketchup is served with hamburgers and fries.

Kentucky Fried Chicken

KFC is one of the most popular food establishments with revenues of more than $ 8.5 billion. It was created by Colonel Sanders in 1939. Since 1952, they began to sell fried chicken in restaurants, and when the colonel turned 60 years old, he turned it into a franchise.

Beyond Meat - Artificial Meat

Americans are good at eating burgers. Now they can do this without fear of harming their health, thanks to Ethan Brown, an entrepreneur specializing in food. Ethan created artificial meat based on pea protein.

Chocolate chip cookies

Ruth Graves, a hotel employee, accidentally made chocolate chip cookies when she once baked a batch of cookies, realizing too late that she had run out of baking chocolate. Instead, she crumbled the chocolate bar, which, as Ruth had hoped, did not mix with the dough. The dish has become a favorite of the public.

Organic baby food

This favored food product was created by Kat Gazzoli, an expectant mother who was disappointed by the lack of baby food options. As a result, she created a brand that uses only organic products. In her business, a woman earns more than 6 million a year.

Tacos from seoul

As those who have tried this tacos say, it tastes just great. It combines Mexican and Korean food as a whole. It was first prepared by David Choi, who began selling his tacos in food trucks. Now his brand is worth more than 5 million. Also, the man owns five restaurants.

Fruit icecream

This sweet product was invented by Frank Epperson, who at that time was only 11 years old. He mixed lemonade with soda and accidentally left it in the refrigerator. The boy immediately realized that this could be a good business. Frank began to sell his products in amusement parks, and soon received the rights to officially manufacture and sell ice cream. His company was very rich.

Pancake dough

This is probably the most amazing and smart invention in the field of food industry. Sean O'Connor placed the pancake dough in a spray bottle. To cook them, you need to spray the dough in a pan and fry.

Family Cake Recipe

This is not an ordinary recipe for your grandmother’s pancakes, but the ingenious brand name Kim Nelson, who opened her own business. The woman had to go through many difficulties in order to achieve his prosperity. Today, her profitable company’s revenue is millions.

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