
Not enough time for everything? Successful businessmen gave advice on how to manage time and manage everything.

In the life of every person there is a moment when he realizes that he does not have time to do all the things and meet the deadlines, and begins to feel anxiety about this. How to learn to manage your time, do all things on time and do everything in time? Here are some tips that successful businessmen give.

Plan for the day

Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, but one of the best ways to keep up with everything is to draw up a business plan for the day.

This strategy is incredibly simple, but very effective and allows you to track your performance throughout the day. When you cross off from the list of planned tasks what you have already completed, you psychologically feel better, because you can clearly see how much has already been done.

This advice is given by editor Aina Kain, and she also recommends installing an application on your computer that will block sites that distract you for as long as you need. Let's say you set boundaries at 4 o’clock. And during this time, even if you try to open social networks or other entertainment portals, you will not be able to do this because they will be blocked. By the way, there are such applications, for example, SelfControl, which, even if you remove them from the computer and restart it, they still will not open sites until the time you set is reached.

Agree, if you are not distracted by various entertainment sites and social networks, you will have much more time to do things.

Fence yourself from the noise

It happens that a person has to work in noisy places, for example, to do a project on a laptop while in a cafe. Of course, the conversations of visitors and the sound of music from the speakers are very distracting.

In this case, it is always necessary to carry earplugs with you so that, if necessary, you can create complete silence and concentrate fully on work. But the best thing, of course, is to work where no one will distract you and you will not have to resort to ear plugs.

If you are carrying out an urgent project, then it is best to provide yourself with a place where you will be alone, and disconnect the Internet for the duration of the work. You need to fully concentrate on the work, and then it will be completed on time.

The simplest and most important advice that all successful people give: get enough sleep.

Yes, all ingenious is simple. Not having enough sleep, a person will not be able to fully concentrate on work, what kind of project implementation can be discussed on time in this case? So do not stay up late and always try to sleep the recommended 7-8 hours a day.

Take notes

At important meetings and meetings, always carry a notebook and pen. On a sheet in notepad, draw a line by creating two columns. In one write the main question or task, and in the second, short explanations to it. Believe me, this will save you a lot of time when you get to work. After all, you don’t have to frantically recall what exactly was discussed at the meeting or the meeting and what nuances the boss or client spoke about. You will have everything at hand, an almost ready-made action plan.

Just do

This is the easiest and most unexpected tip you've ever heard, right? But this is exactly what all successful people recommend doing. Just do your job. You do not want to call the customer on an important issue? Do it immediately. And you will do the work, and get rid of the anxiety and excitement of the upcoming conversation.After reading the email, do you put off the answer to it for the evening? Answer as soon as you read! This will save you time and help to avoid the fact that you generally forget that you had to answer an important letter.

And successful people are advised to break up a large and important business into a list of small steps along the path to the main goal. And do everything according to the list, but always remember the important finish for which you work, and of course, the reward for your work that awaits you after the work is done.

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