
Not only beautiful, but also smart: “Miss England” was a young doctor who went to work right after the award

The winner of the Miss England contest is a young doctor who went to work a few hours after the victory. 23-year-old Bhasha Mukherjee from Derby received the title of "Miss England" on Thursday evening, when she withstood competition from dozens of other models. Instead of enjoying the victory and celebrating it with friends, she hurried to the hospital where she worked.

Talented girl

Bhasha has two different medical degrees, a high IQ, and also speaks five languages. The girl went to a new job as a young doctor in a Boston hospital a few hours after the end of the beauty contest finale.

“Some people may think that the heads of girls participating in beauty contests are clogged only with thoughts of victory, but this is not so,” said the winner of the contest. - We are trying to demonstrate the beauty of the world, but this does not end there. We are trying to do something good. My new career began when I was in medical college. “It took me a lot of effort to finally become a participant in this contest.”


The girl’s IQ is 146, which officially makes her a genius. She was born in India and lived there until her family moved to the UK. At that time, Bhasha was 9 years old. With education, she received two bachelor's degrees: one - in medical sciences, the other - in surgery.

“I have always been a favorite of teachers at school. “I received the Einstein Prize for being the smartest in my class and also the best in the whole school,” Bhashi admits. - As a child, I was a little lonely, because only recently I moved to this country and often changed schools. I was constantly called new, sometimes even teased, but I was always passionate about studying, so I participated in competitions and contests. ”

Theater career

In 2016, Bhashi was first invited to a beauty pageant in the UK. This year, she became Miss England.

Mukherjee is both a doctor and the queen of theatrical art. She even created a charity program in 2017 to help older people.

“I even had the strength to catch the train at 4 in the morning after the Miss England final and go to the hospital to work,” she said. - I really enjoyed participating in the beauty contest, everyone there is very nice. I understood something from this. At the competition you are supported by friends and family, which is of great importance to me. ”

As the winner of the beauty contest, she will participate in the "Miss Universe", and will also go on vacation to Mauritius.

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