
Not a drop of excess gasoline: a friend shared effective ways to save fuel during summer travels

There is nothing better than going to the beach in the summer or to the cottage with relatives. But driving on roads can be quite stressful if you constantly stop due to traffic jams or refueling your gas tank. If you want to get to your destination faster and stop at gas stations less often, read these five tips from a friend of mine that will help you save fuel while traveling by car.

Perform vehicle maintenance before driving

Make sure your car works best before you hit the road. Checking tire pressure is key, as the right parameters can increase fuel economy by up to 3.3%.

When changing the oil, also check the air filter, because a clean air filter can save about 10% of fuel costs. Before traveling, be sure to remove anything that is unnecessary or heavy from the trunk. Why do you need a bowling ball, which is constantly in the trunk, if you go to the beach?

Keep your windows open

This method is not difficult when it is hot outside, but if you drive on a cool day, cold air can cause colds in people sitting in the car.

When the windows are closed, the engine runs harder. And on the highway, this resistance can reduce fuel economy by 10% or more. If your car makes frequent turns, this can also have a significant impact. If you have a sunroof, it's nice to keep it a little open. Just don't let anyone stick their head out, no matter how funny it may look.

Consider Using Super Fuel

On long sections of motorways, there may be few gas stations among the fields. They can be far apart. To be safe, never let the gas level drop below a quarter of the tank.

Today, cars are more tech than ever before. With the advent of new engines, demand for gasoline is growing, which can keep up with these technological advances. ExxonMobil has just launched a new and improved fuel - Synergy Supreme's premium gasoline, which is the company's best fuel ever.

It provides twice the cleanliness of the car engine. The actual fuel benefits are based on continuous use and may vary depending on vehicle type, driving style and previously used gasoline. This new premium gasoline is now available at many Exxon and Mobil stations around the world. You can also refuel your car with other affordable quality fuel.

Practice a smooth driving style

Slow down on the highway and use your cruise control. Practice stopping and driving as much as possible; do not press sharply on gas at traffic lights. Slowly brake, not abruptly. If you travel with undisciplined children and are constantly nervous on the way, you should know that anger leads to faster driving, and this, in turn, reduces fuel economy, according to a study by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA).

Avoid traffic jams

Although this is not completely predictable, modern GPS systems and a little planning can help you avoid these summer traffic jams. The vehicle in stationary mode still requires the engine to work hard and burn fuel, where a “steady state” of uniform movement is actually better for fuel economy.

But if you find yourself in a traffic jam, take your mind off the fuel economy that you lose. A nervous and tired driver concentrates worse while driving. Turn on relaxing music and try to calm down.

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