
Amulets created by nature itself: 7 powerful natural talismans that will help protect health, money and fortune

In the world of magicians, witches, sorcerers and wizards, it has long been known that the most powerful and powerful amulets are created by nature itself. The seeds of certain plants, trees, flowers, and even the roots protect and protect us, and some of them can, on the contrary, cause harm and help to spoil. Surely you have heard about the magical properties of the root of the mandrake!

Magic is still alive

Despite the fact that for the most part magic was practiced in pre-Christian times, the memory of the healing properties of the gifts of nature is still alive in us, as it was hundreds of years ago.

The most powerful amulets that nature has given to people

1. Acorns are a powerful talisman; they easily fit in a pocket or on the bottom of a bag. This talisman helps to preserve and increase energy and protects the wearer from evil thoughts.

2. Cilantro seeds protect human health and protect him from all sorts of ailments. These seeds should be worn in a red bag.

3. Clover. One of the most popular amulets is clover. This is such a powerful amulet that it became the official possession and symbol of Ireland. It is believed that if a person managed to find a quatrefoil, then he will find good health, wealth, happiness and love. A dried plant can be worn or stored between pages of your favorite book.

4. Nutmeg brings luck to its owner. Like cilantro seeds, it should be carried with you in a red bag.

5. Oak is a symbol of eternity, longevity, strength and success. If you carry an oak leaf or a piece of bark with you, you will ensure yourself good luck, protect your health and will always feel protected.

6. Alfalfa helps to maintain material well-being and attracts luck; it should be dried and stored at home in a place invisible to outsiders.

7. Corncob. This bright yellow and sunny vegetable is a symbol of abundance. It should be stored at home in the kitchen not only as food, but also as a talisman that attracts financial success.

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