
An experienced recruiter spoke about the mistakes that candidates make in the resume

You can be a highly qualified and experienced specialist, but the lack of competent resume writing skills will necessarily reduce the chances of a successful job, even with such data. And on the contrary, a job applicant with the ability to present himself to the employer in a profitable manner can very well count on a vacancy that exceeds his professional level in status.

The value of the ability to correctly create a resume is indicated by recruiting specialist Tina Nikolai. In 2010, she founded a company specializing in resume writing services. And now, having analyzed more than 50,000 documents, she formulated 7 typical mistakes that most job seekers make.

1. Negligence

Elementary negligence, which catches the eye of the representatives of the personnel department, discouraging them from any desire to continue contact with the applicant. This quality can be manifested both in typos and the provision of obviously incorrect data, as well as in violations in relation to the design.

2. Description of obvious information

Many candidates, wanting to demonstrate their thoroughness and accuracy, can repeat information that a company representative already owns. The need to perceive such information takes extra time and will cause nothing but irritation.

3. Indication of links

The recruiter must make up his mind on a specific document without delving into third-party sources. This is again a minus of the compiler, who does not appreciate the time of the interlocutor.

4. Difficult to read text

Overloaded with unnecessary words, the proposals also do not add to the author the chances of getting a job. Concise and easy phrases - this is the optimal style of presentation.

5. First use of the phrase “Responsible for”

Not the most successful presentation of yourself, since the hiring specialist is much more important to understand the value of the candidate as able to perform certain tasks. With the same phrase, the candidate seems to claim that he is already in the position, not presenting the reasons necessary for that.

6. The use of jargon and pathos adjectives

This applies to candidates who seek to demonstrate their creativity. But you need to understand that, for example, phrases such as “brilliant manager” or “team player” are completely inappropriate in the resume.

7. Formalism

The other extreme, in the mainstream of which a person runs the risk of appearing uninitiated. The reflection of natural and living emotions in a moderate form may well brighten up the impression of the resume.

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