
JotForm CEO explains why you need to do one thing at a time

Any entrepreneur must set specific goals in order to achieve certain success. But sometimes there are so many of them that it becomes very difficult to deal with everything. According to the founder and CEO of JotForm Aitekin Tank, in such situations it is extremely important to be able to focus on solving one problem. This approach is more productive than trying to cope with everything right away. But as practice shows, most have serious problems with this. Next, we will consider a few tips on how to do more while working less.

System automation

They are not the solution to all problems, but in modern conditions they simply can not do without. Automated systems can significantly simplify the workflow and increase overall labor efficiency. Thanks to them, you will save a lot of time that you can spend on solving more important tasks.

According to Aytekin Tank, earlier system administrators were forced to work at night, so that everything would work by morning. It takes a lot of time and effort. Automated systems eliminate this need. They constantly monitor and send notifications when the servers reach peak values. Now most of the problems are solved without human intervention, and specialists spend their free time on improving the existing one. These modern technologies can be used in any business area.

Collaboration Optimization

Experienced businessmen making millions of dollars a month understand how important it is to be able to focus on a specific task or goal. Therefore, they create ideal working conditions for their subordinates, and they themselves only carry out general management.

The JotForm company, which is managed by Aytekin Tank, has also created small teams of 5-6 people. Each of them has its own leader, able to quickly make the right decisions. It is he who develops the strategy that is most effective in each case.

As a business owner or startup manager, you automatically assume the leadership role. Whether you can master it depends only on your determination, professional skills, personal qualities, the authorized capital of the company and its status. According to James Kwak, if you want to take your project to a new level, you must transfer the post of CEO, and focus on more important issues yourself.

According to statistics, business owners are the best managers, as they think and act in the long run. Without the ability to predict events for several years, or even decades, success cannot be achieved. Hired employees think only about their salary, therefore they are not able to make strategic decisions. Therefore, you should not look for qualified personnel capable of becoming the head of your company, but optimize the interaction between individual employees and departments.

Realize your limit

Performing one task at a time does not mean working effectively. According to James Clear, any restrictions do not allow to reveal their own potential. Many start-up entrepreneurs often complain about a lack of money, a high level of competition, and many other problems that they face. But there is one big plus. In a difficult situation, as a rule, the best and most effective decisions are made.

This is especially true for business. For any start-up startup, money plays one of the most important roles.But they are also very limited in time, which is spent on promotion and search for talented specialists. Having defined your own limit, you will be able to identify pressing problems and solve them by introducing innovative technologies.

Stop multitasking

Every entrepreneur, taking only the first steps in business, strives to manage to do as much as possible. But as a result of this, they not only do not achieve positive results, but, on the contrary, make many mistakes due to the fact that they are distracted from important tasks to secondary ones.

In 2010, Harvard University psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert conducted a study that showed that every average person spends about half his waking time thinking about what they aren't doing right now. Such walks in the clouds adversely affect productivity. This is because thinking gives us more happiness than work. Focusing on what we want, we feel better on a subconscious level.

How to stay focused

It is easy to read religious sermons, doing the same things every day. But it’s much harder to perform many different tasks that business owners face every day. To work effectively, you must be able to identify the most important tasks and solve them quickly. To do this, you must concentrate on the most important, freeing your head from any trifles. This will help you a few tips, which will be discussed later.

Plan your time

The daily routine and the establishment of restrictions contribute to increasing motivation and productivity. Therefore, think carefully about what problem you want to solve or realize the goal in the first place. After that, try to determine the time intervals that you can meet. During work, forget about everything secondary. Put your phone in silent mode and turn off notifications. So you can better focus on the task and maximize your potential. And so as not to overwork, take five-minute breaks every hour.

This method is equally well suited both for everyday tasks and large-scale projects. Just set time limits for yourself and make every effort to achieve a positive result.

Save your energy

It is one of the most important human resources, so it should be spent rationally. Experts say that in order to always stay in shape you need to lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly, eat well and get enough sleep. But all this takes a lot of time. Instead of wasting your energy on grueling workouts and restaurant trips, you'd better spend it on top priorities. For example, if you have an important job interview or business negotiation scheduled, reschedule your meeting with friends or dinner with the girl for another day. Spend your free time on rest or preparation.

In addition, human fears and self-doubt consume energy. Therefore, if you want to better concentrate on important things, then you must get rid of any negative emotions.


To do this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to learn to perceive criticism normally or not pay attention to the opinions of others. Try it yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised how well it works. Try to find a common language with each person, and then your business will develop.

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