
A negative answer to any of the 6 questions presented means that you overestimate your managerial skills

The nature of people initially laid the need for personal growth, training and communication with others. This applies not only to personal but also to professional life. Most people strive to create close relationships with colleagues who help achieve common goals and create shared values. This greatly facilitates the workflow.

But what is the impetus for this? The formation of such a culture, based on close cooperation, begins with the creation by leaders of certain conditions that can increase the efficiency of each employee. These leaders understand that a true leader will take into account not only his personal interests, but also in a position to share benefits with other people. However, for many, this task is difficult.

The truth is that managers who adequately evaluate and develop others try for the benefit of each employee, they significantly affect the people who work for them and the customers with whom they interact.

6 questions that every leader should ask himself

Leaders at each level should from time to time turn to themselves, engage in reflection and ask very important questions that will allow us to assess the degree of their compliance with high standards of leadership and the availability of the necessary qualities. The more “no” answers will be received during this exercise, the more information you can get about possible problems that await in the future (or get an excellent opportunity to develop your leadership skills).

Do you understand what other people express emotions

Leaders are always in sight; a good leader is aware and understands himself and his incentives, strives for effective self-government. They understand others well and use their ability to empathize. They try to take part in the lives of others, even those who obey them.

Do you value others as individuals

A good leader will always answer yes to this question because he believes and trusts his people. He respects and respects employees. Such a leader will listen carefully to other people, without condemnation, and if necessary, he will always put the other in the first place.

Do you want to develop yourself and help others in this

A true leader always monitors how others learn and grow professionally, providing the necessary conditions for this. It helps others grow, with full support.

Do you help other people come to a better future?

A good leader sees the future and attracts his people to achieve it together. He takes the initiative and moves forward, uniting his team, explaining goals and expectations.

You can share your leadership

The leader should be able to share his power, transferring the appropriate authority to even the lower ranks, which gives others the opportunity to make decisions too. The main method of influencing employees is persuasion, not coercion.

Are you a member of a team or a proponent of a culture based on diversity and integration?

For a good leader, it is important to have a sense of belonging and connections between all team members, this is manifested in joint work. At the same time, teamwork comes to the first place. Such a leader recognizes and appreciates the differences of other people, their talents, personality traits and points of view.

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