
The guy put in place the rude woman who called his girlfriend fat: details of the conflict

This guy's name is Tre Booker. I really want Internet users to know his name, especially Twitter account owners. This is a real gentleman who did not offend his girlfriend, who was attacked because of her excess weight. Details of the incident can be found in the article.

Graduation Photos

Tre Booker's girlfriend is called Madison. The guy and girl went to graduation at the end of high school. The most interesting photos were posted by Madison on Twitter. She wanted to share the happy moments of her life with the whole world.

Many left warm comments and noted the girl’s luxurious dress. But one of the captions under the photo could upset anyone. A young but completely unfamiliar lady asked how you could fall in love with such a fat girl. Madison was publicly disgraced on a social network.

What did Tre Booker answer

First, let's see why his correspondence on the Web became viral? Users liked the fact that the guy stood up for his girlfriend. It doesn’t matter where your beloved was abused: in a public place, only in your presence or online. A real knight is called upon to defend his lady always and everywhere.

Madison answered the stranger: "How can you be so rude to a person whom you do not know at all?" Friends supported their girlfriend, not giving her offense.

Tre Booker also intervened in the conflict and published a response on his own behalf: "She is not fat. God created her specifically for me. She is perfect." This answer shocked many. The guy not only took the time to intercede for the girl, but also picked up the words that put the offender in his place.

The story immediately got to other sites, where it also became viral. Tre signed with one of his girlfriend’s photos that he would like to see it every day.

It seems to me that this couple has a lot to learn.

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