
Pros and cons of moving from home office to coworking: things to remember before signing a lease

New technological means of communication saved a person from the need to be tied to a specific workplace. As a result, a whole trend has emerged of organizing home “offices” in which employees fulfill their responsibilities to a remote employer. Interaction with a senior manager and colleagues is carried out literally online through a wide range of communication channels - from corporate social networks and email to the format of video conferencing.

At the same time, an alternative opinion on the effective organization of the working environment, which derives from the concept of an open office space, is being strengthened. We are talking about coworking - free space on a common leased area in which people with different professional profiles can work. How justified can be the change of home working conditions on the territory of coworking for business, we will discuss below.

Stimulating a sense of responsibility

Be that as it may, the work among colleagues and the feeling of boiling work around provide a significant advantage. It does not allow you to relax and always keeps a person in good shape, forcing them to perform their functions at the optimum pace. Moreover, in coworking there is no principle of tight control by the boss.

The effect of “fitting” employees is due to the very atmosphere of people's involvement in the work process. If we talk about the home environment, the employee is in complete freedom, which increases the risks of untimely fulfillment of tasks.

Lack of flexible schedule

This is a minus of coworking, which is partly the reverse side of the above advantages. The fact is that the idea of ​​free office space in itself is guided by the removal of the framework and barriers that limit the full disclosure of the employee's potential. However, the presence of a clear schedule is still one of the conditions for organizing the work process in the coworking system. This means that the employee is deprived of the opportunity to rationally distribute tasks and tasks over time, relying on his well-being, readiness for thought and creative activity at a particular moment, indirect factors, etc.

A conscientious and responsible employee at home can advantageously set up his work schedule with the maximum benefit for himself and the company, while the established framework in coworking will not allow him to do this.

Contact with the outside world

Social isolation is one of the minuses of remote work. Experts prove that the feeling of loneliness in the absence of contact with colleagues can negatively affect not only the psychological state of the employee, but also his labor productivity.

Coworking is the best way to solve this problem. Being in the middle of busy people by itself eliminates the feeling of abandonment and estrangement from the world. In addition, there is the possibility of exchanging ideas and discussing working moments with colleagues, which improves the quality of work.

Negative direct contacts

Again, we are talking about the reverse side of the plus of coworking. Finding people in one space inevitably creates the conditions for conflicts, friction and scandals. Moreover, the positive personal qualities of employees are not a safety factor.Even if the working team does not have frank brawlers and boors, the fatigue and internal stress from labor overload due to the same tight schedule makes calm people irritable, increasing their readiness for emotional breakdowns. As a result, surrounding colleagues may suffer, not directly related to the problem.

Financial factor

A sufficiently solid argument in favor of the followers of remote work at home, since this way of organizing the labor process practically does not put a strain on the company's budget. Also, the employee himself saves money on regular trips to the office and back, not to mention the time spent.

Renting a coworking site is not so expensive compared to traditional office premises, but in principle monthly expenses will be present. And this is not to mention the purchase of furniture, equipment and office supplies.

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