
6 reasons not to accept a job offer: expensive housing, not good conditions, etc.

Finding a job is sometimes difficult. Employers are not in a hurry to pay high salaries to new subordinates, but they demand great returns from them. I have to get around a lot of companies to find a job. Because of this, people tend to agree to any offer if they are accepted into the state. But this is a mistake. First you need to weigh all the pros and cons of a job. Let's talk about 6 reasons not to accept the employer's offer.

What should be a good job?

When choosing vacancies, remember that work should bring not only financial, but also personal benefit. You should have enough time to relax from work duties, to meet with your relatives and friends. Try to look to the future. Do you have prospects in this workplace? Can you get a raise?

Of course, it’s flattering to have an interview and find out that you were accepted. But you need to agree only if you are satisfied with all the conditions: schedule, salary, team, opportunities for professional growth.

Salary is not the main thing

High wages are a significant advantage, but you don’t need to rely only on them when looking for work. Sometimes people thoughtlessly choose a vacancy where they pay several thousand more. However, they do not pay attention to responsibilities and schedules, working conditions and location of the enterprise.

The main thing is that you enjoy your work responsibilities. Otherwise, soon you will again think about dismissal and the search for other vacancies. Compare where the amount of work is higher. Perhaps you should choose a position where they pay less, but do not burden you with difficult tasks.

Pay attention to the location of your workplace. Estimate how much time and money you have to spend on the road. If it is too far away, do not bother and refuse. Most likely, you will quickly find an employer with similar conditions, but closer to home.

Let's talk in more detail about good reasons to refuse the offer. Otherwise, soon you can think about how to change jobs again.

You will have to spend a lot of time on the road.

Every weekday, a person is wasting his precious time on the road to work. As a rule, employers do not pay for it. Even if you have your own car, you often have to stand in traffic jams. People traveling to work by public transport will have to deal with great discomfort. These are daily crowded buses, traffic jams and delays due to them. In addition, you will have to pay for travel from your pocket. Sometimes employers, of course, compensate for it, but in practice this rarely happens.

Well, if you get to a new job in about 30 minutes or 1 hour. If longer, then you should consider rejecting the offer. To get to work, you will have to get up a few hours earlier. Due to the late arrival home, you will not have time to communicate with loved ones. Lack of sleep will provoke constant fatigue and irritability, and can also lead to the development of stress.

Moving closer to a new workplace will solve these problems. But it can only be advised to those people who rent housing. Others should consider other vacancies. Most likely, you will find work with similar conditions, but closer to home.

Expensive housing in the city where you are offered a job

Sometimes interesting vacancies are in another city. Moving to a new place of residence is not always a bad thing. But you need to calculate whether it will bring you benefits.As a rule, companies from large cities invite workers from provincial. Housing in megacities is much more expensive. Thus, you will receive a large salary, but you will have to spend a lot more on renting an apartment. As a result, your income level will not increase.

Of course, life in a big city has a lot of advantages. First of all, the employee is given more opportunities for career advancement. If the conditions for professional growth are in your city, you should consider refusing the offer.

If you are still moving to another locality, you should consider purchasing your own home. It is real estate that is the main way to accumulate wealth. Your new salary should be enough not only to rent an apartment, but also to save. Perhaps you should consider buying a home on a mortgage.

You did not like the working conditions

When you choose a new job, try to pay attention not only to salary, but also to other conditions. Even if you are offered a large salary, do not rush to immediately agree. Evaluate all conditions as well.

Best if you are offered formal employment with full white salary. This will allow you to make large contributions to the Pension Fund, which in the future will positively affect the size of the pension. Learn more about the conditions for providing sick leave or leave. Perhaps the employer is in no hurry to pay them in full. Or offers a vacation only in autumn or winter. If conditions do not suit, then feel free to refuse.

Due to the schedule, it will be difficult for you to combine work and personal life

A busy schedule can help you get a bonus or promotion. But constantly working in such conditions is difficult. Remember that you should have enough free time to relax from your duties, communicate with friends and family. Heavy workload can affect the quality of your work.

Of course, many people want to earn more money, but constant overwork can provoke professional burnout. You simply lose interest in your work, and this will affect your productivity. In addition, if you work at the same pace for a long time, your mental and physical health will be affected.

The employer constantly evades direct answers

At the interview, it is important to learn in detail not only about the salary, but also about your responsibilities. If the employer avoids direct answers, this is an occasion to refuse the offer. The lie at the interview suggests that in the future your superiors will continue to lie. Perhaps the company urgently needs an employee, but it cannot offer suitable conditions.

Most often, at the interview they hide the number of basic responsibilities. They will be handed over to you after official employment, when it will be more difficult for you to refuse to fulfill them. Often, employers refuse to pay sick leave and leave. Or they prefer to pay a gray salary in order to save on taxes.

Try to find out more about responsibilities and conditions. If you didn’t succeed, then feel free to give up the vacancy. Most likely, this work is disrespectful to employees.

Too much staff turnover

It is important to pay attention not only to salary, duties and conditions. Staff turnover is an indicator that employees of the company for some reason do not like their work. This can be a demanding boss, which constantly exhausts subordinates on a psychological level. Often, leaders are too demanding, they overload the workers, allow themselves to raise their voice.

Perhaps the company often imposes fines for any oversight, which greatly reduces wages. Staff turnover can cause the team itself if it consists mainly of toxic people.

Of course, you can try to find a person who worked for you in the company before you. But finding his contacts is problematic. An alternative is to try to find reviews of former employees.

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