
Procrastination and other things on guard of personal finances, or How to avoid budget overruns

It is no secret that it is not always possible to economically spend financial resources. How many of you have never borrowed? If there are such, then probably their units. The reasons for the irrational use of funds can be different: a frivolous attitude, a lot of entertainment, sudden circumstances and so on. Of course, it’s impossible to predict everything, but you can afford to learn how to avoid rash expenses.

Why is it important

Shopping can cause problems, especially if you consider yourself an impulsive buyer. Why are excessive costs dangerous? Constant stress due to considerable debts worsens your well-being and leads to various diseases. Moreover, this can lead to legal costs or the forced sale of property.

If you notice a similar problem, what can be done to reduce rash expenses? This article provides some tips and tricks for improving your financial condition.

1. Buy only what is listed

Carry a list old fashioned? Maybe so, however, it will encourage you to focus on real needs, and buy only what is needed. As a result, your eyes will not wander around the attractive and colorful supermarket windows.

So, write down what you need, take it with you to the store and do not buy anything that is not on the list. It is so simple.

2. Procrastination

Do not be alarmed by this "complicated" at first glance word. Procrastination is the tendency to constantly put things off for later. Despite the fact that this phenomenon has negative consequences on human life, in the context of our topic, advice is very suitable. What is the essence of procrastination?

When you have a desire to buy something exquisite or unusual, give yourself some time to "cool down" - an hour, a day or a week. In other words, make sure that you can afford this thing and that you really need it.

3. Go to the cash shop

Leave credit cards at home. It is very easy to succumb to the temptation to spend what you do not have. But awareness of the decrease in cash (in the process of shopping) will help keep the mind sober and not succumb to the temptation, using a credit card.

Take enough money to buy what you need, and no more. Agree, you can’t spend what you don’t have. This will help you spend money efficiently.

4. Shop alone or with a trusted friend.

Often, it is because of trips to the supermarket with children or a spouse that you can spend more money than you thought. Shopping alone can give you a calmer and more controlled approach.

If you must shop with someone else, have a reliable friend next to you. Ask for help from someone who is known for his rational approach to finance. So you can prevent unplanned purchases.

5. Check your wardrobe

No need to buy a thing just because summer has come or you want new things. Carefully examine your wardrobe, trying on clothes that you have not worn for a long time. Sometimes the new is the well-forgotten old. So try to find new looks and combinations from existing clothing.

6. Plan your expenses

If you want to treat yourself to expensive and delicious food - no problem. Try to set aside funds for such joyful moments in advance, but promise not to pamper yourself more than once a week or a month.

7. Start using your budget.

Nothing helps control costs like realistic financial management.You probably know that a budget is a great way to achieve this. Talk to a close friend or spouse. Together decide on what you need to spend money in the first place (cases of paramount importance). And most importantly, adhere to your budget.

8. Shopping is not entertainment

If visiting a mall with friends worsens your financial situation, change your mind about entertainment. Find other ways to have fun, cheaper.

The social circle is also important. Make friends with someone who takes care of money and saves money successfully. Then their habits are likely to affect you.

9. Do not buy items that you cannot return if necessary

One practical point: before paying for any expensive item in the store, specify whether it can be returned in case of damage. Do not make purchases if they are final. Keep checks or receipts and items purchased in good condition for a possible return.


We sincerely hope that the tips in this article will help you avoid overspending. Buy only in cash, ask a reliable friend to be with you to avoid rash expenses, specify the possibility of returning the product - these are just some of the reminders that can significantly improve your financial condition.

Thanks to the independent control of personal finances, you will have a feeling of pride, and you will be able to avoid many problems and unjustified costs.

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