
Experts have identified 3 things that need to be done before the end of summer, so that you will be promoted in September

It’s not easy to work in the summer. After all, most people relax during this period, and you have to spend sunny days in the office. The responsibilities of your colleagues who are on vacation fall on you. But no matter how difficult the work in the summer months, it can contribute to your career growth. Therefore, spend the warm season with the benefit of a career. What needs to be done during the summer to be promoted in September? We will tell you about expert advice.

Why summer work matters

Summer is not an easy time for the office. At this time, many workers go on vacation. The boss has to distribute their duties among the remaining employees. It is during this difficult period that you can prove yourself.

Even if your boss is on vacation, this does not mean that you should reduce your workload. On the contrary, you should take on more responsibilities. This will help your team successfully cope with the tasks.

Your hard work in the summer will not go unnoticed. Management will appreciate your work. This will be your advantage when in the fall the boss will consider raising employees.

Next, we will tell you about three things that need to be done before the end of summer. This will greatly increase your chances of promotion in the fall.

Develop your skills

Summer is a great time to improve your professional skills. Indeed, in the summer, office life flows slowly. You have time to improve your skills.

How to improve your skills in the summer? Specialists give the following tips:

  1. Develop new skills. You can devote summer time to learning new skills that will help you grow professionally. For this, it is not necessary to attend continuing education courses after work. Today, there are special online resources that offer online training on a wide variety of profiles.
  2. Evaluate your existing skills. Experts recommend daily compiling a list of the main tasks that you did during the work day. Next, you should write what skills you used. By the end of summer you will have a long list of your tasks and skills. This list of achievements is very useful. He will help you to conduct a conversation with the boss about the increase more reasonably.

Suggest ideas and help colleagues

Summer is a good time to contribute to the office during the holiday season. Even if you are not a boss, but an ordinary member of the team, do not hesitate to offer useful ideas.

You can offer your colleagues a work plan that will help them complete all their tasks before the holidays. This will allow your employees to feel relaxed during their holidays. During the holidays, when many employees are absent, suggest the optimal distribution of responsibilities among all team members. This is your chance to show your leadership skills.

Experts believe that the most difficult time is the day before going on vacation and the first day of going to work after a summer vacation. Try to pay attention to colleagues during this period. After all, before the vacation they need to complete all things, and after the rest - to get involved in the work. Offer your colleagues help during this period. Management will appreciate your contribution to the common cause.

Tackle difficult things

In office work, there may be such things that your colleagues avoid doing. Usually these are routine and monotonous duties. Their implementation takes a lot of time.

For example, you need to make a call to a long list of potential customers. This is a simple job, but it requires considerable time.

In the summer, take on those matters that your colleagues refuse. Of course, their implementation will take a lot of time. But this will be your advantage when it comes to promotion. After all, you removed from the agenda of your boss a task that for a long time remained unresolved.

Willingness to take on such a job speaks of your hard work and team spirit. It is these qualities that management takes into account when nominating an employee for promotion.


It may be difficult for you to work in the summer when other people are resting. But your efforts will pay off in the long run. This will put you on the path to career success. Summer workers have much more career opportunities in the fall.

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