
Faced with rudeness and rudeness? How can you put people in their place and not aggravate the situation?

People have a different character and temperament, so their behavior is different. Increasingly, we are faced with rudeness when we have dinner at a restaurant or buy some goods in stores. It seems that rudeness and disrespect for others have already become the norm. But the quite natural question arises as to why we are obliged to endure this. Everyone deserves respect, so he must be able to fend for himself. There are several effective methods for putting others in place without exacerbating the conflict situation. About them will be described later.

Understand that nothing is new in rudeness

Regrettably as it may sound, rudeness is a natural and integral component of human nature. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his writings wrote that the young generation is growing rude and disrespectful to old people.

At first, rudeness comes from a lack of understanding of many important aspects, but later it becomes a habit and people already cease to control themselves. They consider their behavior normal, and concepts such as kindness, compassion and sympathy as a manifestation of weakness. Moreover, the worst thing is that rudeness is contagious. It is transmitted to others, as a result of which the society is decomposed.

Therefore, you must understand that insults and rude behavior are harmful to you in the first place. Because of it, you begin to feel worse, and your labor productivity drops dramatically. Realizing this simple truth, you will be able to change your life for the better.

Break the spiral of rudeness

Rudeness is a disease that can cause a chain reaction that can ruin the mood for the rest of the day, both with you and others. For example, you were driving your car to work, and another driver brazenly cut you or did not give way. Similar situations occur daily around the world, leaving behind an unpleasant bitterness and disappointment. But, fortunately, you can break this vicious circle by responding to an insult or insult with kindness.

Do not take rudeness at your own expense

You must realize that rude behavior is not just a negative quality of another person, but a real illness. To defeat her, you must learn not to accept rudeness in your address and not to respond to it with rudeness. It will only aggravate the situation and further rekindle the conflict, as a result of which it can even reach a fight.

Instead, skip everything that was said past your ears and sympathize with your offender. Perhaps he had a bad day or some kind of grief happened in his family, and you just fell under a hot hand. If you were treated rudely, just turn around and leave. Do not succumb to this disease and be above all this.

Respond to rudeness with kindness

People are used to the fact that others respond to their rudeness in the same way. They have such a stereotype that everyone is the same. To dispel it and make society better by curing it of rudeness, it is necessary to respond with kindness in response to negative behavior. If you are happy and everything is good in your life, then it will not be difficult to remain friendly and positive. If you are so, then your abuser will be in an awkward position. He will have only one way out, namely to pull himself together and calm down. Over time, rude people will begin to adapt and change for the better.

Joke to make contact

If you communicate with humor, then you will greatly relieve the prevailing tension.As a rule, people begin to be rude when they are angry, worried, or upset about something. You can laugh at jokes together and cheer each other up. For example, with the irony in your voice, you can share your own negative experiences with a participant in the conflict. This will allow you to start a dialogue from scratch without joint complaints and grievances.

Do not escalate the situation

Was humor and kindness powerless to break the spiral of rudeness? You should not add oil to the fire and even more inflame the current situation. You should always be able to control yourself regardless of the circumstances. Otherwise, you will depend on others, gradually becoming infected with the disease of rudeness and anger. And if you can’t keep calm, then just leave and do not lose your dignity.

Show empathy and empathy

Each of us in difficult periods of life needs the support of others, so as not to feel alone. Faced with rudeness, try to understand why a person behaves this way. If the reason is that your interlocutor had some kind of trouble, then show him your empathy.

Perhaps the tips described above will not help you and your abuser will continue to behave in an inappropriate way. Unfortunately, this happens. But you should not give up. Show others that it is much better to be polite and courteous, not breaking into others because of your problems or bad mood. This leaves a small chance for positive changes in our society.

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