
Harsh reality: the girl frankly told what it means to be a boss for herself

Many, dreaming of starting their own business, are tired of working on a tight schedule from nine to five, being there with noisy colleagues, imagine themselves on a snow-white liner with a laptop in their hands. Indeed, it is in such pastel colors that stories are presented on social networks. But what in reality?

Being an “entrepreneur” or “business owner” has never been a more seductive concept. If you can imagine how to knock on a laptop, sipping bottomless lattes in a chic cafe, then you need to say goodbye to such fantasies more quickly if you go on an independent voyage.

Although it is incredibly cool in many ways, it’s worth considering the harsh and sometimes brutal reality of the brilliant mirage of “being your own boss”.

Benefits of doing it yourself

The best part of all this? You can manage your personal time. You don’t need to apply for the days “at your own expense” to go to a wedding, a reception or a vacation, and you can drop by your table in a stained bathrobe without a single drop of shame.

Yes, you are the CEO and you can be proud of it if you remain strong. After all, at the same time you are also an assistant administrator, taking care that the business continues to grow. When your site is down or you lose an important document, guess what will happen? You become an IT specialist. Problems grow in a snowball, and you are not thinking about a strip of beach with an endless blue ocean, but about the fact that there are so few hours in a day to manage to do all the most urgent things.

Want to solve all this? Then you will have to find out how anger at work can help you succeed.

A small part of daily activities

You are in arrears, you are a salesperson, creative department, “costumes”, business development manager, public relations officer, social networks manager, intermediary and postman.

Do customers pay bills late? You must take action. Need to create three business offers in the next 24 hours? You will have to do it. Do you have a difficult question to discuss with your client? Look for free time. Desperately need to exchange ideas with the team? Get ready to look vigorously and sparkle with the fireworks of smart offers.

Did you fight for the rights of feminists? Hooray! Enjoy now and drink the full cup of responsibility.

These are hidden issues that we don’t often hear at the Be Your Own Boss webinars.

Professional loneliness

But if you are an independent business leader - your vocation, then you will be happy to work alone. You will consult and attend events. But there is another hidden side that is not much talked about.

There will not be a single soul around you. Only you and virtual reality. There will be noisy and annoying colleagues at times, there will be no one to exchange news with, discuss new shoes and complain about the weather. No one will compliment you or suggest going to the cafe for lunch. The study showed that professional loneliness torments entrepreneurs and individual workers more than their colleagues from the office, and is also one of the causes of burnout.

Now you can talk about pleasant

Now that you know what difficulties an independent journey into the world of business threatens you with, and it doesn’t scare you, you can talk about how great your own show can be. Personal business is a large school of entrepreneurship in which you will learn new skills in a short time.

You will learn how to negotiate salaries and contracts, understand people and build business relationships. Every day you will look for new information, because solving problems will require knowledge in various fields. You will forget about modesty in order to present yourself and your business from the advantageous side.

You will begin to win customers, create successful strategies and help people improve their business. Your failures will teach you to change tactics, and success will be a confirmation that you are doing the right thing. There is something especially pleasant in that each ruble that you earn comes from the opportunities that you have discovered for yourself.

Take the first step

If you want to apply for resignation and go to this cafe with a laptop in hand, do it. You are now armed with knowledge of the invisible challenges that accompany your shiny new “boss to yourself” badge.

But the path to independent work is not to choose a cozy cafe with the Internet. Be ready to fight the monotonous everyday life at the computer, forget about walking with friends, gather all your courage necessary on the road to success, and act.

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