
Signs of good luck: 5 palm markings guaranteeing wealth and success

The palm of a person can tell a lot about his fate. Each mark and line has a certain meaning, so if you can interpret it correctly, you can find out how long we will live, whether we will have wealth or have to make ends meet all our lives, how many times we get married and much more. The science of arm predictions is called palmistry. It originated in the distant past, but today it is very popular. Let's talk about it in more detail.

general information

The exact place and time of the origin of palmistry remains unknown. But scientists agree that it appeared somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula, from where it then came to China and India. Today, divination by hand is common throughout the world.

This science can tell not only about the past and future of a person, but also about his character, personal qualities and much more. Predictions are based on marks on the palms, which are called papillary or flexor lines. Depending on the length, bends and marks, their value also changes.

For many centuries, palmistry has been rejected by the traditional sciences and psychology, since it refers to the occult, which has no evidence. Nevertheless, there were many well-known predictors who, with high accuracy and informativeness, told everything about a person using only a palm. Therefore, it is also impossible to completely deny the veracity of this method.

If you want to learn how to read fortunetelling, you must have an idea of ​​the meaning of lines, hills and various signs. There are quite a lot of them, so we will look at the most common and common tags below, based on which you can make certain forecasts.

Fish sign

It is located in the lower part of the palm and together with the line of life forms a small oval. As a rule, this sign is found among successful and wealthy people. At the same time, they cannot be called hunks, because without a twinge of conscience they are always ready to share everything they have with their loved ones.

In addition, those marked with “fish” have a fear of water. They try to stay away from her, because they think that she can harm them. Also, as practice shows, they often have various problems with the nose.

"Fish" are small and large. The latter is considered the happiest. In this case, it does not matter where the sign is located. The brighter it is expressed and larger in size, the better. He points out that a person is a strong and freedom-loving person, has an analytical mindset and good intellectual abilities, knows how to make money and will achieve great results in life.

In women, a large “fish” in the palm of your hand can mean that she will marry very successfully. Especially such a prediction will be true if the sign is on the right hand, because it is she who is responsible for material wealth. If marriage is not part of the girl’s plans, then the mark indicates career success. In general, the “fish” sign indicates that life will turn out very well, and any desires will be easily fulfilled. It does not matter what they relate to - money, children, career, fame or anything else.

If the mark is not oval, but the line of life at the end is divided into two branches, then it is called a fish tail. He is already not so good, because most often indicates the presence of any hereditary disease. People with this sign should be more serious about their health.

"Check mark"

This mark is a vertical strip passing through the line of life.She goes to the top of Jupiter, located under the index finger. If there is a square at the bottom, then this is a good sign. It indicates longevity and a happy old age, as well as the great success of people associated with literary activity and writing.

Lotus sign

It has a triangular shape and is located at the end of the line of life. Such a sign is most often observed in smart, educated and spiritually developed people, capable of many great acts.

House sign

In the Indian practice of palmistry, it is described as a square with a triangular ending on top. It resembles a house, for which he received his name. It is located under the index finger, but is extremely rare in humans.

This sign symbolizes a born leader with strong strong-willed qualities, able to manage and make money. As a rule, they always achieve everything they want, and build a successful career. An interesting fact is that such a mark was in the hands of many representatives of the royal families. In addition, he met with the great reformers and famous social figures. In addition to financial independence, the "home" indicates fame and glory.

Line of fate

It passes in the center of the palm and crosses all the main stripes. If the line has no breaks and branches, then this is a very good sign. He talks about prosperity and success in any financial matters. If the line of fate is double, then a person can have several sources of income at once. As a rule, this is observed among businessmen and millionaires who have made a fortune.

To believe in predictions by palm or not - each person decides for himself. But practice shows that they really work. Why so, the scientists have not been able to explain, but the fact remains. And we can only accept and believe in it. Most importantly, try to always live for your pleasure and enjoy every new day, as well as receive exclusively positive emotions.

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