
An entrepreneur friend’s blog has good traffic. He told how he prepares content for him.

The process of mastering new marketing tools naturally pushes into the past many of the usual ways to attract an audience. But blogs do not belong to such methods - they are still considered one of the basic means of conveying valuable information to the client. Another thing is that the conditions of fierce competition force content authors to develop increasingly effective methods for its creation. Notable success in this matter was made by my entrepreneur friend, who has consistently high traffic with good sales effect. He gives only 3 tips for preparing actionable blog content.

1. Adaptation to the target audience

It might seem that a wide coverage of topics in the text itself is good. This makes it possible to appeal to a variety of users, many of which may well pass to the target audience. But, according to a friend, this is an erroneous opinion. A blog should be formed from specific topics directly related to the niche in which the company is represented. Moreover, the specialization of content with all the details and nuances of the disclosed issue will just remove the text from the general competitive mass and make it unique.

But will such a blog give the same traffic in the right amount? Practice shows that this task is also realized if the keywords with general optimization are used correctly. In its niche, this content will be more preferable from the point of view of search engines. And most importantly - the majority of attracted visitors will come precisely for the goods or information that they wanted to find.

2. Analytical work

The technical formation of content in terms of optimization is difficult to perform without the availability of baseline data on how a certain audience, in principle, can perceive certain material. This applies to the style of the text, a set of keywords, volume and other parameters that are perceived differently in different consumer segments.

Accordingly, research should be conducted on the image of the ideal consumer. It is best to immediately proceed to assess his reactions to the texts, for example, on the site of a competitor. Does he believe in specific blog material? How does he react to keywords? What interests him the most? All this should be taken into account when formulating content requirements.

3. Modify Blog Pages

After writing the text, you need to think about ways to optimize it on the page. All possible means should be used, but in a reasonable balanced form. The basis will traditionally be links to external resources, which should be initially correctly selected in terms of relevance to the topic. According to a friend, even links to direct competitor sites can be beneficial.

Also, keywords are being worked out in headings, meta descriptions, multimedia inserts, etc. Proper structuring of the text on the blog page will perform two tasks. Firstly, it will increase the relevance of the content, while maintaining the reliability of the resource in principle. Secondly, it will give enormous advantages to visitors who are more likely to turn into customer status precisely because of the provision of convenient material for their perception and valuable in content.


Against the background of a constant increase in the number of blogs, a modern entrepreneur simply cannot ignore the problems of the survival of his information channel in the general competitive environment.You can solve these problems in different ways, but emphasis on the proposed principles for creating content, at least, will give high chances of upholding your positions in a specific niche. Further, everything will depend on the quality of the implementation of the tasks.

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