
Improves memory, helps focus: how the habit of writing by hand can increase productivity

In the world of laptops and mobile devices, it’s hard to imagine anyone using the good old handwriting technique. Most people consider this a good experience, but others call it obsolete and impractical in the 21st century. But this is much more than just a letter. In fact, it turned out that handwriting can improve your productivity in many ways. Various studies prove the potential for cursive writing. Below are a few of them.

Handwriting helps focus

This activity encourages you to focus on what you should do, rather than putting aside and focusing on things around you. This allows authors to delve deeper into the work. Unlike typing, cursive writing is not an automated activity. When we print letters using digital devices, we basically repeat the known steps and don’t think about it at all. Handwriting, on the other hand, makes people pay attention to certain things. Each letter here matters, so you need to be focused 100% of the time. Nowadays, many people use apps to prevent procrastination to ensure peace of mind, but handwriting can be a simpler solution.

Handwriting makes brainstorming easier

Brainstorming is a mental activity that allows you to independently generate fresh ideas in a relatively short time. However, the process will go faster and easier if you write down your random thoughts, suggestions and concepts. This allows you to sketch and mark alternative sentences, no matter how strange or meaningless they may seem. Ideas recorded in a text document do not count because typing is too mechanical. Use your hands and pen. This will free you from creative barriers and provide an incentive to create a true idea.

Writing by hand improves memory

Do you know that this can improve your memory? This scientific fact shows that writing by hand enhances a person’s potential in terms of preserving information and developing fresh ideas. Studies prove that typing and handwriting give almost the same results when it comes to the huge amount of information that students, for example, write. But the big difference is that handwritten notes help students really understand the material and ideas. This happens because typing is an automatic work, and the manuscript requires much more effort and participation from students.

Freehand writing enhances creativity

Another advantage of handwritten notes is to enhance your creativity. First of all, it makes you train and improve the result over time. The practice is perfect. But this is not the only way to enhance creative skills. Various studies show that handwritten notes actually stimulate cognitive processes in the brain and force people to establish logical connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. This is what happens to people when they want to engage in any other type of intellectual activity. They must establish the relationship between different ideas and find a way to make them work together.

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