
Investments from 100 000 rubles, quick payback, profit in the first year. Businessman told how to make money on teeth whitening

In today's world, people pay great attention to their own appearance, which also implies a snow-white smile. While some spend money on looking perfect, others organize a business and earn money by offering people to whiten their teeth and become even more beautiful. Express tooth whitening has already become a business, and some entrepreneurs have even launched a franchise. The businessman told how to make money on teeth whitening.

Franchise Founder Shares Experience

Alexander Voronin, an entrepreneur from Novosibirsk, opened his first studio six years ago. He believes that from a legal point of view, everything is fair, since whitening does not produce dangerous manipulations and does not make a diagnosis.

A few years ago, he drew attention to a promising field of activity and did not fail. Starting investments are only 150 thousand rubles and pay off already in the third month of the studio.

The founder of the White Smile franchise purchases dental cosmetics and equipment from a French manufacturer. The total investment amounted to 2.5 million rubles, of which half a million had to be spent on the launch of the first studio.

When Alexander Voronin entered the market, there was still no demand for the service, so I had to actively advertise. After almost a year, net profit amounted to more than four hundred thousand rubles.

It is important to know

In theory, the concept of such a business seems ideal. The size of the minimum investment is only 100 thousand rubles. In addition, the creators of the franchise promise not only a quick payback, but also a profit in the first year.

However, they are often silent about the fact that this is not an easy procedure, which can only be carried out by specialists. Moreover, experts doubt the safety of the procedure.

Nevertheless, the market for express whitening is booming.

High demand

The main customers of this service are middle-class representatives. In just fifteen minutes they are offered to get a snow-white smile and part with three thousand rubles.

In large cities, cab studios that offer this service appear with incredible speed. The market volume, according to the expert, is growing no less rapidly and is approaching the amount of five hundred million rubles.

The main share is made up of representatives of small businesses who purchase inexpensive franchises. It can be students with the necessary amount, young mothers and office employees, that is, anyone. Such people are attracted by high profitability, which is 350%.

Experts say that technology can be hazardous to health. This business has risks that, judging by the number of open accounts, many simply ignore.

The trick of businessmen

Cosmetic whitening studio often resembles a dentist’s office - the same chair, a set of tools, etc.

First, the client is offered to clean his teeth with a special napkin, and then the initial shade is measured. After this simple procedure, they put on a mouthpiece containing a bleaching substance, and turn on the LED lamp, which activates its action.

According to the regulations, the concentration of the active substance should be no more than 6%. This is the maximum figure for cosmetics. After 15 minutes, the capa is removed and the shade is measured again.

The trick is that legally, specialists do not provide a service, but a kit for the procedure, as well as a place and an LED lamp.This is completely legal, as cosmetic whitening does not require strict compliance with strict regulations. That's why the franchise is incredibly in demand, and anyone can start it.

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