
Turn off the TV and do holiday shopping after the holidays: easy ways to save money on familiar things

Probably, many had to notice that as soon as incomes began to grow, expenses immediately followed by them. And good intentions aimed at saving money, and remain intentions. In this case, you should admit to yourself that you are poorly managing your finances.

Experts give some tips, which, on the one hand, are funny, and on the other, quite useful, able to give a positive result in handling money.

Less often turn on and turn off the TV more often

Probably, advice to get rid of the TV altogether will be very categorical. But the recommendation that you turn it on less often and turn it off more often is worth considering. This will be followed by a number of positive points.

Firstly, the impact of advertising on your psyche will be reduced, and, therefore, you will spend less. Secondly, you will have more free time, and you can use it to organize your business or for self-development. And thirdly, electricity will be saved.

Get presents after the holidays

After the pre-holiday hype subsides, it becomes possible to buy gifts at a lower price. For example, you can buy cheaper Christmas tree decorations after the New Year holidays and hide them until next year.

This method can be used with regards to birthday gifts. Having stumbled upon an advantageous offer related to the toy your child dreams of, buy it in advance, albeit long before the birthday. This way you can save significant amounts for your family budget.

Apply the thirty day rule

This rule will help you avoid the temptation to make an impulsive purchase. When you suddenly really wanted to buy something (especially if it is a large and unplanned acquisition), pause. And this pause should be more authentic.

Well, if you give yourself the opportunity to think thirty days. As practice shows, after this period, what a man longed for, seems to him completely unnecessary.

Make a weekly menu

This approach seems very rational. He will help determine the purchase of the necessary products for all seven subsequent days. At the same time, having everything at hand, you will cook more conveniently, the diet will be more diverse, and extra spontaneous costs will disappear.

Observe the speed limit

Those who love a fast ride, not only feel pleasure, but also spend a lot on fuel. In addition, violating traffic rules, you have to pay fines. In this case, it would be advisable to reconsider your attitude to the speedometer. Indeed, not only budget savings depend on this, but also your safety, as well as the safety of people close to you.

Review prices in contracts

In order to save the family budget, they should review contracts concluded with television and Internet providers with telephone companies once a year.

This must be done because often new customers are offered services at lower prices. If you have been a customer for many years, then you may not receive offers about cheap tariffs.

Remember the ten second rule

If you find yourself in a store without a shopping list, you are tempted to buy additional unnecessary items. And to avoid it, you can use the ten-second rule.

Before you put something in the basket, you need to stop and think for ten seconds: do I really need it? And if you are not sure, put the goods back on the shelf.

Do not shop in the first three days after payment

It was during this period that people are most susceptible to impulse shopping. And in order to resist it, it is better to buy in advance what is needed these days. Otherwise, a trip for bread may result in unplanned expenses.

Use the five envelope rule

Divide your monthly salary into five equal parts. Spend money from only one out of four envelope each week. And leave the fifth at the end of the month and for unforeseen expenses. And if this money is not spent, set it aside for the future.

Organize joint trips

If one of the colleagues living near you, or from friends working near your institution, like you, has a car, it makes sense to cooperate with him. Make arrangements for joint trips and change cars in turn. In this way, both fuel consumption and vehicle wear can be reduced by exactly half.

Inflate the wheels and clean the air filter

When filling the wheels with air, you can save a significant amount of fuel. To do this, you need to check the pressure level, figuring out whether it corresponds to the recommended. A clean air filter also helps to reduce fuel consumption by 7%. It can be cleaned in a few minutes, following the instructions attached to the manual for the car.

Entrust shopping to a woman

According to studies, more money is spent on spontaneous purchases by men. And while they are less upset by this than the fairer sex. In this regard, if you want to quickly repay the loan or go on vacation with your family, you should trust women to make serious purchases or go to the store with them.

Exchange services with friends

If you are good at computer work and your friend is a certified lawyer, why don't you help each other? You repair his computer, and he helps you make a statement of claim and gives valuable advice regarding the upcoming lawsuit.

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