
Registration for migration registration: application, documents, deadlines

Upon arrival in Russia, every foreigner is required to register with the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The registration procedure is needed to maintain the safety of people in the country. It also allows a visitor to legalize their presence in the Russian Federation. Details on why migration registration is needed and how it is carried out are described below.

The legislative framework

According to the Federal Law No. 109, the rules for applying for migration registration of foreigners are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as international / federal / regional laws, including:

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 881;
  • Federal Law No. 163 (on amending Federal Law No. 109 as to where the newcomer should stay).

In paragraph 8. Federal Law No. 109, the grounds for registration of a migrant are clearly indicated. This is a fact of entry and loss of Russian citizenship while in the country. Important: the presence of relatives of the arrived person in the state does not exempt him from the need to comply with the migration legislation of the Russian Federation.

Do I need to register?

Yes, registration with migration registration is required. It allows employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to track movements along the border of the Russian Federation. All data about the arrived person is entered in the migration card - a document on the basis of which subsequently drawn up so needed papers, such as a residence permit. The migration card is filled out before arrival at the border control. An officer seals her there.

Required documents

Registration term

The term of registration for migration registration of foreign citizens is limited to 7 days (Federal Law No. 109). Time for Belarusians and citizens of some countries increased to 1 month. If a migrant settles in a hotel, the director of the institution is obliged to report about it until the evening of the same day. He must do it by law.

Time spent in Russia in 2018

According to the rules, a migrant can stay in Russia up to 1 quarter. Next, you need to go home, if there is no legal reason to delay. He can return in 3 months. There are exceptions to the rule. On RVP, a migrant is allowed to live in Russia up to 3 years, on residence permit - at least 5 years. At the same time, for residents of countries with which the Russian Federation has developed simplified visa relations, the residence time is 1-2 quarters (depends on the purpose of arrival).

How to register for migration?

Before arriving in the country, a foreigner fills out a migrant card and presents it to an officer at the border control for stamping. Then everything happens in this sequence:

  1. The receiving party, having filled in the registration form for a foreign citizen, assigns it to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs along with other documents.
  2. The employees of the instance, having carefully checked the information received, enter it into a special database and affix stamps.
  3. The applicant accepts part of the document and passes it to the visitor.
  4. From that moment on, his presence in the country was legalized.

Registration for migration registration of foreign citizens is a simple procedure. The main thing is to do everything correctly and in a timely manner.

migration registration form

List of required documents

Registration for migration records of citizens arriving in Russia from other countries begins with the collection of documents. Especially a lot of paperwork will have to those who receive a foreign guest. They are required to obtain the necessary certificates from a foreigner, collect their papers, draw up an application for registration with the migration register. And then, when the documents are prepared, take them to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For foreigners

In order to get registered with a migrant, a visitor should submit a visa, passport or permits at the place of requirement. Still, according to Art.17 of the Federal Law No. 109, instance staff may require additional papers: residence permit, RVP and a document on the right to use the house / apartment.

From the host

When applying for migration registration of foreign citizens, documents will be required. Individuals or organizations can submit them. The first should bring to the destination:

  • Migrant card and passport;
  • identity card of the individual himself;
  • contract of purchase or rental of housing;
  • visa (if applicable).

The following documents will be required from companies when applying for migration registration:

  • passport of the owner of the PAO or JSC;
  • certificate of registration and TIN of the enterprise;
  • extracts from YEGURL and statistical authorities (for 60 days!);
  • information about the organization - its address, phone number;
  • alien arrival notice and employment contract.

All documents are submitted in 2 copies: original and copies. The registration form for a foreigner is filled in by the receiving party. She can do this by typing in a form or by hand. Necessarily in Russian, without blots. Signatures must be made at the end of the form. If the organization is engaged in registration - the press. The completed form should be submitted to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in one package with other documents.

documents for migration registration

Where to go?

08. 07. 2018 was updated Federal Law No. 163. According to it, a foreigner can now register only at the place of actual location. There are no exceptions to this rule. To register, you can contact:

  1. In the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is the main state agency registering people who have arrived from abroad. The registration procedure is described above. It is produced on weekdays. Reception hours are best to clarify in advance.
  2. At the MFC. To register for migration, you should make an appointment with your local authority. Then submit the necessary documents and immediately get the result. You do not need to wait for anything, the whole procedure takes 1 day. Queues, as a rule, do not happen.

You can still register on the Internet. To do this, you need to register on the portal "State Services". Then go to the main page, select "Authorities". After opening a new window, click on "GUVM MVD". So it will be easier to find the right service. After moving to another page, you should find in the long list the inscription "Implementation of migration registration ...", click on it. Next, select the desired electronic service and follow the prompts of the system.

The host

According to paragraph 7 of Art. 2 of Federal Law No. 109, in the Russian Federation, registration of a migrant must be carried out by local citizens / companies. As a host country in Russia for foreigners can be:

  • organizations that can provide migrant housing;
  • government agencies or branches;
  • individuals, including those who have a RVP or a residence permit;
  • highly qualified specialists who are not Russian citizens, but who have a house / apartment (the right to register family members);
  • hotel / hostel administration.

In 2018, you can register exclusively at the location. And provided that the receiving party is able to provide housing that meets the standards. This is 4 square meters. meter per person, water and toilet availability, cleanliness, etc.

The responsibilities of the receiving party include the timely provision of information on arrival to the appropriate authorities. She should help register a migrant. Important: employers have the right to register migrants only after passing accreditation in the right instance. And no other way.

sample form

Migration registration of minors

If a foreigner takes a child with him to Russia, he must register him upon arrival at the place. The procedure is the same as for adults. To register a child at the place of stay, you need to take a birth certificate or passport (if the teenager is over 14 years old), an immigration card and VHI policy. A person who accepts citizens will need a certificate for a house / apartment. All documents must be submitted at the destination.

Registration of foreign children is done within 7 days. Exceptions are provided for Tajiks, they can register within 2 weeks. And also for residents of the EAEU countries, they are given 1 month for this. Children of migrants can stay in the Russian Federation for 3 months, then they must go home.

Is it possible to extend?

The extension of migration registration of foreign citizens in 2018 is indeed provided for. It can be carried out with:

  • registration of RVM, residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • an employer submits to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs an application to extend the period of stay (time increases by 1 year);
  • the search for a citizen of another country of political asylum in the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of a competently executed patent for a job;
  • studying at Russian universities (you can not leave until graduation).

In addition, the extension of the time of stay is possible on the basis of a medical report, which clearly states that a citizen cannot leave the country due to a serious illness. Important: the host should be directly involved in the process. If he wants the migrant to leave, he cannot stay.

extend registration

How to unregister?

Removal from migration registration of foreign citizens in 2018 is regulated by Art. 23 Federal Law No. 109. According to it, the reasons for this may be:

  • the fact of leaving the Russian Federation or the death of a foreigner;
  • recognition by a court of a migrant as missing;
  • obtaining Russian citizenship and some others.

As soon as a citizen leaves the country, specialists working at the border control report this to the migration registration authorities within 24 hours. No further action is required. If he dies / is declared absent, this is done by the registry office on the basis of documents received from the court.

Responsibility for violation of migration legislation

As noted above, all foreigners who arrived in Russia must pass migration control. If they violate the regime of stay, fail to submit documents or lose those papers that prove their right to reside in the Russian Federation, they will be punished. They will either be expelled from the country, or fined 2-7 thousand rubles. In addition, an entry ban may be imposed. It is worth noting that not only foreigners, but also those who accept it can be punished. The penalty for untimely registration for migration registration for them will be from 2 thousand to 1 million rubles. Organizations may still face a suspension of work for 1 quarter.

fine for violation of migration regulations

For citizens of the CIS countries

For residents of the CIS countries, a special order of arrival and registration in Russia is not provided. They must submit all the same documents listed above. The only “but”: they are allowed to stay a little longer without registration than the rest. Not for everyone, but only for residents:

  1. Belarus. Registration time - up to 30 days from the moment of entry into the country, stay - up to 3 months. Then the Belarusian must leave the Russian Federation or prolong the registration for 1 year, if there is a valid labor contract.
  2. Kazakhstan. Duration of staging - up to 1 month, stay - up to 1 quarter. Then, residents of Kazakhstan must leave or roll out registration. If you have a valid labor contract, they can stay for 1 year.
  3. Kyrgyzstan. For citizens of this state, the registration period is 1 month from entry into the country. Possible stay is 3 months. Then the Kyrgyz should cross the border in the opposite direction.
  4. Armenia. For Armenians, the registration deadline in 2018 is 30 days from the moment of arrival in the Russian Federation. The permitted residence time is 3 months. Then they should do the same as the residents of other countries listed above.

For residents of Tajikistan, the period of registration for migration registration is 15 days, and stay - up to 1 quarter. Then the Tajiks must leave or renew their registration. It is worth noting that without going through the procedure, the stay of citizens of this or any other country is considered illegal. The same applies to citizens of Uzbekistan and Moldova.Violation of registration rules is punishable by law.

length of stay of migrants in the country

To summarize

So, all citizens who decide to come to Russia are obliged to get on the migration register. The procedure for them is approximately the same. But the list of documents may vary (see above). But if difficulties arise during the procedure, you can always contact an experienced lawyer. The specialist will help fill out the forms and submit them to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the IFC.

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