
Rail Safety Rules

Today’s topic is “Rail Safety Rules”. Many people die for various reasons: someone dies voluntarily, rushing under a train, dying due to heedlessness, car collisions occur at railway crossings. Let's talk about it.

Flooring transition

Consider the basic safety rules on the ways

So, a memo:

  • You can not cross the railway in places not equipped for this, and run across in front of the train - the train cannot stop instantly.
  • It is necessary to carry out the transition on special bridges, pedestrian decks and level crossings.
  • Pay attention to the signs, listen to voice alerts and alerts.
  • You can not ride on the roofs of cars and footboards.
  • It is forbidden to go out on the inter-blast after the composition has passed, it is necessary to make sure that no other follows.
  • It is unacceptable to climb under the cars, the train may suddenly start.
  • You can’t climb onto the roof of cars for the purpose of photographing, there is a very high voltage.

Consider the rules of conduct on the train. It is impossible:

  • Get up and sit on the train.
  • Entering the carriage, and vice versa, is necessary when the train stops completely.

You can not be near the railway in a state of intoxication. It is in a relaxed state that a person becomes fearless, does not control his actions.

Rules of conduct for children

Memo for parents

Adults should be aware of railway safety rules and explain them to children. So:

  • In no case should you leave children unattended near the railway, this can end tragically.
  • Being close to and directly at railway facilities, kids need to be held in their arms or closer to themselves.
  • It should be explained to children that the railway is a place of high risk for health and life, but not for pleasure walks and games.
  • Do not throw objects and stones on the rails, this can cause death.

Preventive conversations should also be conducted by class teachers, teachers and educators.

Rules of conduct on the platform

So, the rules of conduct for children on the railway

Kids can not be there without adult supervision, as well as:

  • Crawl under the wagons and in the places of their coupling.
  • Drop into the car on the go.
  • Stay out of the windows.
  • Walk the paths.
  • Come closer to them than five meters.
  • Cross the rails without making sure of safety.
  • Cross paths in headphones with music playing in them.
  • If the distance to the approaching train is less than 400 meters, movement cannot be made.

Tragedies happen because of the negligent, careless, indifferent attitude of adults towards children. For various reasons, children and adolescents play unattended on the railway, thereby jeopardizing their own lives. What else you need to know about rail safety for children.

Railway danger

Why is injuries not decreasing?

There are many tragic stories of the death of young people from high voltage in the wires of the contact network. Reaches more than 27 thousand volts. In most cases, people cross the rails to shorten the path. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because you don’t know which branch the train is moving on. Thus, you can easily find yourself under its wheels. And the braking distance of the composition averages about 1 thousand meters.

Most accidents due to collision with people happen in conditions of poor visibility. It can be caused by bad weather conditions and excessive curvature of track sections. And the sound signal is often drowned out by the noise of nearby trains.This is why it is so dangerous to cross the road with headphones while listening to music. Safety rules on the railway must be strictly observed.

It is dangerous to be near the wagons, because even if they are standing, this does not mean that they do not pose a threat to life. And, being in the operating mode, they can start moving at any moment that is unexpected for you, and if clothes cling to the protruding element, they will surely tighten under the carriage.

You need to know one more thing about the safety of railway traffic. It is forbidden to be between two moving trains towards. A huge force of air flow can easily pull under the train.

What else is forbidden to do on the railway?

It does not follow:

  • Move along the rail closer than five meters from them.
  • Jump from the platform on the way.
  • Smoke in wagons in unspecified places.
  • To be closer than two meters from a moving train.
  • Escape to an existing or departing train.

Rail safety is only in your hands. It would seem simple rules, but often people and do not comply with them, and all because of the pursuit of time.

Creating a safe environment

Talk about railway safety

This is a set of coordination and engineering measures and tools that block the exposure of workers to hazardous factors that, under certain conditions, result in personal injury and poor health.

Organizational activities include:

  • Briefing and training in safe practices for railway workers.
  • As well as the use of protective equipment.
  • The development of a regime of work and rest in the conditions of dangerous operations.

Technical measures include:

  • Improving technical operations.
  • Using reliable technology.
  • Installation of safety guards.
  • Creation of automatic alarms, etc.

It is necessary to provide secure work on the tracks. Consider a few more safety rules on the railway, so:

  • In case of emergency evacuation, calm should be observed. Take with you only essentials, documents, money, hand luggage. Large bags should be left in cars so as not to interfere with the passage.
  • Be careful when approaching the level crossing. Do not neglect light and sound signals, and also monitor the position of the barrier. You can cross paths only when it is raised, and in case of absence, if there is no train approaching.
  • Landing and boarding in cars should be carried out only from the apron, after the train stops completely. In this case, you must be careful not to indulge, so as not to fall into the gap between the platform and the car.
  • In passenger trains, it is forbidden to transport substances and materials that are highly flammable and explosive, as well as use electrical appliances: an iron, a hairdryer, an electric kettle, etc.

And be careful when exiting through emergency exits and side doors, there is a danger of getting under a nearby train. So, we examined the basic safety rules on the railway, the main thing is to observe them and educate children.

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