
Rules and terms for checking fire extinguishers

"Trust but check!" - This principle underlies the organization of fire safety in any institution. It is regular checks of the condition of fire extinguishers that guarantee that, if necessary, they will work and will be able to extinguish the flame, saving property and lives. How often and how do I have to monitor OT? Let's find the answer to these questions by considering the timing of the test of fire extinguishers and the basic rules for such events.

The main types of OT

A fire extinguisher is the basic primary fire fighting equipment at any enterprise, in auto and other types of vehicles.

fire extinguisher inspection deadlines

Depending on the active substance inside the bright scarlet balloon, several varieties of such devices are distinguished. The most popular among them are the following:

  1. OU - carbon dioxide OT. Contain liquid CO inside2which, when activated, the device goes into a gaseous state. It acts by lowering the temperature of the fire source below the ignition and displacement point.2 non-combustible CO from the combustion zone2.
  2. OH - freon. They are extinguished due to the refrigerant gas contained in them. Particularly effective against the ignition of electronic equipment, papers, exhibits in museums and other things.
  3. OP - powder. They contain ammonium phosphate salts, Na₂CO₃, K₂CO₃, NaHCO3KHCO3, NaCl, KCl and other fire extinguishing powders. Such OPs are able to cope with almost all classes of fires (including putting out electrical equipment under voltage up to 1 kV).
  4. OV - water OT.
  5. ORP and OHP - foam fire extinguishers on an air or chemical basis.

What documents are drawn up at the enterprise for OT

fire extinguisher inspection deadlines

Each fire extinguisher throughout its operation has a package of papers:

  1. Label. It contains the most important information about OT, as well as a brief instruction on its use.
  2. Technical passport. Issued by the manufacturer. It contains technical data, as well as instructions. Acts as a warranty card. Must be maintained at the enterprise.
  3. Operational passport. Writes out at the time of the formation of the fire extinguisher on the balance of the institution. In addition to the general data copied from the data sheet, it contains information about all manipulations with the device and their results. All checks, as well as reloads, must be recorded here. As well as the results, as well as the cancellation of obsolete devices.
  4. An additional label (tag) is issued after the first inspection of OT. This includes data on the timing of the check and recharge, the weight of the device (for OS, OX).
  5. Magazine. One for all fire fighting equipment registered by the institution. All data from the ES is copied here. In addition to information about the state of fire safety, it can be supplemented by information on a trial procedure. For example, extracts from GOSTs or a memo on the timing of inspection and reloading of fire extinguishers.

OT control: why is it needed

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for regular inspection of the condition of fire extinguishers. This is necessary in order to be sure of their serviceability. So that in case of breakdown of the case and damage to the active substance, diagnose the problem in time and fix it.

Varieties of checks for the degree of thoroughness

There are two types of OT inspection.

Surface. In the literal sense of the word. When carrying out a similar procedure, the following indicators of the device are visually evaluated:

  • the presence / absence of damage to mechanical origin (dents, chips, scratches);
  • readiness for fuse operation;
  • gauge serviceability and pressure level;
  • hose integrity;
  • OT fastening strength;
  • warranty period.

In addition to assessing the appearance of the device, during a surface inspection, the availability of its location is analyzed.

what is the period for checking fire extinguishers

Complete, it’s a thorough inspection of the fire extinguisher. It implies a study of the state of the substance inside the device, as well as its mechanics. The rules for its implementation differ depending on the type of OTV.

Frequency of inspection

The legislation provides for a uniform inspection period for fire extinguishers, as well as the degree of their thoroughness:

  1. Initial surface inspection. It is carried out at registration FROM.
  2. Quarterly surface control.
  3. Six month full check. Not required. It is carried out in cases when the fire extinguishing device is stored in rooms with increased danger (sudden temperature changes, high humidity, the presence of chemical impurities in the air), as well as in fresh air (applies to OT located in motor vehicles).
  4. Annual full inspection. It is mandatory, often accompanied by a recharge.
  5. Five-year verification of the op amp housing using hydrostatic pressure. Only required for this variety.

If for the period of the inspection, the device must be sent to the service, the company should not remain unprotected. Therefore, during such procedures, missing devices should be replaced by backup ones.

According to the norms, in addition to the general terms for checking fire extinguishers, there are requirements for the frequency of OT recharge. Let's find out what they are.

OTV Update Frequency

In addition to checks, OTs need periodic refilling of content. Below is a table. In which it is indicated: what is the inspection period for fire extinguishers applicable to which of their varieties.

fire extinguishers

Also here are data on the recharge of OTs relative to their typology.

As can be seen from the table, the methods for monitoring the state of OTV are different. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Rules and deadlines for checking carbon dioxide and chladone fire extinguishers

OTs based on the use of gaseous substances (OS and OX) are inspected completely once a year. In the case of hazardous storage locations, the inspection time for fire extinguishers OU and OX is reduced to six months.

test period for fire extinguishers op

Inspection of the contents of such devices can be carried out at the enterprise itself:

  1. For this purpose, the cylinder is weighed.
  2. The data obtained are compared with the weight indicated in the data sheet or at the last full check.
  3. Allowed difference is five percent. If loss of HFC or CO2 within the permissible limit, a surface inspection of the OT is carried out, and it is sent to the place.
  4. If the losses are higher, the device must be sent to the service to find the causes, their elimination, as well as refueling.

Inspection of foam fire extinguishers

Regardless of which subspecies (ORP or OHP), it is checked the same way - by weighing.

However, this procedure must be carried out in a specialized institution.

The fact is that (unlike OS and OH), this type of fire extinguisher is necessarily recharged once a year. It is important!

Frequency of inspection of powder OT

The check period for fire extinguishers of OP is similar to OS and OH. But the technique is different. For a complete inspection of the contents of the device, you need to disassemble it. All this should be done only in the service.

The apparatus brought there is opened and the OTV is analyzed according to the following parameters:

  • appearance;
  • flowability;
  • dispersion;
  • humidity;
  • lumpiness;
  • destructible lumps with little physical impact.

If at least one of them does not comply with the norm, refueling is performed.

Unlike carbon dioxide and freon devices, not all OTs that are present at the enterprise are inspected in powder. Any three percent (at least one piece) is sent for verification.

If everything is in order with the inspected fire extinguisher, the whole batch is recognized as fit. If not, all are also recharged or disposed of.

By the way, updating of such devices is mandatory every five years.

Having considered the timing of testing powder fire extinguishers, we turn to the last - OV.

Water Based Inspection Rules

Monitoring the state of OTV in such devices is also carried out only by specialists. It is carried out in this way:

  1. Disassembled the cylinder.
  2. Content is poured into a prepared container.
  3. The condition is being analyzed.
  4. With satisfactory characteristics, the substance is restored and recharging occurs. It is forbidden to use liquids that have not undergone regeneration.
  5. With unsatisfactory indicators, the OTV is disposed of, and a new one is poured into the cylinder.

What regulations govern the timing of checks and recharges?

Having examined the basic rules for inspecting OT, let's find out which of the state standards contains all the information about this.

powder fire extinguisher inspection deadlines

At the moment, relevant in this matter is the Russian GOST R 51057-2001 "Fire fighting equipment. Portable fire extinguishers. General technical requirements. Test methods." As the name implies, here you can find information not only about the timing of checking fire extinguishers, but also about the features of their placement and more.

In addition to this GOST, data on the frequency of control and the procedure for its implementation are contained in the code of rules of joint venture 9.13130.2009 "Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Operation requirements". Please note that the joint venture was created on the basis of GOST R 51057-2001, as well as other standards of their related fields. Their list is contained in the second section "Normative references".

fire extinguisher inspection deadlines

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that although the procedures for monitoring OT sometimes seem like a waste of time and money (it’s easier to “persuade” the inspection to close their eyes to shortcomings), in fact they are a contribution to the future. And so that it is, it is better not to be lazy and timely check the performance of fire extinguishers, at least for their own peace.

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