
Traffic rules "No overtaking": fine

Overtaking is not only difficult, but also a dangerous maneuver. Any violation during its implementation significantly increases the risk of a traffic accident. According to the SDA, overtaking is prohibited in the presence of appropriate road signs, as well as in a number of sections. Non-compliance with the rules entails the imposition of administrative responsibility.

Overtaking: concept

According to the current Rules of the road, this term refers to the advancing of one or several vehicles associated with driving to a lane intended to move in the opposite direction, and then returning to a previously occupied row.

As is clear from the definition, overtaking is a rather dangerous maneuver. When it is committed, the driver must quickly analyze not only the traffic situation, but also correctly assess the capabilities of his car.

A few years ago (until 2010), the term "overtaking" was also understood as an advance. Currently, these concepts differ fundamentally. Overtaking in absolutely all cases is associated with going to the oncoming lane. Advance is just an increase in speed. It is not connected with driving to a strip intended for movement in the opposite direction. The driver can get ahead of the slowly traveling vehicle in the adjacent (passing) row.

The sign "Overtaking is prohibited"

In the SDA of the Russian Federation, this symbol is assigned the number 3.20. The mark belongs to the category of prohibitions. It is installed in areas that are characterized by an increased degree of danger due to limited visibility. An example is a sharp turn or terrain features that do not allow maneuvering according to the rules.

According to traffic rules, the sign "Overtaking is forbidden" has a round shape. On a white background two passenger cars of red and black color are schematically shown. The sign is bordered by a red stripe. The symbol meets all the requirements, including visibility, and therefore it is impossible not to notice it.

No overtaking allowed

The sign "Overtaking for cargo vehicles is prohibited"

Visually, the symbol is very similar to the previous one. The sign also has a round shape, it schematically shows two vehicles. But in this case, there is a black passenger car on the right, and a red truck on the left. This is the fundamental difference between the signs.

In the coverage area of ​​this prohibitory symbol, it is unacceptable to overtake only vehicles whose mass exceeds 3.5 tons. For cars, the mark does not apply.

Action area

This issue is also regulated by the Rules of the Road. According to the SDA, the prohibition signs "Overtaking is prohibited" are terminated:

  • At the nearest road intersection. In other words, after passing the intersection, the driver can safely overtake vehicles moving at a speed that, in his opinion, is insufficient. There is one caveat in this paragraph. It is important to remember that directly at the intersection, overtaking is prohibited by default. Therefore, the start of a maneuver is allowed only directly behind it. But there is one exception. At the intersection of unequal roads, a driver who moves along the main one has the right to overtake. This is due to the fact that motorists located in secondary areas are required to give way.
  • At the place of installation of the symbol denoting the end of a particular locality. Outside the city / village, the sign may be supplemented by various explanatory signs.
  • At the installation location of the “End of overtaking restriction zone” symbol. Outwardly, it looks like a ban.The difference is that all elements are shown in gray on a white background. In addition, cars are crossed out by a line.
  • After overcoming the distance indicated on the explanatory plate. For example, it shows the number 500 with arrows. This means that from the place of installation of the sign and the next half a kilometer overtaking is prohibited. In the SDA there are explanatory plates without arrows. They need to be interpreted as follows: after 500 m (this figure is for example, any number can be indicated), a section will begin on which it is forbidden to overtake vehicles.

There is another sign loved by all drivers. It is called "The End of the Zone of All Restrictions." This is a round sign, nothing is depicted on a white background, it is simply crossed out with a few black lines.

End of restriction zone

Maneuver Rules

All the nuances of overtaking are reflected in Chapter 11 of the SDA. According to this document, the maneuver must be carried out as follows:

  • Just before it starts, the person driving the vehicle is obliged to correctly assess the road situation. What does it mean? First of all, you need to make sure that the strip designed to move in the opposite direction is free at a distance sufficient to overtake. In other words, the driver must be sure that he will not interfere with other participants in the movement and will not provoke an accident. This requirement is very relevant. This is due to the fact that in all cases, going to the oncoming lane is extremely dangerous.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the driver must immediately leave the starting position after assessing the traffic situation. In this case, it is necessary to include a pointer in advance, indicating the intention to turn left. After leaving the oncoming lane, the driver must make a rapprochement with the vehicle moving in front and overtake. If the car is traveling in the opposite direction, while it is already quite close, you should refuse to maneuver and return to the previously occupied row. Regarding turn signals. It should be turned off immediately after the driver is in the oncoming lane. Before returning to the previously occupied lane, turn on the right turn indicator.

You can overtake either one or several vehicles at once.


Actions of the driver of the overtaken car

The complexity of the maneuver also lies in the fact that it is impossible to predict what the person driving the vehicle in front planned. According to the SDA, the driver of the overtaken car must not impede the execution of the maneuver by any action (for example, speeding up).

But in practice, it often happens that such people are shifted to the left, press the fuel pedal more strongly, etc. When such situations arise, it is recommended to refuse to maneuver. It is important to know that when committing an accident, the driver who overtook will be found guilty.

When maneuver is unacceptable

According to the SDA, overtaking is prohibited in the following cases:

  • A vehicle that is moving ahead is already ahead of the curve in the oncoming lane. This is due to the fact that visibility in such situations is minimized, and the risk of accidents is significantly increased.
  • A person who moves in the same lane gives a left turn signal.
  • According to the SDA, overtaking is also prohibited if the car next to the vehicle in front has already begun to maneuver.
  • If the driver is not sure that he will be able to return to the previously occupied position, without creating interference and danger to other road users.

In other words, a maneuver cannot be performed if the cars in front or behind already carry it out.

Invalid actions

Where overtaking is prohibited

The SDA strictly spells out which sections of the carriageway are categorically unacceptable to maneuver.Failure to comply with the rules entails the imposition of administrative responsibility, including the deprivation of a driver’s license.

Where overtaking is prohibited (in the SDA this information is indicated in section 11):

  • At the crossroads. As mentioned above, the exception is when the driver moves along the main road at an unregulated intersection of carriageways.
  • At the pedestrian crossing. In 2014, the traffic rules were amended according to which overtaking in this section is strictly prohibited without exception.
  • At the railway crossing. In this case, the maneuver must be completed no less than 100 m before it. Directly after passing the railway crossing, overtaking is not prohibited (in the absence of prohibition signs).
  • On the bridge, overpass, overpass and in the tunnel. According to traffic rules, overtaking is also prohibited under them. In some cases, bridges are designed in such a way that they are extremely difficult to notice in a timely manner. In addition, in settlements its borders are not indicated in any way. In this regard, when overtaking, drivers should be extremely careful.
  • At the end of the climb, on a dangerous bend, as well as in areas with limited visibility.

Violation of these rules significantly increases the risk of an accident. At the same time, prohibition signs are not established in these areas. Drivers should know by default where overtaking is prohibited by traffic rules. Otherwise, the risk of withdrawing the certificate is high.

Where overtaking is prohibited

Overtaking motorcycles

If this vehicle is without a trailer, then the driver of the car, when making a maneuver, needs to drive quite a bit into the lane intended for traffic in the opposite direction. In this regard, it can be carried out in the area of ​​the sign "Overtaking is prohibited." Violation of traffic rules it will not be.

In addition, mopeds, bicycles, horse-drawn carts and scooters are allowed to overtake mopeds, bicycles, horse-drawn carts and scooters in the area of ​​the prohibition symbol. In such situations, the duration of the maneuver is usually short.

Overtaking low-speed vehicles

One of the most controversial situations among drivers. Vehicles are considered slow-moving, which, due to their design features, cannot reach speeds of more than 30 km / h. These include tractors, pavers, graders, agricultural machinery, etc. According to the SDA, overtaking slow-moving means is allowed in the area of ​​the prohibition symbol.

Many drivers, having made a maneuver, are perplexed why a decision came in their place of residence demanding to pay a fine. The fact is that a vehicle can be overtaken only if a sign is placed on it, indicating that it is slow-moving. Externally, the symbol is presented in the form of a triangle of red, bordered by yellow lines. In this case, the identification mark should be placed at the rear of the vehicle.

Even if an asphalt paver is driving ahead at a speed of 20 km / h, but there is no corresponding symbol on it, overtaking it in the prohibition zone is unacceptable. Despite the impressive congestion that has formed, it is necessary to move after it to the nearest intersection, the end of the village, etc.

Overtaking a low-speed vehicle

Administrative responsibility

If the driver made a maneuver where, according to the SDA, overtaking is prohibited, he will have to be punished. In 2018, changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to this document and traffic rules, when committing a violation for the first time, the driver faces a fine. Its size is 5000 rubles.

When overtaking, many drivers commit a number of violations. In this case, a certificate for a period of 4 months to six months is withdrawn from the person driving the vehicle.

Controversial is the situation when the road is wide and there is no marking on it. If the driver made a maneuver in the area where, according to the SDA, overtaking is prohibited, he will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.But this is only if the wheels of the vehicle would only hit the markings. Thus, drivers should divide the road exactly visually to avoid misunderstandings.

The traffic police inspector stopped


Overtaking is an extremely dangerous maneuver, if improperly observed, the risk of accidents increases significantly. The SDA indicates the areas where it is unacceptable. In addition, section 11 provides information on exceptions. The procedure for imposing administrative responsibility is set forth in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

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