
Rules for transporting animals on Russian Railways

There are rules for transporting animals on the Russian Railways. It is about them that will be discussed in our article. These rules will come in handy for people who like to travel with their pets. Knowing them, you can easily ride with your pets.

Pets are allowed on the Russian Railways on long-distance trains. You can take small pets, dogs, birds and cats with you. But their number should not exceed two pieces in one place. Small animals may be charged separately. It may also be necessary to redeem a coupe. Sometimes, when buying a ticket online, a user near a car may see a gray car with a foot inside. This sign indicates that animals are allowed here. If the image is crossed out in red, then their transportation is prohibited.

Features of transporting animals of different sizes on trains

Rules for transporting animals on Russian Railways trains

When transporting animals to Russian Railways, their owners must ensure compliance with the sanitary-hygienic regime in the train.

Large dogs are transported in a muzzle, on a leash and in a separate compartment of a compartment carriage with payment for the cost of all seats. Additionally, you do not need to pay for the transportation of the animal (buying a luggage ticket for it). The number of dogs and owners in the compartment should not exceed the total number of seats.

How to determine whether your dog is large or small? If she gets in the way with a carrier, the dimensions of which in the sum of 3 measurements do not exceed 180 cm, then your pet belongs to the second category.

Note that you cannot transport birds, animals that can threaten the lives of passengers or railway employees.

For the transport of animals across the territory of the Russian Federation there is no need to draw up a veterinary document, its presentation is not required.

animal transportation rules

Suburban Railways: Pet Transportation Rules

Small dogs are allowed in suburban trains without a container and a muzzle, but on a leash. Cats should be supervised by their companion.

Large dogs must be transported on a leash and in a muzzle. You can travel in local trains in the vestibule of the car. In this case, the animal must be under the supervision of the owner. In this case, a ticket (for luggage) for the dog must be purchased. Fare is charged for both small pets and birds.

Guide dogs for the disabled - a special category of animals

In all types of cars, people with disabilities can carry their guide dogs. No document is issued for such animals. Also, transportation charges are not taken for them. The guide dog should still be wearing a muzzle and a collar. She must be at the feet of the passenger whom she accompanies.

Pets Allowed for Transport on a Train: Who Can Be Transported?

dog transportation

According to the rules for transporting animals on Russian Railways trains, there is a category of animals that can be transported in this way, but there are those that cannot be transported. Now consider both categories. So which animals can I transport? It:

  1. Primates (lemurs, small monkeys, lory). They should be in cages, containers.
  2. Dogs of large breeds. They should be muzzled and on leashes.
  3. Small pets (cats, dwarf pigs, dogs of small breeds, fenech foxes). Animals must be in containers, cages.
  4. Insectivores, i.e. hedgehogs. They should be transported in cages, containers
  5. Arthropods (crustaceans, butterflies, non-toxic spiders). They should be in terrariums.
  6. Predators (ferrets, raccoons and minks). Transported in containers.
  7. Birds. They must be in the cells.
  8. Aquarium fish and shellfish, leeches, etc. Naturally transported in aquariums.
  9. Small non-toxic amphibians such as Spur frogs, axolotls, newts, and tree frogs. These amphibians are transported in cages or in terrariums.
  10. Small reptiles non-toxic (lizards, iguanas, red-eared turtles and chameleons). Transported in cages, terrariums.
  11. Small rodents. On the road, they should be in a cage. Small rodents include:
  • hamsters
  • gerbils;
  • proteins;
  • house mice;
  • decorative rabbits;
  • chinchillas;
  • decorative rats;
  • nutria;
  • Guinea pigs.

Who should not be transported? Prohibited category

The following animals and birds are not allowed to be transported on the Russian Railways train:

  • having a painful appearance;
  • that threaten the life and health of workers and passengers;
  • are not home (indoor);
  • having an unpleasant odor;
  • who exhibit restless or threatening behavior;
  • not tamed;
  • dirty;
  • experimental;
  • who are not accustomed to the container.
transportation of animals on a train

Pet Carriage Cost. How much will it cost to pay for one animal?

The cost of transporting an animal on Russian Railways depends on many factors:

  • from the type of animal;
  • from the number of the tariff zone;
  • from the distance.

On average, the price ranges from 250 to 1300 rubles per pet.

Carriage of animals in wagons: where is it possible?

In a two-seater compartment with a personal shower module and places for lying small animals are allowed. However, you do not need to pay for them. Transportation of large dogs in such conditions is not provided.

transportation of animals

In a double compartment with places for lying, you can carry both small animals and large dogs. But the latter should be no more than one. There is no charge for carriage. In this case, only one passenger should go in the compartment. That is, you need to fully redeem the coupe, paying for all seats.

In a double compartment with seating areas and a shower, small animals can be taken on the train (no fee). Large dogs cannot be transported in such a carriage.

In a four-seater compartment with places for lying, you can carry small animals or one large dog. To do this, you need to redeem all the coupes.

Who can be transported in an open-type reserved seat wagon with seats? Only small animals. In this case, you need to purchase a special baggage ticket. Large dogs in this type of carriage cannot be taken.

In a general open-type carriage with seats, small animals can be transported (large animals are not allowed). In this case, you need to purchase a transportation document.

In a carriage with seats for seats with individual placement, you can carry only small animals (free of charge).

Where are animals prohibited?

Do not transport animals, regardless of size, in:

  1. The car has an improved layout of seats with seats.
  2. A wagon with a standard layout of seats.

How to take animals abroad?

What are the features of transporting Russian Railways animals to other countries?

If you are planning a trip with animals to Belarus or Ukraine, then you need to fully redeem a coupe. Animals weighing up to twenty kilograms must be kept in cages. You need to pay for them as for twenty kilograms of luggage. Large dogs in a separate compartment can be transported, but not more than one animal.

transportation of animals on the train

If you are planning a trip to Europe, the general principles also apply here: small animals are transported as hand luggage, are in containers. You do not need to pay for their transportation. Dogs must be on a leash and in a muzzle. Separately, it is worth specifying about the types of cars in which animals can be transported. It is possible that the purchase of a whole coupe will be required.

You can bring animals to Mongolia, Korea and Vietnam. It is allowed to ride in second-class cars (i.e. a coupe). Moreover, in one should not be more than two animals. All seats in this compartment are certainly redeemed. Note that tickets for dogs are two times cheaper than for humans.


Now you know what the rules for transporting animals on Russian Railways exist today. Adhering to them, you can safely travel with pets without any problems.

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