
Privatization of an apartment through the MFC: documents and terms

Privatization of the apartment can be called quite a laborious and complex process. Currently, it can be performed through multifunctional centers, MFC. It also has a number of its features when carried out by contacting the MFC. The best option would be to preview a detailed guide with answers to all questions of interest on this issue, to be aware of how the privatization of the apartment through the MFC is going on, and which documents will need to be collected.

privatization of apartments through MFC

General information

One of the services provided by multifunctional centers is the privatization of apartments. They began to open, starting in 2013, from January, and provide citizens with many public services. Such centers are convenient in that they center many different services in one building. This organization works as a kind of intermediary for citizens and various authorities. One of the services provided by the MFC is the privatization of the apartment. Carrying out the procedure is much easier through the centers than with the independent collection of all documentation. Various organizations provide all the necessary paperwork to the MFC employees by submitting requests, which makes it easier for a citizen to collect documents, he does not need to go to all instances, and this, in turn, reduces the time for processing. What is the difference between privatization of apartments through the MFC?

Features and Benefits

The most significant advantage of the centers is the concentration of several services in a single organization. MFCs are a kind of intermediaries of citizens with various authorities. Probably the biggest plus is the ability of employees to get different documentation through requests, eliminating the need for self-collection of documents. But this service is not yet available everywhere.

Through the MFC, the privatization of an apartment is much faster than the procedure for registration with a government agency. To get started, you just need to visit the nearest center. The most likely choice is a center located near the privatized housing area. Then an application is submitted for the provision of the service, namely, the registration of the privatization of the apartment through the MFC.

registration of privatization of an apartment through the MFC

Documents required for privatization

Specialists of the department will issue a list of documents required for execution of the registration and a sample of a power of attorney in the event that the applicant is a representative of several or one owners to whom they entrusted the implementation of privatization. The MFC has a rather good support service, and everyone has the opportunity to contact it to find out additional information about receiving services or preparing certain documents. Specialists will consult and explain how the privatization of the apartment through the MFC begins.

Documents for an apartment

So, the following documents are needed for the apartment:

  • Order or social contract. hiring. These documents confirm the rights of citizens to live in the apartment and use it. If until 01.03.2005 the apartment was issued in the social. hiring, it was necessary to issue a warrant. And after this date is already a social contract. hiring. In one city, region, provision of a social contract. hiring is optional (Samara and Moscow), and on the contrary, mandatory (St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg). Some regions, when issuing an apartment on an order, require privatization of a social contract before privatization. hiring, others just have a personal account or warrant. Therefore, you must consult in advance before applying.

How long does the privatization of the apartment through the MFC take?

  • Those. passport of the apartment.To order a technical passport, you must contact the MFC or BTI. You need to have an agreement or a social order with you. hiring and passport of the Russian Federation. Such a document costs from 900 rubles, paid in the organization itself. You can get it in 7-14 days.

What else does the privatization of an apartment through the MFC require?

  • Extract from the house book (certificate of persons registered in the apartment of form No. 9). This extract shows the people currently registered in the apartment. In most cases, the provision of this certificate is not necessary, since the center’s staff will send a request to it at the passport office (Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg). In Krasnodar and Samara, an extract is provided independently. It is ordered at the MFC or passport office.
  • Personal account statement. It is issued by the IFC or the accounting department of the management company (HOA, housing department, housing and communal services). The only problem is that the management company will issue it only in case of payment of all debts for communal services, despite the illegality and arbitrariness of such actions. This is an additional pressure for paying a communal apartment.

Only after the entire package of documents has been submitted, the privatization of the apartment through the MFC will be completed.

privatization of apartments through MFC documents

Documents for privatization participants

Privatization participants must submit the following documents:

  • Passports of the Russian Federation participating or not participating in the privatization of citizens. For a child under 14 years old, passports of both parents (guardian, guardian) and a birth certificate will be needed. For a child of 14-18 years old, passports of parents (guardian, guardian) and his passport are needed.
  • Certificate of form No. 2 on non-participation / participation in privatization. According to the law on privatization, after 18 years a citizen has the right to participate in privatization only once, if he was a participant until 18, he can take part again after reaching 18 years. This certificate will prove whether a citizen has the right to participate in privatization. Such a certificate is taken at the MFC or BTI by each participant. If a person was registered in the apartment after June 1991 or changed his residence permit since 1991, he will need to provide additional information on non-participation / participation from the BTI of this city.

Making the privatization of an apartment through the MFC is quite simple. What other documents need to be collected?

  • Archive extract from the house book from previous places of registration (certificate of persons registered in the apartment of form No. 9, which contains information from the archive). As well as with certificate No. 2. If a person was registered in the apartment after June 1991 or changed his registration from 1991, he will need to provide an archive extract from the house book from all places of registration for this period.
  • Notarized refusal of privatization. A citizen who has decided not to participate in the privatization of the apartment and to be its owner in the future must issue a refusal. In Krasnodar and Samara, only a notarized refusal is required. In other cities, it is not necessary to certify the refusal, the employees of the organization receiving the documents will draw it up themselves. The refusal will only need to be signed when a person submits documents.

If the parents (curators, guardians) do not want the participation of a minor child in privatization, they must provide, having previously received, the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority. This permission is granted to both parents whether they are divorced or not. Privatization of an apartment through the MFC is very convenient. But there are nuances.

privatization of apartments through MFC 2017

Additional documentation

If participants need a representative, a proxy, they must issue a notarized power of attorney.

In case of participation in the privatization of a partially incapable or incapacitated citizen, it is necessary to obtain a court decision recognizing him as partially incapable / incapable, as well as permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities to participate.This citizen will be represented by a guardian, from whom a decree on established custody and a Russian passport will be required. So often the privatization of the apartment through the MFC in St. Petersburg.

If the documents indicate the old name, you will need a certificate of divorce or marriage.

Participation in the privatization of a citizen serving a sentence in prison requires the provision of a sentence and a certificate of serving this sentence. In case of refusal to participate, this citizen must write a refusal in writing. Then he is certified by the head of the correctional institution. If a person has already left prison, a certificate of release will be required.

Then the apartment is privatized through the MFC. We consider the terms below.

Privatization using the State Services website

The state portal "State services" helps to carry out a variety of operations, including the privatization of the apartment. This procedure becomes very convenient and allows you to save a lot of time, because it is done without leaving your home. All documentation can be submitted sitting at home at the computer. To get started, registration is carried out on the site. Often a lot of time is not spent on it. For registration itself, you need a SNILS number and passport data. To perform various procedures, your account must pass confirmation, for which they will verify the data you entered. You will also need to enter your phone or email, set as a login to enter the site. You will also need to create a password.

privatization of apartments through MFC Moscow

Comparison of filing methods

Each privatization method has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare 2 methods and choose the most optimal one. Principal features for comparison:

  1. The waiting time on the Gosuslugi website is much longer and can be up to 60 days in 2017, while when contacting the MFC personally, the procedure will take no more than 10-14 days. Such a big difference is associated with a higher workload of the site and more thorough verification of electronic documents.
  2. Filing applications through the portal is recommended for experienced users of the Internet and computer, since for beginners the interface and functionality may not be clear.
  3. In 2017, documents are submitted to the nearest MFC center, which is extremely inconvenient if they simply are not nearby.
  4. For the MFC and the portal, the package of documents is absolutely identical, and therefore there is no fundamental difference regarding this issue.

So is the privatization of the apartment. Through the MFC in Moscow, this procedure is most often carried out. This saves time.

How much does the service cost?

Gosportal and MFC provide privatization services free of charge, however, it should be borne in mind that some funds will be required to collect the necessary package of documents. They depend on prices in a particular region, but approximately they will be as follows in 2017:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register - 200 p.
  • Power of attorney to issue privatization - from 500 r.
  • State duty on the execution of the privatization agreement - 1 000 p. (each party to the contract pays).
  • Technical passport from BTI and apartment plan - from 500 r.
  • Certificate of non-participation in privatization - from 500 r.

privatization of the apartment through the MFC in St. Petersburg

The average cost of the entire package of documents is 4-5 thousand rubles.

So much is the privatization of the apartment through the MFC in 2017.

Reasons for the MFC’s denial of privatization

In case when one of the following conditions has not been fulfilled, a denial of privatization is possible:

  1. The apartment is in a special housing stock.
  2. Not a whole package of documents has been provided or is framed not according to the rules.
  3. MFC discovered inconsistency in the employment contract.
  4. Owner's participation in the privatization of other housing.
  5. If the apartment does not belong to the municipal authorities (departmental or judicial housing can be attributed to such premises).

Including, registration of privatization may be suspended upon the discovery of the absence of certain documents or their inconsistencies.Such a decision will be sent to the applicant with a description of the list of documents and reasons in 2017 necessary to resume the process of privatization of housing.

How long does the privatization of the apartment through the MFC take?

On average, the privatization process through the MFC takes about 2 months. But in different regions, these terms may vary slightly.

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