
Recognition of the poor: law, income, recognition procedure

Many people receive low incomes for various reasons, so they lack financial opportunities for a normal life. This leads to the fact that they require support from the state. They can count on it only after being recognized as poor. This procedure requires taking into account the income of citizens, as well as assessing their financial situation. The process begins only by the citizens themselves, who wish to use various concessions from the state. The number of poor families in Russia is constantly increasing, which is associated with high unemployment, a severe economic crisis and many other problems. Therefore, many people think about how they can get the status of the poor.

On what principles is this status assigned?

Recognition of a citizen as a poor is allowed when certain criteria are taken into account:

  • family composition;
  • the amount of income received by all members of the same family;
  • average income per citizen.

All families must meet certain stringent conditions, in violation of which it is not allowed to enjoy the support of the state. The income for recognition of the poor should be less than one person than the subsistence level adopted in a particular region. Therefore, government officials require numerous documents from applicants confirming certain cash receipts.

recognition documents

Who is part of the family?

The recognition of the poor occurs in relation to the whole family. Moreover, citizens often get confused when they try to determine who can be considered family members. This process is considered quite easy, since the family is represented by a certain group of citizens who have blood ties. Other factors include:

  • cohabitation, and all people should have a residence permit at one address;
  • general household management;
  • separation of both income and expenses.

It is allowed to include in the family not only parents and children, but also grandparents. This includes foster children or toddlers over whom guardianship or guardianship is registered.

Also common are situations where strangers by law conduct common households, and also have a residence permit in the same apartment. In this case, they can be recognized by the family, so they can receive the status of the poor.

Legislative regulation

There is a special law on recognition of the poor. In Federal Law No. 44 it is indicated what is the procedure for accounting for all cash receipts and expenses, on the basis of which it is determined whether a particular family can be recognized as poor.

The law indicates other information, for example, what incomes are taken into account, who is part of the family, and what kind of concessions from the state are provided to such families. These include the ability to enjoy numerous benefits or allowances. Social protection authorities at all offer such citizens assistance in kind, so children and parents can get things and food.

What is included in the income?

Calculation of income for recognition of the poor is considered a rather complicated process, which causes many difficulties for citizens. This is due to the fact that it is not always clear which cash receipts should be taken into account. Calculation of family income for recognition of the poor involves the addition of all the amounts that were received by each family member in the last three months before applying for status.

calculation for the poor

Income includes cash receipts:

  • salary received at the place of official employment of citizens;
  • benefits assigned by the state to different people for various reasons;
  • pensions, and they can be insurance, labor or state;
  • scholarships awarded to students studying in different institutions on a full-time basis and on a budgetary basis;
  • other preferences from the budget;
  • in-kind support, which is valued and converted into money;
  • potential profit that can be made if various property owned by the family is sold.

Thus, income is represented by any cash receipts of citizens, which can be confirmed by official documents. They must be paid taxes or they must be transferred by the state. Therefore, the sale of vegetables from the garden to neighbors, accompanied by the receipt of a certain amount of money, is not classified as income.

Nuances in determining income

The income of seven for recognition of the poor is the most difficult nuance, since all cash receipts must be documented. For officially working citizens, determining their income is not difficult, since it is enough to request a 2-personal income tax certificate for three months at the place of work.

Students can also take a certificate at the educational institution. But in addition, employees of the Federal Tax Service take into account all property belonging to each family member. Therefore, it is required to provide data on values:

  • cars or other vehicles;
  • apartments or houses;
  • plots of land that may have a different category and purpose;
  • houses left by inheritance and located in villages;
  • garages and even places purchased in the parking lot for your own car;
  • general or corporate property;
  • cottages and other similar facilities.

The presence of decorated objects for each family member is checked, and such information cannot be hidden, since social service workers can independently send a request to the Federal Registration Service to get the necessary information.

If women who are divorced from the father of their children apply for recognition as poor, then they must have confirmation that they do not receive child support. The income may even include free meals for children in schools, which is offered by regional authorities for various reasons.

All information about different objects is contained in Rosreestr, so you have to order an extract from the USRN.

procedure for recognizing citizens as poor

How is revenue calculated?

Calculation for recognition of the poor is considered quite simple. For this, sequential actions are performed:

  1. all official incomes that can be proved by documents are added up;
  2. the resulting value is divided into three months;
  3. monthly income is further divided into all family members;
  4. this calculation allows you to get the average income per citizen.

The obtained value should be compared with the subsistence minimum established in the region, and if it is less than this indicator, then there is the possibility that the citizen will be recognized as poor.

For a more accurate calculation, it is recommended to contact specialists, since the cost of living for an employed citizen will differ from this indicator in relation to children, pensioners or other categories of the population.

Features of obtaining status in the capital

Recognition of the poor in Moscow is allowed only on condition that the income per family member will be less than 15307 rubles, since this amount is the cost of living in this city.

This status will be refused if even one family member is of working age and does not contact the employment service to find work.

What documents are needed?

Documents for recognition of the poor family can vary significantly, as they depend on the number of family members, as well as on their age and employment.

recognition law

The main documentation includes:

  • passports of all citizens who live in the same apartment, and they must be registered in this housing;
  • for each child there must be a birth certificate;
  • a certificate of family composition is taken;
  • official papers are prepared confirming the receipt of all the money in the family;
  • extract issued from the house book, on the basis of which you can understand who exactly lives in the same apartment.

Regional authorities may require other documents if necessary to recognize the poor as citizens.

What other papers are needed?

Additionally, documents are required for recognition of the poor:

  • certificates obtained from children's educational institutions, which indicate what benefits were provided to children for three months;
  • retirees prepare a copy of their work books;
  • if one of the family members is an officially registered individual entrepreneur, then they generate a declaration of income;
  • if only mother or father is engaged in raising children, then a certificate is prepared on the absence of alimony transfers;
  • certificate of registration or divorce;
  • if any family member receives benefits or payments from the state, then they will additionally prepare an extract from the bank account, which indicates all payments received.

Documents for recognition of the poor also include papers on all property that citizens own by right of ownership. Therefore, it is prepared:

  • an extract received from Rosreestr, which indicates which property belongs to the applicant;
  • certificate of ownership of a particular object represented by real estate or car;
  • a certificate received from the Bureau of Inventory, which indicates which summer cottages or garages belong to family members;
  • information from the USRN, which indicates what the cadastral value of objects is.

Other documents may be needed, if there are reasons for social security workers to believe that there really are additional sources of income for citizens or that they own certain property.

How is status assigned?

The procedure for recognizing citizens as poor is to perform sequential actions:

  • Initially, a statement is formed, which is transmitted to the social protection department of a certain region
  • necessary documents are attached to it;
  • all papers are viewed by an employee of this institution, and he may require originals for comparison;
  • social protection experts check the documentation for two weeks, after which they make a decision;
  • if a poor family is recognized, the information is entered into a special database, and a corresponding notification is sent to citizens.
recognition by the poor

There are many reasons for refusing, so you should find out about all the most popular mistakes made by applicants when submitting documents and applications. They usually act as the basis for rejection.

Where should I go?

The transfer of documentation can be carried out not only with a direct visit to the department of social protection.

Applicants can use the services of an intermediary provided by the MFC, and such centers are usually located in the most convenient places in each city. It is also possible to send documents through public services, but for this you will need to register and log in to the portal.

Common Reasons for Failure

Social security authorities may refuse to assign such a status for various reasons, which include:

  • incorrectly prepared statement;
  • the presence in the statement of errors or illegible words;
  • lack of necessary documents;
  • the provision of false and knowingly false information that is identified during the verification of documentation;
  • concealment of additional income or property.
income calculation

If there is confidence that a particular family can really apply for this status, then you can begin to draw up the necessary documentation, but you must approach this process responsibly. This will prevent the need for repeated appeal to the social protection authorities.

What help is assigned?

If the procedure for recognizing citizens as poor is implemented correctly, they will receive an appropriate status, on the basis of which they will be able to use various measures of state assistance. They are installed by each region separately, so they can vary significantly in different cities.

recognition of the poor in Moscow

As a rule, poor families can count on help:

  • the provision of a subsidy when paying for housing and communal services, and it is paid for six months, after which it needs to be renewed, so you will have to regularly prove that the financial condition of the family has not improved;
  • exemption from local taxes;
  • consultations of a state lawyer are carried out free of charge or on preferential terms;
  • members of such a family are offered preferential vouchers to various sanatoriums or resorts, if necessary for their treatment;
  • children can enter different educational institutions without the need to participate in the competition, but this requires that they were not more than 20 years old, and also when passing the exams they must score a minimum number of points;
  • assistance is provided in kind, therefore, such a family is offered clothing and food, textbooks and study supplies that can be used by children in different educational institutions;
  • free travel in various types of public transport;
  • even housing benefits are offered, on the basis of which the family, with good reason, can count on improving living conditions, for which it is necessary to queue and wait for the apartment to be allocated from the municipal fund;
  • free meals for children in the school and kindergarten, and other support measures may be prescribed.

Additionally, poor families may receive additional benefits. If the child appears from the beginning of 2018, then parents can count on an additional payment equal to the cost of living. It is paid monthly for a year and a half.

Families that already have a certificate for matkapital can receive cash from it.

family income for the recognition of the poor

What tax incentives are offered?

Citizens with the status of the poor can count on significant tax benefits. These include exemption from payment of state duty when registering various real estate transactions.

Also, some citizens are offered the opportunity not to pay property tax in respect of several objects. Usually they do not pay the poor transport tax by decision of the regional authorities.

How is status lost?

You have the opportunity to enjoy various benefits and receive deductions for only one year. Upon completion, you will have to re-prepare the necessary documents in order to reaffirm the fact that the family is still considered to be poor.

If different conditions have changed over the year, for example, the salary of adults has increased, or a woman has left maternity leave, then she will not be able to obtain status. All documents are carefully checked, therefore, fooling social workers will not work.


Thus, the process of recognizing a poor family is a specific procedure, involving the preparation of numerous documents confirming a certain income of citizens. It is important to understand which cash receipts can be included in this income and which are not taken into account. It is necessary to prepare a lot of documents that are transferred to the social protection authorities. They are carefully checked, after which a decision is made.

A poorly recognized family can enjoy numerous state benefits and allowances.The status needs to be updated annually, and if financial conditions change, a refusal to renew may be received. This leads to the loss of the ability to use different support, so you will have to cope on your own with numerous payments.

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