
Professional standard of a teacher of additional education. Qualifications and requirements for an additional education teacher. Professional standard

The professional standard of the teacher of continuing education is a pressing issue. That is why everything related to its introduction is currently a topic for discussion by experts and specialists.

professional standard of a teacher of continuing education

Features of the implementation of the document

This professional standard contains detailed information about all the requirements that apply to employees in the field of further education. At the moment, the introduction of this standard has been postponed, since the pedagogical community perceived its provisions differently. It was decided to preliminarily finalize this document, to correct numerous inaccuracies in it.

professional standard

Characteristics of the category "continuing education"

The professional standard of an additional education teacher was developed for the category of people who use experience, knowledge, and competence in several areas in their professional activities: in psychology, profile, pedagogy.

The profile in their work is artistic activity, choreography, technical creativity.

Many workers in this field do not have diplomas of pedagogical or psychological education. That is why serious problems arose in the process of developing requirements for additional education teachers, because it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and specifics of the additional education system that has developed over a given period of time.

work teacher of additional education

Education requirements

The professional standard of the teacher of continuing education contains a section that says that employees of further education should have higher pedagogical education (in the form of a bachelor's degree) and professional additional qualifications in the field of methodological work in further education of adults and children.

Upon careful study of this requirement, it turns out that the teacher of the additional education system must have two diplomas. If getting one education is a real task, then the continuation of the second (paid) is not available to all employees of the supplementary education system.

The standard of the teacher of further education also contains such a clause that specialists in a professional program corresponding to the profile of activity should study at least once every three years.

In order to fulfill this requirement, special training centers should be created in the country, which would allow continuing education teachers to improve their qualifications in a continuous form.

At the moment, this question remains open, it is impossible to fulfill the requirements for advanced training.

requirements for a teacher of continuing education

The importance of continuing education

The activity of the teacher of additional education is important for the formation of citizenship and patriotism in the younger generation. The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva has repeatedly emphasized the importance of introducing free sections and circles on scientific and technical creativity, chess, music, and theater art in educational institutions.

It is additional education that has now become one of the priority areas of activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Key Implementation Issues

The professional standard of the teacher of additional education is only being considered in the pedagogical community, it has not been introduced into real practice. Among the main reasons for this "inhibition", experts single out organizational, managerial and pedagogical problems.

As organizational and managerial problems, the presence of full-fledged general educational programs of additional education for students and adults is highlighted. In addition, at the present time in the system of extracurricular education there are not enough teaching aids adapted to the individual age characteristics of schoolchildren.

In order to introduce a professional standard into practice, it is necessary to first provide teachers with methodological support in the development of individual educational programs.

In addition, it is important to organize the work of experts who will analyze the effectiveness of the work of additional education teachers on special programs, create a full-fledged material and technical base for the implementation of the tasks specified in the methodological recommendations for each profile of education.

activities of a teacher of continuing education

Transfer of professional excellence

The positive experience of the teacher of further education should be published so that young professionals have a real opportunity to get acquainted with the best practices, which involves certain material costs.

Despite the fact that many school teachers reacted positively to the idea of ​​organizing numerous studios, circles, and creative associations on the basis of comprehensive schools in which children could study for free, in practice the process of creating them is associated with serious material problems.

standard teacher of continuing education

HR problems

Given the requirements for a teacher of further education that are specified in the professional standard, only subject teachers can work in circles of further education. In order to “survive”, at present, school teachers are forced to take a 30-hour training load, so they have neither the physical nor the moral strength to come up with additional educational programs, organize after-school classes and creative studios for their students .

The qualification of a teacher of further education presupposes the availability of teacher education, but recently in higher educational institutions the number of areas related to the training of teachers has been reduced. This “staff starvation” is also the reason for the inhibition of the implementation of the standard in practice.

The teacher cannot work around the clock, so he prefers class activities, for objective reasons, he disregards the system of additional education for schoolchildren.

adult education teacher

Key Points

Consider what constitutes extracurricular work. The teacher of continuing education to have a pedagogical education. Otherwise, he does not have the right to work with children. The professional standard is aimed at assisting the leadership in implementing a competent personnel policy and in the quality management of OS employees.

This document should be used when conducting certification tests of employees, determining salaries, developing job descriptions, and concluding employment contracts with teachers.

A teacher of additional adult education should also have a pedagogical education, periodically improve his qualifications.

As an exception (in the absence of personnel), employment is allowed with the subsequent receipt by the employee of a specialized education of a pedagogical orientation.

The need for standard implementation

Among the objective reasons why a standard should be introduced in Russian further education, let us single out the difficulties that experts face in the process of certification of teachers.

Some of the legislative norms that guide members of certification committees were developed many years ago. During this time, they ceased to be relevant, do not allow experts to fully evaluate the activities of a certified teacher of additional education.

New standards that will be adopted at the legislative level will provide an opportunity to increase the interest and responsibility of teachers involved in extracurricular activities.

Rules for Achieving Results

In order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to correctly apply the developed standard. It should not become a measure for tightly regulating the activities of employees, but it should be an incentive to search for new teaching methods and innovative solutions for employees of the Russian system of additional education.

According to the standard, the teaching staff is required to:

  • to recruit children in groups, studios, creative teams according to the developed program;
  • look for ways to motivate students
  • carry out activities aimed at improving the equipment of the study room;
  • develop special information materials;
  • take into account the wishes of parents and pupils;
  • help children, develop individual educational paths for them.

It is the teacher of preschool education that is obliged to create optimal conditions for students so that each child gets a real opportunity to reveal their creative potential, self-development, and self-improvement.

The professional standard also includes a clause according to which the teacher must carry out work related to the preparation of his pupils for various exhibitions and competitions.

A true professional knows how to create conditions for self-control of children, find an option for effective cooperation with other organizations, parents of their students.


In connection with the innovations and transformations that have been observed in recent years in the Russian education system, the urgent and timely question is the introduction of a professional standard for a teacher in the system of additional education.

In order for the educational process to take place according to a certain algorithm, the teacher must have certain personal qualities, also noted in the standard: high creativity, intellectual level, sense of humor, tolerance, love for children.

The Federal Law “On Education” has been amended to require mandatory professional certification of all employees of the Russian continuing education system. This procedure, according to the developers of the document, is a measure of assessing the skill of teachers. Teachers present certificates, certificates of appreciation, diplomas to confirm their achievements. Based on the results of certification, they will be assigned a certain qualification category, which will significantly affect the size of his salary.

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Reason for complaint
Zilya Migonkina
I advise the author to carefully study the educational requirements in the document Professional Standard
Teacher of additional education for children and adults
(approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2015 N 613н)
in section III, 3.1 .... Requirements for education and training: Secondary vocational education - training programs for middle managers or higher education - a bachelor's degree, the orientation (profile) of which, as a rule, corresponds to the orientation of the additional general educational program mastered by students or taught training course, discipline (module) + additional prof. Education + CPC every three years.
So it’s a mistake to say that education must necessarily be higher!
Every three years, continuing education courses have been held for a long time, there is no problem!


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