
Drywall Production

Drywall ProductionAugustine Sacket invented drywall back in 1894. Then this development did not receive due attention and was not widely used until the postwar years of World War II. When the war ended, and the construction boom began, many began to use drywall in the construction of partitions. The production technology is quite simple. Drywall production is a profitable business, more relevant than ever, since builders often use drywall because of its convenience and practicality.

Drywall production is carried out in stages, having a temporary connection. The first stage is the extraction of gypsum and its processing. If you only want to produce drywall, then you can buy immediately ready-made raw materials. The main thing is to organize your production near the place of extraction of the necessary raw materials for economy.

After the raw materials are delivered to the plant, it is necessary to mix gypsum with water, chemical soap, several special minerals, after which it is mixed and placed in another container, where a catalyst is added that will contribute to the rapid hardening of gypsum. The mixture resulting from mixing is called sludge.

The next stage of production is the filling of sludge between the upper and lower layers of cardboard. Drywall is like a sandwich where the sludge is oil and the cardboard is bread. The cardboard is pulled by special machines on the conveyor and the sludge is poured between the layers of cardboard so that it spreads evenly, then rolling occurs (bending the edges to prevent leakage of the sludge).

Molding plates give drywall a flat surface, after which it is cut into even sheets. Drying and packaging of drywall follows.

The technology is quite simple, everyone makes cars. For the manufacture of drywall you will need: raw materials (gypsum, cardboard), conveyors for production. Initially, a large start-up capital is required. You need to find a large room that is suitable in size for the installation of units and the operation of the conveyor. For a long-term investment, this is a good business option.

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How does hl produce? send in more detail. thank you in advance
Drywall production is good and necessary, but very dreary.


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