
Workplace hairdresser: organization and requirements

Not everyone will like to get a haircut sitting on a stool in front of a small mirror and chaotically made up with a variety of small jar-vial tables. Poor conditions can be forgiven only by a very good or beloved master, but only once, for a maximum of two. Then even the most faithful client will start to run away from such a barber in search of comfortable conditions and quality service.

What is a hairdresser’s workplace, if not ideal, but well organized? How should it be equipped and what should be supplied there? These questions have very specific answers, justified by established norms and requirements of regulatory authorities.

hairdresser workplace

They are greeted by design, but escorted by comfort

To begin with, we note that the hairdresser's workplace begins with the premises in which he works. According to the law on consumer rights, this should be a building with a separate entrance, equipped with a high-quality ventilation system, water supply and drainage. The beauty and showiness of the hairdresser’s hall will not matter if the master cannot wash his client’s head and a steady aroma of chemicals that barbers use in their work hangs in the air.

In addition, it is important that the indoor climate is also within the normal range. The temperature is considered ideal up to 22 ° C, if this indicator is lower - the client will simply freeze, because he will have to spend at least half an hour in the chair, and physical activity at this time is zero. The heat will also not contribute to the well-being and mood of both employees of the beauty salon and its clients.

Another condition - the workplace of the hairdresser should be well lit. It is best to make the most of natural light sources. The sun's rays falling into the room through large windows can be replaced with artificial illumination. It is important to choose light bulbs that give a soft glow of white. There should be at least three of them in one room.

organization of the workplace of the hairdresser

What does a hairdresser need to work?

The organization of the hairdresser's workplace implies that the master has access to a chair for the client, a mirror and a dressing table. This is a minimal set of furniture, which can also be supplemented with a rack for storing tools, materials and linen.

It is imperative that a special wash basin for washing your hair be provided in the cabin. This is a special design with a recess and soft pad in the sink. A special chair with a footboard is attached to it, providing comfortable conditions for visitors to the hairdresser. The faucet comes with a mixer, which can be equipped with a shower with a flexible hose, it is more convenient to use it when you need to rinse very thick hair.

It is also necessary to worry about the wardrobe for visitors to the hairdresser, if there is no separate room for this in the salon, then next to the place of the master you can install a hanger for outerwear, visitors' bags.

hairdresser workplace photo

Norms, sizes and distance

The equipment of the hairdresser's workplace must be based on special standards regarding the distance at which chairs for visitors and work tables of individual masters are installed. They can be placed in the room in different ways:

  • along one or several walls - depends on the size of the room;
  • in the center of the room.

At the same time, there should be free space around a chair intended for a client within a radius of 90 cm. Thus, the minimum distance from one chair to another is almost two meters.The extreme workplace (located against the wall) cannot be driven right into the corner, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 70 cm from it to the partitions.

According to the standards, at least 4.5 m should be provided for one employee of a hairdressing salon in a work room2 Territories are the standard sizes of the hairdresser's workplace. In principle, a larger area is not necessary, because all working tools and materials must be kept at hand in a free access zone.

The workplace of the hairdresser should be comfortable and thoughtful. Moreover, for each subject it is best to think of a place, so the master can save time on finding the right scissors or blades.

requirements for the workplace of the hairdresser

Beauty Sink

Rarely, when creating a hairstyle does without washing the hair. They need to be refreshed before cutting, and before painting, and before styling. Ideally, each master should have his own washbasin. In it, he will be able to rinse his hands before work or after contact with chemicals. But standards can reduce the number of sinks to one, designed for use by three craftsmen. If a greater number of hairdressers work in the hall, then the salon owner must equip one wash basin for two masters.

This piece of furniture usually stands in a separate room or aside, without occupying space in the main room, the individual workplace of the hairdresser should not be in close contact with the wash basin so that the salon staff do not interfere with each other during various operations.

Set us all down

The chair for the client is the main workplace of the hairdresser. Photos of different models can be found in specialized catalogs and brochures. Such chairs may differ in design, but their functionality is usually the same.

Armchairs should be of medium softness, with a high back, without a headrest (but not necessarily), most often they are equipped with armrests so that the visitor can take the most comfortable pose. It is also always a spinning chair, it is good if it has a lifting mechanism - this option greatly facilitates the work of the hairdresser. By the way, there are chairs for craftsmen. They are without back, on a rotating axis and with a lift. According to hairdressers, their use helps to reduce the load on the legs and back.

hairdresser workplace equipment

Mirror or dressing table?

The second important attribute for a hairdresser is a large mirror. Its minimum size is 60x100 cm. It can be a canvas in the entire wall, without a side table, and a medium-sized reflective surface mounted on the bedside table.

The design of the mirror depends on the appearance of the interior of the beauty salon, but it should not be overly catchy. Clients like to look at their reflection during the work of the master, too catchy frame can bore them. Also, the hairdresser should have a small mirror in which he can demonstrate to the visitor his haircut from the back or side.

Requirements for the hairdresser's workplace do not have an indication of the highlight in the mirror, but its presence is usually welcome, especially if the hairdresser is also engaged in makeup.

the size of the workplace of the hairdresser

Additional modules

In order to place the working tool and tools that the master most often uses, it is necessary to equip his workplace with a special table. The worktop for it is usually made of plastic that is resistant to a variety of chemicals.

Also, the table can be supplemented with drawers for storing some types of tools, linen, peignoirs, sterile devices. Dyes and hair care products are usually upstairs.

If additional compartments are not provided, the hairdresser can replace them with a mobile trolley. It is lightweight, maneuverable and roomy.

hairdresser workplace hygiene

Hygiene Above All

General cleaning of the hall of the beauty salon is carried out once a month. During the sanitary day, furniture is to be disinfected, floors, walls, plumbing, doors are washed.On the remaining days, wet cleaning of the premises is carried out before the opening of the hairdresser and after its closure. During the day, each master cleans himself near his chair. Separate equipment and a bag or bucket are allocated for cut hair, its contents are to be burned.

The hygiene of the hairdresser's workplace involves measures to disinfect the tool and keep clean mirrors, tables and chairs. A beauty salon employee needs to have not one set of scissors and dangerous blades, shaving brushes and combs, but several. Before starting work, he must either open the sterile instrument so that the client sees it, or wipe it with a swab dipped in alcohol.

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