
Work with KKM - what is it? Accounting and cash register rules

If you are just about to start a career in sales, you probably do not know yet, working with KKM - what it is. However, there should be no reason to panic. Understanding this task is not difficult, but the most important thing in the work itself is to be careful and not rush without special need, and then you will be able to cope with all the tasks perfectly.

work with kkm what is it

What is this about?

To understand the work with KKM - what it is, you first need to figure out what the device is, hidden under the terrible abbreviation KKM. So what is it?

Cash register - this is how the abbreviation of cash register can be deciphered. In everyday life, it is usually called a cash register, less commonly a cash register or cash register. But if you look at the official documentation, then the words KKM are usually not found, since it is customary to use the name KKT. It can be decrypted as follows: cash register technology.

So, we managed to figure out the name. But what is it inherently? KKM is such a machine that is designed specifically to record the exchange of services, goods for money accepted in the country. The machine is not only indispensable in the work of the outlet, but is also used by inspection bodies to control entrepreneurs. For this, special reports are generated that are analyzed by the relevant authorities.

Subtypes of cars

There are various KKM models that are more suitable for particular operating conditions.

It is customary to distinguish the following categories:

  • autonomous;
  • fiscal (computer dependent).

To distinguish them from each other is very simple even in appearance. If on the first there are a large number of buttons that allow you to control the device, then on the second - no more than five. The first machine can work by itself, but the second type will only function in conjunction with a computer.

Device machines

In the classic version, the device has the following elements:

  • nutrition;
  • control;
  • memory;
  • a printing device;
  • ECLZ block;
  • keyboard.

Correct maintenance of KKM is impossible if you do not understand how each of the described systems works. However, practice shows that in case of malfunctions with the device it is better to immediately call the specialists of the company that sold you the unit. Examine the papers: perhaps the equipment is still under warranty.

How to get started

Before the change begins, the correct preparation of the KKM for work must be carried out. This process is spelled out in official papers, instructions both at the enterprise and in the machines attached to it. Attention is drawn to it in the regulatory documents operating in the country and introduced at the state level.

cash register Price

So, before you can work, you first need to sign in a special journal, which is stored by the administrator of the outlet. In this case, the cashier receives the keys to the car, cashier mode and the box in which the money is stored. Also, at the beginning of the shift, you can get a certain amount, which then can be used for exchange, and a number of other accessories necessary for work. Their list is determined by the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Next, the lid is removed from the printing unit of the machine (in some cases, it is necessary to raise the casing to provide access to the inside of the device), after which the cashier inspects the device and removes dust and foreign objects. Then the device is connected to the electric network and a switch is installed, which is responsible for choosing the operation mode.Then it is necessary to check whether all the tapes are in place, and if there are none, install.

Specificity of specific devices

The new generation cash registers manufactured abroad do not have such a feature, but some of the machines produced in Russia are distinguished by the presence of a special regime, designated as “Start of shift”. In this case, the employee selects the date and sets the time. If the values ​​are already there, but inaccurate, then you need to adjust them.

Please note: when preparing the machine for work, there is no need to reset the numbering of printed checks. As soon as the machine generates a report with blanking, it automatically carries out this operation, no additional manipulations, if the unit is normal, is not required.

kkm service

Attentiveness and accuracy

The next stage of the preparatory work requires attention from the cashier, because you need to check whether everything in the technique works correctly. First of all, pay attention to the blocking device. To do this, print a test receipt. This helps to draw conclusions about image quality. Working with KKM according to the new rules requires that all checks printed by the machine be readable, clear, bright, containing the correct details of the organization. Do not throw away a zero check: at the end of the day it must be handed over to the administrator along with the report. Mandatory accounting of zero checks in the fourth column of KM-4, KM-5.

Next, the cashier and administrator together request a replacement report from the machine and check whether the information in the cash registers is correct. At the beginning of the working day, all indicators should be zero. Take readings of money counters and enter them in a special journal in the column that reflects the state at the end of the shift. Be sure to certify all the data entered with the signatures of the participating workers.

Everything must be certified!

The instruction of the cashier-operator when working with cash registers recommends inserting a control tape into the machine, stepping back from the edge of about 15 cm. Please note: there should be data on the machine number, current date and what time the work started, as well as information taken from all registers. As soon as all the data on the control tape was recorded, this is verified by the signatures of the participants in the process.

Next, the cashier puts the currency into the machine, which is supposed to be used to exchange when making transactions. You can read about how to correctly put money in cash and how to set the correct mode of operation in the instructions for a particular device.

new generation cash registers

Start shift

During operation, the cashier’s operator must clearly monitor how the unit works, clean it and put it in order as necessary. You need to enter money into the device exactly as it is written in the instructions of a particular machine. Regular maintenance of KKM is the key to its correct and long work.

When all the goods purchased by the client were processed on a cash register, it showed the total purchase price, the operating rules of cash registers oblige the client to clearly indicate this figure, and only then take money from a person. They are put in the car so that the buyer sees how this happens. He also needs to see where the cashier puts the check in order to pick it up and not mix it up with other people's documents. If the cash register is located where the seller works, he must transfer the goods to the client at the time of purchase, giving the check. But in the case when it comes to the waiter or any other employee who takes orders, he should give the client a check only when the service has been completed.

We pay attention to the nuances

You need to know that the check redemption mark is an extremely important feature that characterizes working with cash register. What it is? The check is either torn, or put a special stamp on it, which symbolizes the cancellation.

Remember that the check document is valid for the purchase only on the day when it was issued to the customer.But in some cases, when the check is returned, the cashier can give the client money back. But this happens only when the document has the signature allowing the head of the outlet, his deputy. Please note: a refund is possible at the cash desk where the check was broken, but not at any other.

operating rules of cash registers

If the cashier made a mistake when depositing the purchase amount into the machine, and the check cannot be redeemed, then the rules for working with the cash register require you to draw up an act at the end of the shift. It is drawn up in accordance with the KM-3 form. If the cashier and the buyer are in a conflict, you can remove the cashier, for which send a request to the administrator. If the store manager does not allow this, it is impossible to withdraw cash.

Avoiding problems

As you know, the cash register price is rather big (from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles), so you need to work with it carefully to avoid breakdowns. This means that you can only do what is allowed by the instructions and rules, and strictly avoid all that is forbidden. In particular, the instructions say that you can change the code directly during the work shift, but this happens when there is a corresponding instruction from the point of sale administrator. Also, if necessary, you can request a printout from the machine.

If it turns out that the POS system is not functioning correctly or if there are any other malfunctions, the cashier should:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Call an administrator.
  3. Understand the cause of the problem.
  4. If the information on the check is incorrectly displayed, check the prints and sign everything by hand.
  5. If the check fails, request zero, issuing it in the same way as the check on which the details were not clearly printed.

Could it be that working with KKM is impossible? What is this situation, what to do? Yes, this can happen if the car is seriously damaged. For example, if it produces fuzzy prints or prints incorrect information about the time of the operation. In such a situation, the administrator and the cashier draw up a special report similar to that drawn up at the end of the shift. Then it is entered into the journal what kind of person worked behind the machine, what time he finished work and for what reason this happened.

kkm models

When is it still impossible?

It is unacceptable that a POS system is in operation if the seal is broken on the device. Also, it is impossible to use an aggregate on which there is no manufacturer’s brand or there are no laid holograms. A ban on working with the unit may be imposed by representatives of the tax service.

If it turned out that the KKM installed in your store has some of these shortcomings, you should immediately contact the TEC and provide them with complete information about what happened. In such a situation, the cashier and even the administrator cannot fix the unit on the spot, so you will have to wait for the departure of a specialist at the central heating station. This should be notified of the representatives of the tax authorities responsible for your outlet. They keep journals, which take into account the trips of all technical workers, and they must add your case there. In general, I must say that the accounting of cash register in our country is quite tough, so negligence can cost a lot. Try to be careful.

Rules and Laws

A letter from the Ministry of Finance, written in 1993, explaining how to work properly, explains how a cash register is used in everyday life. The price of mistakes is high: you can be brought to administrative responsibility.

According to the model rules, only then can a person afford to work at the cash register when he has mastered the rules for its operation. There is a certain minimum of technical knowledge that is included in the basic rules. If a potential candidate copes with this, then the company can conclude an agreement with him that regulates the liability of this person. Before directly starting work at a new place, a person must go through familiarization with the operating rules.If these rules are neglected, the employer may face administrative liability to which he will be attracted according to the results of the next verification.

KKM rules

The laws also govern how the cashier’s book is kept. According to legal regulations, each separate machine must have its own journal, which is flashed, all sheets are numbered in it, and they must also be confirmed by the signature of the company director and chief accountant. In addition, a representative of the tax authority should sign this book. Then all this is sealed with the seal of the enterprise. Such a magazine is usually certified by the tax inspectorate when they go there to register KKM.

No liberties!

It is allowed to make entries in the cashier’s journal only strictly according to the chronology, without any marks. To do this, use ink. If the situation is such that something needs to be fixed, the organization’s director and chief accountant are involved, who control the introduction of changes and then confirm with their signatures that the updated data is correct.

Also, the administrator of the outlet must remember that in his area of ​​responsibility - to warn the cashier that the money is fake, as well as to teach methods of checking the reliability of banknotes received from customers. In addition, the issue of fake checks should be raised. The cashier should be aware that there are a number of measures to prevent counterfeiting:

  • tape color;
  • encryption of each check;
  • purchase limit

Is it possible without KKM?

In accordance with legal regulations in force in our country, some organizations can afford to work without the use of cash registers. This is due to the specifics of the work of such enterprises. A special list has been adopted, which includes all organizations that do not need CCM. The adoption date is July 1993, but was later amended by government regulation.

preparation for use

In the list you can find not only organizations, but also branches, as well as other types of separate units. This also applies to some individuals who work in the field of entrepreneurship without having the appropriate education.

This list may be limited by a decision of the executive branch of an individual entity on its territory. However, working with an open counter still does not require the availability of such equipment. This is most relevant during the period when the crop is harvested in agriculture, because it is sold directly from cars, from trays. So, in this situation, the design of the cash register is not required.

Beware of violations

Numerous regular inspections organized by tax authorities in various regions of the country show that to this day, many entrepreneurs work in violation of the rules for the use of cash registers, but still hope that this goes unnoticed. It should be remembered that the laws on the introduction of CCM were adopted not just because they ensure the legal purity of the transaction. In addition, strict adherence to the rules in the event of a conflict will allow you to “pull the blanket over yourself,” as there will be no complaints about your activities.

cashier’s instruction for cashier

To avoid violations during the workflow, carefully read the operating rules of cash register equipment, because there are answers to almost all questions. Keep in mind the latest legal acts in force in your area. This will keep your finger on the pulse of events. Finally, remember that only such machines that were included in the state registry should be used in the work. Consider also the classifier that regulates which of the units are suitable for which sphere. This will avoid problems with the law and conduct business for a long time and for the benefit of yourself.

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