
Work in Austria for Russians and Ukrainians: features and legal subtleties

Each year, Austria receives a huge number of tourists due to its location, many ski resorts and beautiful national parks. But this beautiful country attracts not only lovers of a good and comfortable vacation - many foreigners want to find a job, as it is one of the most highly developed and economically stable countries in the European Union, and working in Austria gives a stable and decent salary and confidence in the future. .

The attitude of the state towards labor migrants

Austria borders on many European countries, which contributes to the favorable development of economic relations and the continuous improvement of the living standards of the citizens of this small country. And the average salary is more than 2 thousand euros per month.

work in austria

The Austrian authorities treat labor migrants from other countries quite loyally if they have the qualifications, some work experience, and they can fill up the shortage of jobs. In Austria, a diverse number of government programs are currently in place to attract qualified specialists from abroad.

Therefore, work abroad, in particular in Austria, can become a reality for our compatriots from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. But do not forget that quotas for the admission of specialists from other powers apply in different regions of the country, so the number of specialists hired should not exceed the level established by law.

Getting a work visa

If the inhabitants of the European Union have free and unlimited access to the Austrian labor market, then certain requirements are imposed on residents of Eastern European countries: in order to get work, our compatriots from the countries of the former Union must obtain a work visa. As noted above, work in Austria is always waiting for foreign citizens, but only subject to the availability of a diploma or qualification. To select employees in Austria, a point system has been developed that reveals all the necessary knowledge of the employee and makes the employment procedure easier and more transparent.

work abroad

For example, to obtain such a visa, Russians or Ukrainians must score a total of 70 points. But for some specialties, there are exceptions, for example, 50 points will be enough for medical or technological workers to obtain a permit, as these specialties are considered scarce in Austria.

A visa is issued when the employer has already been found and issued a work permit. Only in this case, you can go to the Austrian consulate for a residence permit and the opening of a work visa.

How can I find a job

There are several ways to look for a suitable job in this European country:

  1. Through a special labor agency or a specialized site.
  2. Independently.
  3. Through the Internet.

In the first case, when contacting the agency, its employees will help you choose the necessary position and provide complete information about working conditions and the package of required documents. In the second, you can independently find a job through friends who have already found jobs in Austria and have some experience. And in the third case, the Internet can be connected to the search: work in Austria, vacancies - this and other useful information is freely available on special sites where employers place ads.

work in Austria for Ukrainians

In any case, when looking for work, you need to study the local labor market in detail, and at the beginning of the search you can see the Austrian official website of the Arbeitsmarktservice State Employment Service.

What visas are issued for work in Austria

1. Red-white card The Red-White-Red Card (RWR Card). This work permit can be obtained by citizens:

  • having severely deficient specialties;
  • very high level specialists;
  • graduated from higher education institutions in Austria;
  • heads of own enterprises and companies;
  • managers of the highest category.

To obtain this permission you need to score the required number of points - and you can do this on the official Austrian migration site Migration.gv.at. When scoring points, age, work experience and experience, education, language skills, achievements in the field of work or science, academic degree are taken into account.

work in austria for Russians

Thus, work in Austria for Russians and Ukrainians is an achievable goal, however, it is available only to those who can score 50-70 points. And only then can you safely begin to search for an employer. And after the workplace is found, and the labor contract is signed, you can apply for the issuance of the RWR Card, the processing of which will take about 8 weeks. At first, the card is issued only for 1 year, after which - if you have a signed employment contract - you can re-apply for a RWR Card plus, which later opens up simply huge opportunities when looking for a job.

2. Blue Card EU (Blue EU Card)

This work permit is issued to highly qualified foreign citizens for a period of 2 years.

To receive a blue card, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • concluded employment contract with the employer for a period of 1 year or more;
  • compulsory higher education (attended lecture course for at least 3 years);
  • compliance of qualifications and work experience with the requirements of the proposed vacancy.

The term for issuing a blue EU card will take about 2 calendar months.

3. The Jobseeker Visa

This work permit is issued to foreign nationals seeking work in Austria. It is issued to highly qualified employees for a period of six months, during which they must find a place in companies or enterprises.

The Jobseeker Visa also uses a point system to receive an RWR Card.


As already noted above, scoring is carried out by a special commission that takes into account indicators such as age, length of service and work experience, language skills, and a diploma.

At the age of the applicant up to 35 years, the commission accrues about 20 points, if higher then 10. The presence of higher education and a deficit specialty is welcomed - they will add another 20 points for this. For the existing work experience, they add another 10 or 20 points, but if it is acquired in Austria, then 10 points for every 6 months will be awarded. If there is a degree, it is estimated at 40 points and significantly increases the chances of issuing a permit.

work in austria jobs

If the required number of points is not scored, the consulate is refused a visa, as Austria is a civilized country with a very high standard of living, and it does not accept unwanted migrants.


Salary in this most beautiful country in Europe depends on the skill level of the employee. Unskilled employees usually receive from 800 to 1000 euros per month, and people with higher education working in Austria will be pleased with the amount from 2000 to 4000 thousand euros.

In terms of salaries, Austria is in the top ten countries of the European Union: in 2017, the average salary amounted to 2125 euros per month.

A successful job search also depends on the city: in large towns and tourist centers, finding a job is easier.

work in austria without knowledge of the language

It is worth noting that wage workers can rely not only on wages, but also on a social package.

Is it possible to find work in Austria without knowing the language?

For the search to be successful, you must know either English or German. Without knowledge of these languages, the chances of finding a job are reduced to zero. But do not despair: work in Austria without knowledge of the language is possible. Russian speakers who do not know a single foreign language can rely on the vacancies of domestic attendants: a nanny, a cook, a gardener, as well as an assistant farmer for the household or an auxiliary worker.

Highly deficient specialties in Austria

The most affordable vacancies for our compatriots are as follows:

  • nurses and medical staff;
  • construction workers;
  • engineers with higher education;
  • people for work in nursing homes and nurses.

Work as a medic in Austria

The work of a doctor in Austria is in demand and adequately paid. The salary of a narrow doctor can reach 9,000 euros per month. Foreign citizens who have received a doctor’s diploma and have gained seniority outside the EU must undergo a diploma recognition procedure.

The first step is to verify the diploma and evaluate the amount of knowledge gained.

The testee then passes the test - the number of exams that will be passed in the future depends on its results. Work in Austria for Ukrainians and Russians is a great chance to become a professional in their field.

work as a doctor in austria

To pass the exams, the future doctor is enrolled in a medical university as a student. If the exams are passed successfully, the diploma confirmation procedure (nostrification) will be completed.

A few words in conclusion

On the territory of Austria there are currently many immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other Union republics. Therefore, when looking for work, it is quite advisable to ask on the Internet or from friends, maybe they are looking for their countrymen as employees. Working abroad is interesting!

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