
Work in a pension fund: employee reviews

It is unlikely for anyone to work in a pension fund is the ultimate dream. Why is that? While you are young, you don’t want to think about such an indispensable “attribute” of life as pension provision in principle. What is a job at a state pension fund? The reviews of those who have already tested this path will not promise you a high income, a young and cheerful team, and other points of interest to young professionals. But what if this opinion is superficial and it is quite possible to receive good dividends by working in a pension fund? The reviews of employees, it should be noted, that work for the state and for non-state funds, differ significantly. And in the second case, we are already talking about significant earnings and gaining experience in direct sales.

job pension fund reviews

In this article we will talk about what you can give a job in a pension fund. The feedback of those who work for the benefit of society and for their own benefit will also be given in this article.

Qualities for Applicants

Who is best suited to work in a pension fund? Employee reviews say that the following characteristics are required:

1. Stress resistance. Behind this word, which so often seekers characterize themselves for any position in principle, lies the opportunity to preserve a stone face and at the same time a friendly expression, with whom you may communicate. Work in a pension fund involves daily communication, not only with colleagues, but most often with potential buyers of services. It’s not by chance that the word “senior citizen” hides the image of a grouchy old man. If you work in the private sector, then get ready for objections, ridicule in response to the offer of the service. The ability not to lose face and not cry for rudeness is what is fundamental in the work of the state and non-state pension funds.

2. Literate speech. You may not have a higher education, but it is very important to be able to correctly and intelligibly explain everything about the quality of the product, especially for non-state pension funds. Your salary depends on how well you manage to present the goods. The point about competent speech includes credibility and ability to negotiate.

3. Setting a career above personal relationships and family. Work in a pension fund involves irregular working hours, while NPFs pay their effective employees who are willing to stay late until work. If you plan to leave the office no later than 17:00, then this work is not for you.work in a pension fund employee reviews

State PF RF: reviews

Of course, the opinion of one person cannot be considered a good reason to characterize the entire work of the pension fund as a whole. Therefore, we studied various reviews of former employees of pension funds. Common to all reviews is that specialists from different services say that the staff is predominantly staffed by older employees, over 40 years old. Meanwhile, based on impressions, according to reviews, communication within the team was successful for everyone and there is not much negative. What are the benefits of former employees of state pension funds?

Advantages of working in the state pension fund

First of all, since the PF of this form of ownership is a state-owned enterprise, the employee is guaranteed to rely on all the benefits of such work. This is a white salary, 36 days of rest per year, normalized working day. In addition, it is certainly a useful experience in communication and working with archives.Many respondents note that they saw very clearly the connection between the honest payments of the employer and the effect of these payments on the size of the future pension.work in a private pension fund reviews

Cons of work in the state PF

For many respondents, the normalized day was officially not quite normalized in fact. But most of all the complaints were caused by the stably low wages. This was not the reason for leaving work, but 80% of the former employees of the pension fund noted that for such a volume of work the salary could be higher.

What else did respondents not like about working in a pension fund? Feedback from former employees also indicates that you are very tired of communication. It occurs regularly, with all possible forms of communication: orally, by phone, by mail. If you are an introvert, then working in a pension fund will definitely not appeal to you.

Also, it is not always possible to do the work outlined due to the specifics of the workflow. For example, a debt collection specialist noted that sometimes it is very difficult to work with the archive, it is not always possible to make ends meet.

Benefits of working in non-state pension funds

The state pension reform has opened a huge sales market for NPFs, because every citizen is a potential buyer of the service. If an NPF employee tells you that he earns from 60 to 100 thousand rubles a month, it is likely that this is so. However, this is a huge work, many work up to 20 hours a day and are often forced to move from city to city.  pension fund customer service reviewsIn addition, most of the employees of state pension funds are mature people, while the NPF team is composed of young and ambitious people. Cons or pros? Let's talk about it below.

Who doesn’t work in a private pension fund?

If you do not like direct sales, then you do not even make sense to try your hand at NPFs. Direct sales (or, as the popular term calls it, “vparivanie”) is when you want to sell a product or service and verbally persuade a person to listen to you. Direct sales are good because the more you sell, the greater your profit. The minus of such work is that you need to be intrusive, convincing, interest a person in what initially may not be interesting or necessary to him at all. We are not talking about the fact that the goods, and in this case it is an insurance service in a pension fund, are of poor quality. However, it is not necessary at all that you want to get this from you.

What is the real salary in NPFs

Reviews of work in a non-state pension fund of the Russian Federation speak of super-salaries that can reach 100 thousand rubles a month or more. However, do not rush to reproach NPF employees for lies, because really the salary depends only on their efforts. The more customers they attract, the greater the percentage of pension insurance. But here you have to work. Imagine that you are an employee of an NPF in a small town. Do not walk along the street and grab people by the hand, offering them their services. Workers most often make an appointment with the head of various enterprises, after which they talk with him and talk about the benefits of insurance in their particular non-state pension fund. The directors persuade the more convincing, this one, in turn, either already talks with the employees himself, or gives an opportunity to talk to the NPF employee. reviews of work in the pension fund of the russian federationHaving "worked" in this way the entire city market, NPF employees move to another city, where they open a branch again. Thus, actively working and having the gift of persuasion, you can really earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month. You understand, such a job is not for everyone.

Cons of working in a private pension fund

Reviews indicate that the biggest drawback is emotional burnout. Imagine that every day you need to persuade to buy. On the first day you do it with enthusiasm and very emotional, but with each subsequent day in your work there will be more automatism and less soul.People feel very well when they are persuaded to buy something sincerely, and when it is done “automatically”.work in a state pension fund reviews

Another drawback is that you can’t plan your income in any way. If the reviews about working in the pension fund of the Russian Federation speak about a small but stable salary, then everything is different. In one month you may have a triple salary, in another you will be at a bare rate, which, as a rule, is quite small.

Change of residence as one of the minuses of working in NPFs

What else characterizes the work in the client service of the pension fund? Responses of employees that sometimes it is necessary to change the place of residence together with work are discouraged. Why is this happening? Imagine that the service market is fully developed. Meetings were scheduled with all heads of enterprises and companies, and everyone who could get the information worked out. So what should the branch do? The market dictates the following conditions - to be mobile and fast. Being an agent of an NPF, you can refuse to cooperate with the fund or move to a new city, where you will begin work again. This is not a minus for young and unencumbered people. On the contrary, it is seen as an opportunity to see the world, make new acquaintances. But if you prefer a sedentary lifestyle, you have a family, then you are unlikely to like working in a pension fund. Reviews of former NPF employees, by the way, are often negative for this very reason.


What is a job in the pension fund of the Republic of Belarus? Employee reviews indicate that, like any type of activity, such work is not suitable for everyone. work in a pension fund rb employee reviewsIf you are young and active, want high earnings and know how to present goods to the public beautifully, try working in a non-governmental pension fund. A family man who is well-established in traditional values ​​may be closer in spirit to working in the public sector.

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