
Rational organization of the workplace: features, conditions and recommendations

The rational organization of the workplace is a prerequisite for the quality performance of the employee of his duties. For this, a set of material factors is carried out that ensure labor activity.

workplace conditions

The constituent elements of the activity

To analyze the concept of "rational organization of the workplace", we highlight its constituent elements:

  • production area;
  • main equipment;
  • a device for placing a variety of materials, waste, finished products;
  • a device for arranging tools, devices;
  • devices for convenient and safe operation.

Set of events

The rational organization of the workplace of teaching staff involves certain actions that contribute to the creation of the necessary conditions in the workplace for highly productive work, to increase its content, to protect the health of the employee.

The set of measures is:

  • selection of rational equipment and signaling of the workplace;
  • selection of inventory and equipment;
  • creating comfort for employees;
  • selection of a convenient layout.
features of the organization of the workplace

Key factors

The conditions for the rational organization of the workplace depend on several factors:

  • type of activity;
  • company specifics.

The formation of the workplace is a system of measures necessary to provide all means and materials of the employee. This contributes to a smooth production process.

The rational organization of the workplace is associated with the state of production and operational planning, as well as from the level of support services for the workshop and company.

how to organize a workplace


Among them are the following areas:

  • repair;
  • commissioning;
  • instrumental;
  • procurement;
  • transport;
  • organizational.

The rational organization and provision of jobs depends on the specifics of production. For example, in small-scale and single-unit production processes at workplaces, a significant number of different operations are carried out.

They are equipped with universal devices, a variety of objects. In mass production, such jobs are assumed in which a specific number of operations are carried out.

The rational organization of the workplace involves their basing on special tools and equipment.

Mass production involves 1-2 technological operations. As one of the most important indicators of the organization of the workplace, experts call the mechanical ratio.

rationality of placement

Important aspects

The rational organization of the workplace is the creation of places for manual, automatic, mechanical activity.

In the first case, manual techniques prevail in operations. Special attention deserves the rationalization and design of reasonable labor methods.

In mechanized production places, special attention is paid to the coordination of the operation of the machine and the person, the creation of synchronization of the technological and labor process, the convenience and safety of operations.

The control of production lighting for the rational organization of the workplace in the case of workstations is carried out without the participation of an employee. Its functions include only control, repair, adjustment, export, supply of parts.

office workspace option


The introduction of software-controlled equipment in mechanical engineering, including industrial robots, contributes to the creation of robotic industries. Their specific feature is the implementation of various technological operations in automatic mode. This contributes to a high level of technological operations at a particular workplace, and can significantly increase labor productivity.

School life

The rational organization of the student’s workplace involves the distribution of time for homework, extracurricular activities, as well as communicating with friends. A similar principle allows you to avoid physical overload, psychological stress.

the concept of rational organization of the workplace

Production area

The basis for the specialization of jobs is the typification of technologies used in production. These measures help reduce the range of products used, increase the level of seriality, and reduce the repair and reconfiguration of the equipment used.

Workplace equipment is characterized by a profile, level of automation and mechanization, specialization of technological chains.

The main requirement for choosing the main technological equipment is the creation of the necessary labor productivity at the workplace with full compliance with all safety parameters. Selected equipment must fully meet all the requirements of aesthetics and ergonomics. In order to increase the level of automation of technological process control, the main mechanisms have recently been using modern microprocessors, special means and control technologies.

Ancillary equipment should be convenient, reliable, safe to use. It fully complies with all anthropometric characteristics of employees, meets the requirements of industrial aesthetics.

The layout of the workplace is considered the rational distribution of the main material objects:

  • organizational and technological equipment;
  • equipment;
  • inventory.

Allocate the internal and external layout of the modern workplace. The external option involves a reasonable placement of auxiliary and main equipment, additional equipment. Among the main requirements that apply to this type of planning, note:

  • reduction of trajectories of movement of objects to eliminate unnecessary movements by employees;
  • reduction to a minimum indicator of the number of turns and inclinations of the employee’s body;
  • economical use of the available production area.

The internal layout is a reasonable arrangement of tools and technological equipment in a tool cabinet, the correct placement of parts and objects in the workplace. This helps to ensure not long and not tiring labor movements, even distribution of loads during the shift.

organization and provision of jobs


The workplace is the primary link of any production, which is the responsibility of one employee. The content of work aimed at streamlining the workplace depends on several factors:

  • options for activity (physical, mental, light, hard work);
  • working conditions (unfavorable or comfortable);
  • type of production.

The quality of service for jobs is associated with the organization of activities of auxiliary services of a workshop or enterprise. Before carrying out the basic actions, any employee is obliged to prepare equipment for work.

During the direct implementation of his duties, the employee maintains cleanliness and order in the workplace. If necessary, the employee lubricates the equipment, corrects minor defects, informs maintenance personnel about breakdowns.After completion of work, the employee hands over or removes devices and tools, gives his workplace to the shift worker.

Workplace equipment is characterized by the production profile of the company. In mechanical engineering, a workplace comes with a remote control, a machine tool, and a transport and lifting mechanism. Also assumed are seats, stands, shelves, tool cabinets, pallets, drawers, conveyors, clamps. The employee is provided with cutting tools, communication devices, protective screens, lighting, an industrial fan.

Comfortable and safe conditions are the basic requirements that apply to the workplace of a teacher, doctor, accountant, economist, or any other employee.

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