
Salary by military rank

The Armed Forces of Russia includes 1.8 million people. Of these, more than a million are military personnel.

The formation of their wages is a very complex process, because there are a number of factors influencing it.

The average salary is currently 45 thousand rubles. It consists of several parts, and one of the main is the salary for military rank.

Promotion over the years.

Payment Amount

Salary is also included in the total amount of allowance.

Salaries of military personnel in military ranks and posts for 2018 on average range from 10 to 45 thousand rubles. In general, their wages in Russia are lower than in America, Germany and France, but much higher than in countries that once belonged to the Soviet Union. Level of allowance from lowest to highest in rubles:

  • 10 400.
  • 11 400.
  • 12 500.
  • 13 550.
  • 15 600.
  • 16 600.
  • 17 750.
  • 18 150.
  • 20 800.
  • 25 000.
  • 26 000.
  • 27 000.
  • 29 600.
  • 33 300.
  • 38 500
  • 41 600.
  • 46 800.

Based on the above data, conclusions can be drawn about the difference in wages and how salaries have grown over the past time. It also becomes clear the level of allowance for posts that can be replaced by contractors.


Persons receiving salaries in the military rank include:

1. The military in contract service (specialists in this field who independently and meaningfully make a choice of labor activity).

2. Conscripts on military service (1,100 -1,900 rubles).

3. Cadets.

Established cash allowance.

Military status

The duty of the military is to ensure the country's defense, even if it involves a risk to life.

In addition, professional activities in this area determine certain restrictions, including the conduct of any entrepreneurial or other paid work.

Such activities with a special character and conditions are offset by benefits and other surcharges to the basic salary for military ranks.


Work in this structure of the RF Armed Forces is considered prestigious, but at the same time responsible and very important. Not everyone can get on it.

The salary level for military ranks in the FSB is significantly higher than in any other federal agency.

Since 2013, the monthly salary of FSB employees has grown by approximately 50%. The carried out indexation affected workers on a contract basis and specialists.

Of great importance in the formation of allowance in this structure is the degree of risk to which the employee is exposed in the process of service. The length of service is also important, as well as the fulfillment of special tasks that affect the subsequent course of the service. Workers also receive quarterly and annual bonuses and compensation for being on business trips.

Payout amount

The Federal Security Service is the main secret organization, which is absolutely controlled by the Government of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the level of military contentment of this service in the first readings.

  1. The salary for the military rank of ensign, junior lieutenant, lieutenant (junior officer) is 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Detectives - 32-34 thousand.
  3. Drivers and mechanics of specialized equipment - 30 thousand.
  4. The investigation team - 28 thousand.
  5. The salary of a military rank major, captain, senior lieutenant (average officer) - 32 thousand rubles.
  6. The security chiefs in the territorial departments are 35 thousand.
  7. Attendants (ordinary staff), as well as electrical and radio engineers - 22 thousand.
  8. Salary of military rank lieutenant colonel, colonel, general (the highest part of the officers) - 40,000.


The Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them" decided:

one.Apply salary according to the military rank of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and position in accordance with the standards. Assign the amount of salary for a typical position in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other units that can replace those employees who work on a contract basis. This also applies to payments for the position that is subject to replacement in the following structures:

  • foreign intelligence service;
  • service of special facilities (President of the Russian Federation);
  • Federal Security Service;
  • FSB.

2. Set the amount of salaries for other work, which will correspond to the categories of the employee relative to the level of the main part of the salary. Use the accepted level of salaries for military ranks and posts when changing the amount of pension payments assigned before January 1, 2012 (the Law of the Russian Federation “On the pension provision of persons who have served in the military”), as well as the pensions of employees laid off in cases mentioned in the law . In addition, this concerns the issue of maintaining payments in accordance with the title of employee: one year after the dismissal of the employee (part-time contractors who have reached the age limit and have been dismissed during organizational and staff events or due to inappropriate health conditions, as well as without retirement benefits).

If, in accordance with these standards, the level of the pension is less than the amount of security for dismissed servicemen until 2012, then it is retained until the right to a larger pension is received.

3. To provide financial support for the expenses related to this decision, within the framework of the budgetary provision planned by the official authority (wages and pensions of military employees and family members).

This resolution has been in force since 2012.

Contract service.

Other allowances

In addition to the salary for military rank, the salary of military personnel depends on:

  • position held;
  • length of service (15-35%);
  • qualification category (10–25%);
  • work with data representing state secrets (up to 26%);
  • special services (up to 95%);
  • personal achievements (up to 90%);
  • conscientious work (up to 20%);
  • fulfillment of life-threatening tasks (up to 100%);
  • work in the Far North, as well as service in distant, empty, waterless or mountainous areas (15-90%).

On average, the size of additional payments can be from 45 to 200% of the basic salary.

You can find out in more detail what salary consists of in legislative acts, namely:

  • Order of the Minister of Defense “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowance to the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces”.
  • Government Decree “On the Establishment of Salaries for the Compensation of Contracted Military Personnel”.
  • Federal law “On the monetary allowance of servicemen and the provision of separate payments to them”.

The salary for the military rank of a soldier is an average of 15-25% of the total.

Military position

The type of payment according to this criterion is also included in the total amount of allowance.

Salaries of military personnel in military ranks and posts for 2018 on average range from 10 to 45 thousand rubles. In general, their wages in Russia are lower than in America, Germany and France, but much higher than in countries that were previously part of the USSR.

The size of salaries for the military post of military personnel - contractors in rubles:

  1. Shooter - 10,400.
  2. Sniper - 11,400.
  3. Minesweeper - 12 500.
  4. Tank commander - 13,500.
  5. The squad leader is 15,600.
  6. Paramedic - 16 600.
  7. Deputy platoon commander - 17,700.
  8. Translator - 18,200.
  9. Platoon commander - 20,800.
  10. The battalion commander is 25,000.
  11. Deputy Chief of Staff of the division - 26,000.
  12. The commander of a motorized rifle regiment - 27,000.
  13. The senior inspector is the navigator in the command of the Air Force command - 29,600.
  14. Air base commander - 33,300.
  15. Commander of the combined arms army - 38,500.
  16. Commander of the military district - 41,600.
  17. First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - 46,800.
Substitution of positions by contractors.

Change salary sizes

And now it’s worthwhile to understand how the wages of servicemen have varied over the past 18 years.

Recently, many transformations have occurred. July 1999 brought a doubling of the monthly salaries of the military, police and other law enforcement officials, depending on the military rank. This event occurred in accordance with the order of the President.

2003 also led to almost double the military allowance of the RF Armed Forces, depending on the rank. Thus, the salary was equal to the qualification level premiums for public servants.

Then, over the course of four years, a systematic increase in the salary of the army workers followed:

  • 2006 - by 16%;
  • 2007 - 11%;
  • end of 2007 - 16%;
  • 2008 - 11%;
  • 2009 - 8.5%.

The current salary level, depending on the position and rank, as well as additional allowances, was formulated in 2012. This happened on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 306 of November 7, 2011 “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them”.

For 6 years, the amount of military allowance remained unchanged. This happened due to the fact that it was decided to stop the indexing of the military for an indefinite period.

Service in the Far North.

The average salary of military personnel

Statistics give the following indicators in the field of organizations responsible for military security:

  1. Year - 540 thousand rubles.
  2. A month - 45 thousand rubles.
  3. Week - 10 160 rubles.
  4. Day - 1 452 rubles.
  5. Hour - 60 rubles 48 kopecks.

Other payouts

In addition to paying salaries for military ranks and other salary components, military personnel are entitled to other surcharges aimed at compensating for special working conditions and compliance with certain restrictions. These include a social package and special bonuses.

Social package

Throughout the entire period of service, employees are entitled to:

  • Provision of food and things.
  • Free travel on business trips and relocation.
  • Free transportation of personal items up to 20 tons.
  • The provision of housing.
  • State insurance.
  • Payment of financial resources (lifting) for moving in the amount of cash and a quarter of it for each family member.
  • Gratuitous treatment, rehabilitation and equipping with all necessary medicines.
  • The allowance to the dismissed employee (2-7 salaries).
Service in a military conflict.

Special surcharges

Workers working in the framework of special situations and clashes in military units are entitled to these benefits.

It is worth considering in more detail the conditions under which monetary allowance is issued to military personnel serving in units located outside the Russian Federation, as well as to those employees who perform labor duties during armed clashes or during special circumstances or orders.

Military formations are any associations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • military units;
  • military prosecutor's office;
  • Units
  • organizations of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • military investigative body of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • military organs.

Salaries for these employees are issued with a higher coefficient (or several). Its or their size is based on a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, and also depends on where the formation is deployed, as well as on the tasks that it performs.

Salaries for military rank.

These coefficients that increase the employee's wages are correlated with the monetary allowance (its size), calculated in the proper manner. It is worth noting that at the same time there is no new salary amount for the military that would be used to indicate the level of salary for the purpose of calculating pension payments.

The above rules are relevant for employees in the contract service.

Conscripts who serve under special conditions have monthly salaries.

There are positions in the army that can be replaced by privates, sailors, sergeants, or foremen.Employees in such positions who work on a contract basis are entitled to monthly or other payments in accordance with the standards. At the same time, do not forget that in this case, increasing coefficients for them are not established.

Upon dismissal of the employee, a one-time payment is required (salary for two months, depending on the official position).

This payroll schedule is relevant for the following service categories:

  • The execution time of a soldier is long outside the borders of the Russian Federation.

Workers who fulfill the requirements in special circumstances or in an armed conflict, namely, for a specific period in the area where such a situation was indicated, as well as places that are related to the border of military conflicts.

It is interesting to note that the exact time of the beginning and end of an emergency or assignment of a place to a collision zone will be taken into account. This time is established by law.

The period during which a serviceman works under special conditions is recorded by orders of the authorities of an army unit or unit.

  • Military personnel - contract soldiers who are on business trips in the Far North and other territories equivalent to it; as well as areas with an unfavorable environment or climate (highlands, deserts, waterless places) are entitled to the issue of monetary allowances along with increasing coefficients and other allowances in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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