
Registration of organization documents, functions and types

Registration of organization documents is an important part of laborious paper work. The main objective of this process is to give documents legal force. Also, thanks to this, they are taken into account, monitored and quickly sought if an urgent need arises. Obtaining the necessary information about documents, regardless of the stage of working with them, can be easily done in a short period of time if all the established rules for document circulation are followed.

The concept

Registration of documents of an organization is a fixation of their formation or income by applying an index and indicating certain data in special forms. The index includes a number in order, supplemented by other nomenclature indices, classifiers and other components. The parts of the index that follow each other are separated by a slash.

Registration of documents of the organization is created to receive certificates of a planned, accounting, administrative, reporting, financial and other nature. They are used internally, and also sent to other structures or come from them. Both handwritten papers and printed using modern technical devices are subject to registration.

Organization of work with documents: registration of documents


In the organization of paper work, the main place belongs to the registration process. Only with well-established operations, following one after another, the tasks of operational management are easily solved. For this, clerks must provide any documents in a short time, both internal and those received from other companies.

When registering documents of the organization in special forms, the most important facts are indicated, including the period of creation, sending or receiving. Thus, the document becomes legal. Up to this point, it is considered as if not existent. That is, the organization is not responsible for its preservation, as well as for receiving.


Registration is one of the first stages of work after the initial processing upon receipt of the document, or the penultimate one if it is sent to another structure. After this stage, outgoing papers are sealed in envelopes and sent by mail or other communication channels.

Registration is considered one of the most time-consuming and responsible operations in paperwork. Therefore, if the question arises of streamlining the workflow, then they begin with this process.

Forms of organization of registration of documents


The main tasks of registration include:

  • Accounting.
  • Execution control.
  • Reference work.

When accounting, quantitative information is obtained on the volume of work, the analysis of both documents as a whole and individual types, by structure and other elements. In the future, a database is formed in the form of a special search engine.


Only if necessary, further use is the organization of work with documents. Registration of documents is not necessary if they are accepted for information only. Each company must have approved a list of documents that should not be registered. As a rule, it is contained in the annex to the instructions for clerks, but can also be composed in the form of a stand-alone paper. It needs to be updated if the situation requires it.

Typically, unregistered securities include:

  • Promotional materials.
  • Congratulations.
  • Invitations to seminars and conferences.
  • Books and other print media.
  • "Personal" packages received by mail.
  • Copies of government documents.
  • Information letters.

Upon registration, each document is assigned a corresponding number. Incoming papers have their own number system, which is stamped on the receipt.

The procedure is carried out only once. This is one of the main rules for organizing work with documents. Registration of documents in a large company is carried out in the clerical department. If it is a small company, then the secretary is dealing with this issue. In a company with divisions and other structural groups, this process can be carried out in a decentralized manner. This, however, applies only to internal papers. Their registration should be carried out on the day of receipt, approval or dispatch.

Registration and accounting of documents in the organization

Production methods

Documents can be obtained in the following ways:

  • By mail.
  • Through courier services.
  • By fax.
  • By email.

Different forms of organization of registration of documents are carried out in relation to the following correspondence:

  • Inbox.
  • Outgoing.
  • Inner.

Registration Information

For an incoming document, data such as:

  • Date of receiving.
  • Incoming number.
  • Date of compilation of the document.
  • Index.
  • Registration number.
  • The author of the document.
  • Title.
  • Resolution.
  • Execution period.
  • Executor.
  • Working process.
  • The number of the case where he goes after the necessary manipulations.

Entering Information

First, the organization of registration of primary documents is carried out, which are not completely filled out, as they have not yet been submitted to the head, and do not have an appropriate resolution, as well as a designated execution period and contractor. The remaining data is indicated after familiarization with authorized persons. If a good relationship has been established with the leader, and he looks through the correspondence every morning, you can first show the document to him, and after making the appropriate decision, immediately enter all the necessary data.

If we are talking about the organization of registration and control over the execution of internal documents, the data can be indicated in the appropriate form with the possibility of subsequent changes and additions. The date of receipt in them, of course, is absent. Therefore, unlike an incoming document, an internal document has a single registration number.

Any company has the right to change and supplement the data on the incoming document taking into account the specifics of the activity. For example, often indicate the number of sheets and applications.


Registration forms are in the form of:

  • Magazines.
  • Card.
  • Automated electronic systems.

Let's consider each form separately.

Registration of a non-profit organization: documents


A journal system is useful when an organization is dealing with a small number of documents. If the company has a large volume of workflow, then it is no longer used, since in many respects it is inferior to other, more advanced systems.

Information is indicated in the organization’s document registration journals in the order in which they are received. This process involves one person. Thus, when a lot of documents arrive, registration takes a long time. Naturally, this greatly slows down the workflow.

In addition, the operation has to be duplicated, since information is required both in the office and in individual structural units, where the document will be executed in the future. As a result, in the same company the same securities should be registered 3-5 times in separate journals.

At the same time, it becomes impossible to obtain reference information in a short time, since journal entries are kept in chronological order. To get information, you need to know at least approximately when the document was registered.

It will not be possible to control the deadlines, since they all have their own and cannot be classified separately.Therefore, where the control function has priority, use the card system.

Organization Registration Documents


Card registration system solves the shortcomings that exist when conducting paperwork for magazines. It appeared at the beginning of the last century and is very common in European countries. In Russia, it became widespread during the development of the Unified State Record Keeping System. This system of document registration in the organization is necessary in order to cope with a large volume of securities without problems. It has the following advantages:

  • The registration process can be handled by several employees at once.
  • Documents can be produced in the quantity that is necessary for the smooth functioning of the organization.
  • Cards can be systematized, as well as make card files. This makes the help function available.
  • A specific instance may be transferred to exercise control over the execution of documents.
  • The form and indication of details are determined directly in the organization, and are prescribed in the instructions for paperwork.
  • The selected card form can be propagated using a photocopy machine. To keep records, you need to have a circulation sufficient for at least 1 year.

An organization can have as many copies of cards as needed. Usually you need to fill in at least two. After that, one copy is stored in a temporary file cabinet, and the other in the information and reference department. The document itself is sent to the contractor for work. But often they use three cards in order to transfer the latter also to the performer.

Such a system is suitable both for documents for registering a public organization, and for conducting office work in a state institution. Reference card files are created on various issues, for example, by region. Then their number automatically increases. Of course, this system is labor intensive and can only be effectively formed in organizations where the office management service performs its functions flawlessly. A more modern system helped to get rid of the need to fill a huge number of cards. It became possible thanks to the introduction of computer technology.

Documents for registration of a public organization

Automated Electronic Systems

This form of documentation is carried out through software (or software). It is installed on a PC, server or several integrated PCs. When using an automated system, information is entered into an electronic card, which is stored in the corresponding database. To ensure safety, in parallel, information is stored in an additional (backup) database.

It is this form that has received the greatest application at present, since it has significant advantages compared with the previous two options. In particular, these are:

  • Quick search on any basis, for example, date.
  • Generation of reports and analytical information in automatic mode.
  • The ability to register from different places of work at the same time.
  • The possibility of document management in a decentralized manner in separate units with the integration of information in a single database.
  • Other features.

A program for registering documents can be developed by the organization itself. However, in the vast majority of cases, ready-made solutions are used that make it easy to work with a large volume of documents, starting from the creation stage and ending with its execution or sending to another company.

In an automated system, the most complete information about all documents can be collected and stored. Thanks to this, effective control is implemented and reference work is carried out, and, if necessary, an internal inventory.


Currently, at any enterprise and institution a large volume of documents is being generated. Office work, properly established in accordance with the law and meeting all the tasks set, increases managerial efficiency many times over. Personal computers, programs and new technologies have made this process more organized. An automated system speeds up and facilitates the work as a whole, as well as the registration and accounting of documents in the organization, in particular.

Registration of documents in the organization is necessary

This process is important throughout the clerical cycle. Thanks to organized work, you can easily find the necessary information and a specific document in a short time. And this, in turn, provides an operational solution to issues.

Cards, which until recently were distributed everywhere, are gradually being replaced with an automated system, even for registration with a non-profit organization of documents. The whole process is carried out in an accelerated mode, including effective control over document flow.

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