
Registration at the place of residence: terms, procedure and requirements

Residence permit in Russia makes citizens work hard. It is often impossible to stay in the country without registration. Therefore, all residents of the Russian Federation must have a temporary or permanent place of residence. Otherwise, people will have to face a huge amount of problems. For example, with fines. Today we will be interested in the period of registration at the place of residence, the registration procedure and legislative aspects of this operation. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. If you prepare in advance, you will be able to get a residence permit in the shortest possible time and with minimal problems.

How to register

Why do i need

Many are interested in why registration at the place of residence is necessary. The timing of the provision of the corresponding service varies, but in general it is not such a long operation. We will talk about this later.

Registration of the population in the Russian Federation plays an important role. It not only helps the state track the movement of citizens, but also allows people to:

  • Assign a specific place to stay;
  • draw up benefits and targeted assistance;
  • send children to kindergartens and schools;
  • Attach to organizations at the place of registration (for example, to the clinic);
  • draw up documents;
  • apply for state and municipal services.

It is problematic to live without a residence permit in Russia. Moreover, for living in the country faces a certain punishment. It will depend on who the offender is.

Registration term for Russians

The term of registration at the place of residence cannot be called unambiguous. The thing is that a lot depends on the specific situation.

Let's start with the citizens of the Russian Federation. When they are discharged from old housing, they must necessarily find a new place of residence for a week. If after 7 days the registration is not completed, the citizen will have to face certain sanctions. We will talk about them later.

Newborns and terms of registration

The registration period at the place of residence in the case of newborn children in Russia varies slightly. How exactly?

In this case, it is advisable to talk about primary registration. She does not have exact dates. Nevertheless, it is recommended to prescribe a child in the next month of life. This will save you from problems with the design of manuals and documents, binding to the clinic.

Documents for registration

How quickly do foreigners need to register

We have already studied the terms of registration for a new place of residence for local residents. But what if a foreigner entered the territory of the Russian Federation?

Under such circumstances, slightly different rules begin to apply. There is no need to rush with registration. The thing is that foreign citizens can stay in Russia without a residence permit for 90 days. After this, you will have to register in a particular housing.

Types of registration

The term for registration of citizens at the place of residence is ambiguous. In general, this operation is carried out quickly, but sometimes you have to wait. What is necessary to remember about the mentioned procedure?

In Russia there are various types of registration. Namely:

  • temporary;
  • constant.

A citizen can have one type of registration, or several. Next, find out what features each version of the population in the country has.

About temporary registration

Temporary registration is a way of migration registration of citizens. It allows you to register for a person housing for a while.

Usually a temporary residence permit is issued to foreigners. It can last a maximum of 5 years.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation is temporarily registered, he can cancel the corresponding registration ahead of schedule, re-register or wait until the expiration date of the previous registration data.

Important: when registering in municipal housing for a while, a citizen will not be able to participate in privatization. This type of registration is called residence registration.

About permanent registration

Does a person need a residence registration? The validity of such a residence permit (it is called permanent) is unlimited. It is terminated only at the request of a citizen.

In exceptional cases, a permanent residence permit may be revoked in court. But, as a rule, for this you need to try pretty hard.

Important: permanent registration allows you to become a member of privatization.

Foreigners cannot have permanent registration in Russia. The exception is the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation. But this is a huge rarity, so we will not focus on this approach.

Penalties for residents of the Russian Federation

A violation of the registration deadline at the place of residence? What are citizens afraid of?

The thing is that there are no direct penalties for the lack of registration for local residents in Russia. Nevertheless, sanctions are still imposed. Namely - for living in an apartment or house without registration.

In this case, it is recommended to focus on the following sanctions:

  • 2-3 thousand rubles - to individuals in the absence of registration;
  • 3-5 thousand rubles - in case of violation in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

If a person let someone live in his apartment and did not register him, the owner will have to pay a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

How to register a child - documents

What to expect for a foreigner for lack of registration

What punishments will a foreigner face if it turns out that he lives on the territory of the Russian Federation without registration?

A similar situation will attract migration services. A foreign citizen can be expelled from Russia, write a fine in the previously indicated sizes. Additionally, some people are barred from entering the country for a certain period of time. The exact punishment will depend on the decision of the migration services.

Where to register

We have already found out the term for registering a newborn at the place of residence. And where can citizens be registered?

Adult persons are able to register:

  • in your home;
  • in a strange house / apartment with the permission of the owner.

The exception is minor children. We consider this case in more detail.

Where to prescribe a child

The registration of minors in Russia is a lot of trouble. The thing is that children are registered according to the following principles:

  • up to 14 years old - only with parents (or with one of them);
  • 14-18 years - it is possible with close relatives or separately from parents (with the permission of legal representatives and landlords);
  • after 18 - anywhere.

Moreover, the registration of the child with parents does not require the permission of the homeowner. Therefore, a new tenant may come as a surprise to the landlord.

Extract from the apartment and registration through public services

Residence permit in your home

Now that the registration deadline for the place of residence of the child and adult is clear, you can proceed to the immediate registration. Let's start by registering a person in your home.

This is the simplest scenario. To register in your apartment, you will need:

  1. Collect a specific package of documents. It will be minimal.
  2. Contact the registration authority with a request for registration.
  3. Pick up the registration document at the appointed time at the place of residence.

Quick and easy. Registration in your apartment is a procedure that gives a minimum of trouble.

Documents for registration at home

Duration of registration at the place of residence of citizens of the Russian Federation is several days. Documents on registration will be issued approximately 2-3 days after applying for the appropriate application.

To register in your apartment, a person will need:

  • passport;
  • USRN statements;
  • statement;

sheets of arrival and departure.

It's all.The registration procedure of the population is absolutely free. Under no circumstances will you have to pay for such operations.

Where to apply for registration at the place of residence

Registration in another's housing

Now we find out how to get a residence permit in someone else's apartment. This is a more difficult task.

In order to cope with it, you will have to:

  1. Find suitable housing for registration.
  2. Agree on registration activities with homeowners. Have to get their written consent for the operation.
  3. Submit documents to the registration authority with a request for registration. This should be done by the landlord.
  4. Pick up registration statements.

Important: the registration deadlines for a new place of residence in this case does not differ from the registration in your apartment. The applicant will have to wait a few days.

Help for registration "not at home"

Of course, in order to easily register in a particular housing, a citizen will have to prepare a certain package of certificates. What extracts are useful for registration not in your apartment?

Under such circumstances, you will need to prepare:

  • identity cards of registered persons and owners;
  • written and notarized permission of the apartment owners to register;
  • departure slip;
  • arrival sheet;
  • application for registration;
  • statements of ownership of the property.

If it is planned to register a foreigner in housing, you will additionally have to attach:

  • passport translation;
  • foreign passport;
  • migration card.

All of this will be enough. It is advisable to provide all of these extracts in a combination of "copy + original."

Passport registration mark

Documents for registering a child

The term for registering a child at the place of residence, as in previous cases, is only a few days. Only registration of a minor requires a lot more papers.


  • passports of parents;
  • permission from the second parent to register not with him;
  • birth certificate of a minor;
  • certificate of family composition from the parent with whom the child will not be registered;
  • Application for registration of a minor at a given address;
  • child's passport (for persons from 14 years old);
  • permission of the homeowner to register (if the child is not prescribed after 14 years with parents);
  • the consent of both parents to register the teenager is not with them.

As practice shows, in some cases it is necessary to obtain permission from guardianship authorities. Usually this happens if you need to sell current housing and re-register a minor.

Important: you can’t write a child out of nowhere by legal means. This is a violation that is monitored by guardianship. Therefore, the registration of minors in potentially put up for sale housing is a risky business.

About the registration authorities

Need to register at your place of residence? The registration deadlines are from several hours to a couple of days. More precise information can be obtained from a specific registration authority.

Where to send a registration application? You can contact:

  • MFC;
  • single window service;
  • UFMS;
  • migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Passport Office;
  • passport and visa center;
  • a management company serving the house in which the person will be registered.

Now more often there are companies offering intermediary services. They offer assistance with a variety of paperwork. Registration is no exception.

Contacting intermediaries is an additional expense. This scenario is not too common. Citizens prefer to spend a little of their time and save a lot of money on intermediary services.


We examined the terms of registration at the place of residence. Fines for lack of registration were also presented to our attention. Now everyone knows what difficulties they may encounter in one or another case.

It is worth noting that the owner can register close relatives (children, spouses, parents) in his home without the consent of the co-owners of the home.The main thing is to attach extracts to the application that can confirm the relationship.

Certificate of residence

Can they refuse a residence permit? Yes, but only on certain grounds. For example:

  • the person brought an incomplete package of documents;
  • references used are fake;
  • a citizen is in Russia illegally;
  • not all owners agree to register a new tenant.

It is important to remember that registration has different interpretations. Permanent registration is a stamp in the passport. Children issue a certificate of the established form.

Temporary registration is represented by an extract of the established sample. Nowhere else is there any mark on it.

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