
Print Ad

One of the popular services for print media is the publication of announcements (or advertising modules).

What it is?

advertising module

Advertising module - a short message occupying a specific area on the page of a newspaper or magazine. As a rule, such text is framed, highlighted with various styles or supplemented with illustrations for better perception.

Often, advertising modules are published by companies and enterprises in order to popularize a new product, service or offer vacancies for applicants. In addition, such ads are used by public organizations, private individuals, retailers and wholesalers.

Removal of advertising modules occurs at the request of both the advertiser and the print publication due to various reasons. For example, the seller’s product has gone out of production, and there is no longer any need to promote it, or it doesn’t at all fit the themes of a magazine, newspaper, etc.

Ad sizes

newspaper advertising module

Almost everything affects the size of such ads: from the format to the volume of the print publication. Some magazines and newspapers even developed their own unique modular grid of bands, which are based on one of two approaches:

  1. On the "column". In this case, the ad module and its size will depend on the number of columns for the text.
  2. On the "half" approach. Such a modular grid allows you to create advertisements on the whole page (on the whole page).

What are ads for?

The advertising module in print is still an effective means of promoting goods. After all, the reader will definitely pay attention to the catchy design, illustrations, especially against the background of a plain-looking main text. And if people see such an announcement (the quality of which is guaranteed to some extent by the publication), then there are chances that they will be interested in or even get a product.

However, not only sellers, but also buyers need advertising. After all, with the help of announcements you can find both goods and services, and useful information about the companies and enterprises that promote them.

If we consider advertising in print media in terms of the design of the text, then there are:

  • editorial;
  • traditional
  • coupon ads.

Editorial announcements

advertising module

An editorial announcement is similar in principle to an advertising multimedia module, which today can be found on almost any site. That is, the message is disguised as a regular publication. In the territory of the Russian Federation, such material is called “hidden advertising”, because often the reader himself does not understand that he has read not an ordinary review of any goods, but a disguised announcement of only one product. Often, messages of this type only partially affect people and are created in order to attract attention to the product, and not for the sake of a call to purchase.

An example of editorial modules is reporting in magazines, where, in addition to the main ones, there are several photos with an advertising product. In newspapers, such advertisements are “hidden” in major articles, interviews, or news items.

Traditional advertisements

advertising multimedia module

Traditional ads are messages from advertisers with a pronounced advertising character. Often, such advertising modules are full of product illustrations, relevant slogans and contacts of the seller.

In newspapers, such ads are framed or inscribed in shapes (rectangles, circles, etc.). In magazines, a traditional advertising module can occupy a whole page (or even a spread), where in addition to the text there will be photos of the product, service or brand.

Unlike editorial, traditional ads have all the necessary features for promoting products (or most of them). That is, there are:

  • Direct mention of a product (or service).
  • Cost.
  • The name of the company or the contacts of a private person offering his product or service.
  • The reader’s call to action (for example, buying a product).

Coupon Ads

Coupon advertising module in a newspaper - a message written on a special tear-off or cut-off coupon. Usually it is intended for presentation in the store in order to receive a discount on a particular product. That is, such coupons are not only direct advertising of products, but also give the buyer additional benefits. In addition, with the help of such coupons you can take part in any lottery or receive a gift from the advertiser in the form of goods or a discount on the performance of the service from a specialist.

In addition to the above, coupons can be intended to study consumers of a particular product. In other words, in the coupon, in addition to the discount, there are clean fields to fill out, where the future participant will have to indicate their initials, age, gender, profession, place of residence, attitude to the product, etc. Based on these data, companies develop ideas for new products or improving existing ones.

In terms of effectiveness, a coupon is better than traditional ads to promote a product or service. More readers are paying attention to them. Some may even recommend the advertised product or service to relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

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