
Seat belt for children: features, types and recommendations

For any parent, the safety of his children is always above all. Therefore, when creating the most harmless and comfortable conditions of movement in your own transport, you need to carefully approach the choice of means of fixing children in the car.

What it is

First, let's figure out what a seat belt is for children. In general, this is specifically a tool that is designed to hold a person in place during an accident or an abrupt stop. It is in every car and is located depending on the placement of seats - on the right or left. In most cases, the belts automatically retract into place and have three points of contact. Therefore, they absolutely do not interfere with a person and do not constrain movement, and most importantly, they firmly press him to the seat.

For children of school and preschool age, a special device is designed for fixing on the rear or front seat of the car. And for those who are concerned about the question of how old a seat belt for children can be used, let’s say that the device is used for young passengers from 4 to 12 years old.

Now in our country there is a state standard that defines a number of basic requirements for the quality and production features of these safety equipment, as well as for their testing system.

What is a holding device for?

adapter for children

When transporting children, fixing agents play a very important role. After all, all small passengers are curious and mobile. The parent will be more comfortable driving, knowing that his child is securely holding the seat belt for children. In addition, no one is safe from dangerous situations that occur during the movement of the machine. Therefore, a place for a small passenger should always be equipped with a high degree of protection and reliability.

Seat belts for children in a car are needed for those guys who have already grown out of a car seat or categorically refuse to be in it. This holding device is recommended for purchase with other locking mechanisms.

What are the benefits

Parents who doubt the appropriateness of using such safety features should pay attention to some facts confirming their need:

  • the risk of head injuries is reduced by 8 times;
  • chest injuries - 18 times;
  • neck - 6 times;
  • the likelihood of injury to abdominal organs became 27 times lower.

But the most important thing is that the baby’s life is saved, since the use of restraint devices has reduced the mortality rate of children in car accidents by more than 70%. These are convincing official figures showing the benefits of a seat belt for children.

In addition, the risk of contact during impact with interior elements is significantly reduced. The distribution of its strength occurs on more durable parts of the body. The child is protected from collision with other passengers. During an accident, he will not be thrown out of the car. The possibility of injury is minimized.

Opponents of using such security features

Mom with baby

Absolutely all opponents of such methods of fixation agree that in the event of an emergency, the seat belt for children purchased in the car will put pressure on the abdomen of the baby. Typically, this is due to the location of the restraint. In a similar situation, an adult transfers pressure on his legs, resting them on the floor.A small passenger will not be able to do this due to small growth, which is fraught with damage to internal organs.

In outdated car models, the use of such means of fixation is impossible, since there are no horizontal straps in their main seat belts, and it is problematic to purchase a modern car for the child seat belt. Therefore, among the owners of such cars there are no supporters of the said restraint.

In an emergency, the adapter is not able to protect the baby's head and body.

seat belt pad

The use of child restraint devices in the front seat is dangerous due to the fact that the airbag is at the level of the child’s head. Therefore, in the event of an accident, there is a high probability of injury from it, and not from a collision with an obstacle.

The negative point of using this method of fixation is its simple fastening, due to which the baby can unfasten during movement, which is unsafe.

A seat belt for children is a low-cost and simple means of restraint, which can be used even after the next innovations. It has both advantages and disadvantages. But this is better than nothing. Therefore, you should not save on the safety of the younger generation, because this is our continuation and the greatest value.

Important features of locking devices

seat belt for children

When choosing a seat belt for children, it is necessary to take into account the weight and size of the baby, as well as pay attention to the device regulator. The three-point belt provided in each machine is intended only for the safety of adults due to different body proportions. In a collision, a child wearing such a belt risks a strong blow to the lungs and heart.

Methods for attaching restraints

In a seat belt for children, whose age is approaching 12 years, manufacturers recommend using an additional device - a small bag that allows you to tighten the branches of the main belt to each other. Also, this option can be applied as an addition to a child car seat.

Another way to fix small passengers is to use a seat belt adapter for children. This is a slip in the shape of a triangle that pulls the diagonal line of the belt from the neck. It happens on buttons and on flypapers, and significantly reduces the risk of injuries of the cervical spine.

boy fastened with a strap adapter

A booster is a device that is a special lining that is attached to the car seat and provides a high landing for the baby. As a result, the risk of suffocation at the time of a sudden stop is significantly reduced.

There are also three-point belts for children, but they are considered the most dangerous for the children's abdomen and failed all crash tests. Compared to them, five-point belts are considered more reliable. Most often, car seat manufacturers use them.

Seat belt adapter for children - an alternative to a car seat

Adapters are designed to offset the position of the branches of the main automobile belt using buttons or Velcro and belong to the group of individual holding means. The small size of the car belt adapter and its low cost are increasingly becoming decisive factors in favor of acquiring this security system.

kid driving

A considerable number of sellers and manufacturers claim that it can be used without a child car seat. A lot of debate is currently underway on this topic. But, unfortunately, the triangle on the seat belt for children is not able to provide the proper level of protection, which guarantees a high-quality car seat. Most experts recommend using both of these security features.

Fixing device requirements

When buying a fixing device, very often sellers convince an inexperienced buyer of the reliability and safety of the proposed device. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The purchase and selection of a child safety belt should be planned only at specialized outlets that can present quality certificates and have trained personnel capable of providing expert assistance in choosing the right model.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fastening of the belt. It must be reliable. An important parameter here is the belt clip. During movement, he must securely hold the child without injuring him, and at the same time, in the event of an accident, the baby should be able to easily unfasten the lock of the restraint.

Also requires careful consideration of the belt stop. With a sharp movement, it should work.

The pad on the seat belt for children, parents must attach with high quality and securely.

Terms of Use

If there is more than one child in the family, then an individual locking device must be provided for each of them. The reliability of its fastening is checked every time before starting to move. The duration of the trip does not affect the use of this device. Therefore, it is mandatory to use it in all cases of transportation of small passengers.

The belt must pass strictly along the belt and over the child’s shoulder. It is also necessary to promptly adjust or completely change it when children are growing up.

Domestic product "FEST"

three point adapter

The most popular among all restraints for children is "FEST" - a triangular lining on the seat belt for children. This is a unique and easy-to-use protection tool. In terms of safety, it is significantly superior to most other locking devices and even some car seats.

"FEST" is intended for young passengers weighing at least 9 kilograms and not more than 36 kg. Moreover, if the baby weighs less than 18 kg, then the domestic child safety belt should only be used with a special strap.

This mount is very reliable and able to ensure the safe transportation of the child in the car. It is easily and at the same time firmly fixed on the main seat belt and does not interfere with its operation. And the removal and installation process usually takes less than half a minute.

The developers tried to design the tool so that in the event of an accident the possibility of injury is significantly reduced due to the limited mobility of children. And if necessary, its lock can be quite easily opened.

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