
Resume of the head of the legal department: education, skills, work experience

The head of the legal department is a person whose importance is difficult to overestimate. Even in a small company, the number of employees of which barely exceeds 20 people, a lawyer is an important employee. And if the company is a giant, which every day has to deal with a lot of legal issues, then in addition to ordinary lawyers, the company should also have their head.

Profile Analysis

If the company has a need to find a head of the legal department, then first of all a vacancy announcement is created, which lists all the requirements for the candidate. In order to choose the best resume for the head of the legal department, it is necessary to clearly represent the range of responsibilities that he will fulfill, as well as to write down the requirements for the position.

Job description

Job title - a document without which it is practically impossible to clearly outline the terms of reference for any job. The document is official, approved. Contains signatures of the General Director and authorized persons.

The list of requirements and responsibilities specified in the job description may vary slightly in each company, however, each document will necessarily contain items with requirements for education, skills and professional knowledge, as well as rights and responsibilities.

The position is responsible, therefore the selection of candidates for the position is tough and strict.

Knowledge requirements

Analyzing the resume for the position of head of the legal department, it is necessary to find out whether the candidate has the necessary set of knowledge.

resume of the head of legal department

The boss should know:

  • acts that regulate the financial, economic activities of the company;
  • materials and guidelines;
  • administrative law;
  • financial right;
  • civil law;
  • labor law;
  • tax and environmental laws;
  • the procedure for compiling reports on the financial and economic activities of the company;
  • the procedure in which economic agreements, collective agreements, tariff agreements are concluded and executed;
  • be able to systematize, take into account and maintain legal documentation;
  • use modern information technology;
  • fundamentals of labor organization, economics, management and production;
  • modern computer technology, communication tools;
  • rules, as well as OT standards.

Education requirements

For the position of the head of the legal department, education should be specialized, legal. Education in the field of jurisprudence, experience in conducting court hearings is a great advantage. The instruction of the head of the legal department does not regulate the direction in which education is received. This can be both land law and labor law. However, a person who studied at a university in the specialty of a teacher or artist cannot be appointed the head of the department.


For the head of the legal department, experience in a similar position should be at least 3-5 years. Given that the employee will have to manage the team, select the best staffing, the employee should have successful experience in building a department, the skills of delegation of authority, the ability to distribute duties and responsibilities.

lawyer resume

In addition, he must understand that the delegated task does not take responsibility from him personally, the director is personally responsible for the work of each employee.


The resume of the head of the legal department should contain a list of duties that the candidate performed at previous places of work. In the job description at a new place, those functions that are performed by the head of the department are mandatory.

work head of the legal department

Responsibilities include:

  • ensuring the legality of the enterprise, protecting the legal interests of the enterprise;
  • ensuring the examination of orders, instructions, various provisions, standards, acts of a legal plan that are prepared at the enterprise, their sight, preparation of documentation, if necessary;
  • taking measures to amend / repeal legal acts that were issued in violation of the law;
  • the organization of the preparation of conclusions regarding legal issues that arise in the activities of the enterprise, as well as on draft regulatory acts that are received for review in the enterprise;
  • providing methodological guidance for legal work in the company;
  • clarification of legislation, the procedure for applying legislation;
    assisting the units in the work related to the claim activity, preparation, transfer of the necessary documents and materials to the arbitration and judicial authorities;
  • protection and representation of interests of the company in court, state organizations, public organizations when considering issues related to the field of law;
  • litigation or arbitration;
  • taking part in the preparation, conclusion of collective agreements, tariff agreements;
  • development and implementation of measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline or the regulation of social and labor relations in the company;
  • management of work in matters of analysis and generalization of the results of claims, court or arbitration cases, the practice of concluding or executing business contracts;
  • development of proposals for improving control of compliance with supply contracts, eliminating deficiencies, improving the financial and economic activities of the company;
  • management of the preparation of various materials on theft, shortfalls, embezzlement, production of substandard, incomplete, non-standard products, violations of environmental norms and laws, other offenses;
  • transfer of questions to investigative and judicial authorities, implementation of measures to compensate for damage caused to the company;
  • participation in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen financial, labor, contractual discipline, ensuring the safety of property of the enterprise;
  • preparation of opinions on proposals in matters of bringing company employees to disciplinary or material liability;
  • taking part in the consideration of materials as receivables; identification of debts on debts requiring collection in the compulsory order;
  • preparation of documentation regarding write-offs of bad debts;
  • monitoring compliance with the necessary legislation established by the enterprise procedure for certification of manufactured products, acceptance of goods, products in terms of quality and quantity;
  • organization of accounting, storage, introduction of adopted changes in the legislation in the acts and regulations of the enterprise, providing access to user documentation;
  • informing the company's employees about the current provisions in the legislation, organizing the work of the company's employees to study the regulatory documentation that relates to their direct activities;
  • organization of legal assistance to organizations in the enterprise, advising employees on legal issues arising in the course of work;
  • management of the legal support department, as well as reporting departments and employees.

A responsibility

Each employee in the company is obligatory responsible for his work.The head of the department is responsible not only for himself, but also for his subordinates. Considering, for example, a resume of a lawyer, you may not see points there that will relate to the work of the entire department. The head also has a large list of not only rights, but, accordingly, responsibilities.

instruction of the head of the legal department

The head of the department is responsible for:

  • department results and the effectiveness of all employees as a whole;
  • failure to fulfill their direct functional duties, the work of employees subordinate to him;
  • providing false information regarding the work of the department;
  • providing false information regarding the nuances and subtleties of current legislation;
  • dishonest fulfillment or non-fulfillment in principle of direct instructions of the company management;
  • non-suppression of violations of safety rules, fire fighting equipment, which pose a direct threat to the company or its employees;
  • non-observance by subordinate employees of the labor discipline department.

Department Head Rights

In addition to duties, the boss has rights. It should be understood that rights can be used depending on the situation, and duties are what the employee does on a daily basis. Accordingly, depending on the situation, different work is performed.

Head of Legal Department work experience

The head of the legal department has the right:

  • receive information about projects that are being launched or have already been launched, by the company’s management relating directly to the department;
  • make various proposals that relate to the work of the legal department in matters of ensuring the legal security of the company;
  • reject documents that violate the law;
  • request from other divisions of the company information and materials necessary to fulfill their immediate responsibilities;
  • with the permission of the senior management, involve other employees of the enterprise in solving tasks within the framework of their job instructions;
  • interact with all departments of the company;
  • Offer company management to encourage distinguished employees or to penalize those who violate labor discipline or production.

Special conditions analysis

When considering the resume of the head of the legal department, special attention is paid to whether the candidate for the vacancy has experience in using official vehicles, traveling on business trips.

A trifle, at first glance, which causes the company a lot of difficulties - the unfair use of transport during business trips around the city and beyond. In large corporations, it is not uncommon for ordinary employees or management to abuse their position and use official vehicles for personal purposes. If the candidate has experience using corporate transport, you can find out how the previous employer tracked its use. Many companies use GPS trackers or require a clear report on the fuel used.

Head of Legal Department Education

Another important point is the use of signature rights. In cases that fall within the competence of the head, the signature is put without the consent of the company management. Accordingly, the responsibility for the signature lies entirely with the head of the department. Having considered the resume of the head of the legal department, the role model should contain the following points:

  • experience in managing a team of 5 people or more;
  • legal education;
  • knowledge of the regulatory framework.

Work difficulties

Any work is connected with difficulties. Somewhere this is communication with dissatisfied customers, somewhere - the need for accurate calculations, somewhere - responsibility for someone's life.

The work of the head of the legal department is no less intense than the others. He has to constantly be restrained and polite. Communication with dissatisfied consumers adds stress. Decision-making responsibility hangs overhead like a sword of Damocles.Even in the resume of a lawyer, one can see through the lines the negative that department employees have to face.

Head of Legal Skills

However, there are pluses to such a responsible job. For the head of the legal department, communication skills with people always bear fruit. Grateful employees, satisfied customers, company management that appreciates merit - a spoon of honey that greatly brightens up sharp corners.


Before hiring an employee, it’s worth looking at hundreds of resumes of the head of the legal department. As practice shows, the most valuable candidate is always waiting in the wings and will certainly become a good acquisition for the company.

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