
Security Guard Summary: Sample. How to write a security guard resume for a job

At first glance, it seems that working as a security guard is easy and does not require special skills. When the situation takes a sharp turn, one can hear: “I’ll go to the guards, the work is not dusty!” However, only those who do not know the features of the work, are not familiar with the qualification requirements and do not see importance in this position.

The guard is already a stereotype. A person sitting at the monitor screen, on which the series is constantly on, can hardly really guard. Its function is more indicative, indicating that careless visitors are being watched. To become a good specialist, you must correctly compose a resume. Security guards are often sought after by chain stores as well as private security companies. Each company has its own specifics. A resume must be written with emphasis on those qualities and skills that are useful in the work. How to create a resume security guard to find a decent place? To do this, you need to specify key points. Those that the employer is looking at.


Profession implies the presence of a complete set of professional and personal qualities. The employer will not hire an employee-athlete, but not possessing stress resistance.

Personality requirements

The work of a security guard is related to stress. In addition, you often have to communicate with conflicting visitors or buyers. It is possible to show a worthy rebuff and behave professionally if there are important features.

security guard duties for resume

The necessary personal qualities include:

  • Resistance of the psyche to any stress, as well as external stimuli. In the event of an unusual or unusual situation, the guard must remain calm and fulfill his professional duties. Without this skill, the employee will not be able to correctly and calmly respond to the situation.
  • Lack of addictions and bad habits. The company considers any habits that may interfere with work, as potentially unwanted. The example is simple: smokers decrease attentiveness and concentration if nicotine does not enter the body for a long time. This means that the guard may miss an important point.
  • Attentiveness, perseverance, responsibility, honesty. These character traits are a guarantee of the conscientious fulfillment by the guard of his professional duties.

Professional skills

The work of a security guard requires all kinds of skills.

security guard resume

Professional skills in a security guard resume include:

  • legal knowledge;
  • tactical and special skills;
  • training in the field of psychology;
  • fire training and technical;
  • first aid skills and experience using special tools.

Where are the guards needed

Resume guards for job placement are often required by public and private companies. In order to send your resume to the company that is most suitable, it is important to understand the types and types of security companies.

Differences in types and types of protection


by affiliation

  • departmental and non-departmental state organizations: police, VOKhR, OVO, VGUP;
  • private organizations: private security company, private security company, security department at the company;
  • private individuals: controllers, watchmen, concierges, watchmen;
  • mixed security.

by protection methods

  • physical security (security guards);
  • technical protection (electronic, mechanical);
  • corporate protection.

on objects of protection

  • personal security (personal);
  • protection of stationary objects of a physical nature;
  • protection of mobile objects of a physical nature.

by methods of physical protection

  • internal and external stationary security posts;
  • indoor and outdoor bypass posts;
  • accompaniment;
  • auto and motorcycle patrol groups;
  • GDB (quick response team);
  • cynological services.

on technical protection options

  • security and fire alarms;
  • perimeter security systems;
  • primary fire extinguishing agents;
  • IP-TV, video surveillance systems;
  • fire extinguishing systems, evacuation control, alerts;
  • counter-terrorism equipment;
  • inspection equipment;
  • telecommunication networks and communications, information security tools;
  • armored vehicles;
  • GSM alarm;
  • remote security and panic button;
  • access control systems;
  • intercoms;
  • fences, barriers, turnstiles, frames (engineering means);
  • anti-theft systems;
  • emergency lighting.

for administrative activities

  • regime events;
  • personnel security;
  • inner order rules;
  • obligations to protect information;
  • instructions.


To get a job, you must take courses and get a license that allows you to work in specific conditions. Often in the resume of the security guard, a sample of which you will find in the article, the presence of a discharge is not indicated. This means that the employee will not be able to use certain means in his work.

security guard resume sample

There are several categories - the fourth, fifth and sixth. Each of them describes the range of requirements and responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. The sixth category is the highest paid, and the fourth is the simplest. Having only 4 category, getting to work where a 6th category license is required will fail.

Description of bits

Each category has its own characteristics. Choosing which one to get, you need to figure out how they differ from each other.

how to create a security guard resume

Discharge capabilities:

  • Fourth - the guard has the right to work in a private security organization. Uses special tools in the form of handcuffs, body armor, rubber batons. It is checked at the police department once a year.
  • Fifth, a security guard can work in a private security institution, use special equipment, as well as authorized protective equipment (pistols, gas revolvers, tear sprayers, stun guns). Once a year, an audit is carried out related to the use of these funds.
  • Sixth - the guard can use the tools listed above, as well as firearms.

Having decided on the discharge, you need to undergo training. The company must have a license to permit such activities.

After passing all the stages, it remains to undergo a medical examination.

Resume Example

Easy to find security guard resume. Sample a good resume is harder to find. For example, responsibilities can be spelled out as follows:

  • daily verification of documents, keeping records of visitors to the business center (approximately 70 people per day);
  • escorting visitors across the territory;
  • control of the import and export of documents and material assets from the office territory (computers, boxes, furniture, etc.);
  • conflict resolution (7-9 per month).

The duties of a security guard for a resume should be clearly and correctly formulated. If the resume is written vaguely and it is not clear what exactly was the responsibility, then it will be more difficult for the employer to evaluate a potential candidate.

security guard resume for a job

Will correctly indicate the skills in detail:

  • monitoring on the territory of the business center using a system of monitors (7 external surveillance cameras, 5 hall observation cameras);
  • carrying out a round of the territory every hour;
  • checking the territory at the end of the working day for open windows and included equipment;
  • daily reception of incoming correspondence;
  • control staff cleaning services.

The summary of the guard should be complete and concise.It is necessary to avoid tautologies, errors in words and functionality.

If the duties include additional measures, then they must also be indicated:

  • monitoring compliance with fire safety measures;
  • reception of material assets (receipt of new equipment in offices);
  • registration of visitors during official events;
  • control of visitors during official events, tracking of visitors without invitations and badges.

Key resume skills

This section indicates the skills of the guard. For a resume, you need to list all the skills necessary in the work that may be useful. It:

  • work experience in power structures;
  • knowledge of specific surveillance systems;
  • special equipment handling skills;
  • availability of a license.

Most security companies want a security guard with a license. The summary, in which this point is clearly highlighted, wins against the background of others.

security skills for resume

In the summary, this is indicated as follows:

  • work experience in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate - 5 years;
  • experience with ActiveCam video surveillance systems;
  • ability to handle with a rubber baton, body armor, gas gun;
  • permission to use firearms, experience and skills of shooting from a Makarov pistol;
  • sixth category security guard license;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychology and crowd behavior.

additional information

In the resume of the security guard it will be appropriate to emphasize personal qualities: stress resistance, cold-bloodedness, attentiveness, the ability to pay attention to suspicious moments.

It will be a big plus to have recommendations from previous employers.

security guard with resume license

With the consent of the company’s management from their previous place of work, contacts can be indicated after the “achievements” section. The security guard in the resume is characterized even by trifles. If there is something to be proud of, this must be indicated without fail.

For example:

  • Prevention of the building’s fire (through the video surveillance system, urn fire in the territory was noticed);
  • reduction of equipment theft from 300,000 thousand rubles per month up to 32,000 thousand rubles;
  • identification of unwanted visitors (competitors of the company).

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