
Rosgosstrakh: liability insurance rules, comments and features

The leader of the Russian insurance sector - the company "Rosgosstrakh" - protects the interests of customers in the field of civil liability. You can take out insurance at one of the company's offices. Before you purchase a policy, you should study the rules of liability insurance in Rosgosstrakh.

Why do I need a policy?

The protection feature is to minimize the financial costs of the client in case of harm to the life and health of third parties, as well as their property. An insured event can occur both in an accident involving a policy holder and in the process of operating a real estate object - an apartment.

According to the rules of civil liability insurance at Rosgosstrakh, the purchase of a policy allows you to receive insurance compensation in case of damage to third parties. In this case, the buyer himself chooses how much to issue protection.

insurance company rosgosstrakh info reviews

Rosgosstrakh has the opportunity to insure civil liability online, to issue an e-OSAGO or eKASCO electronic policy for vehicle owners or Asset Fixed (for property owners).

Features of the insurance policy

Unlike voluntary apartment insurance, the purchase of an insurance policy is compulsory for all vehicle owners. According to the Federal Law "On Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners" dated 04.25.2002 No. 40-ФЗ, the owner of a car is not entitled to drive without valid insurance.

Rosgosstrakh is a leader in the Russian Federation in the number of insurance policies issued (according to the results of the 3rd quarter of 2018). Car owners can buy insurance at the office or order an online policy - eOSAGO.

Rosgosstrakh liability insurance rules

According to the basic rules of vehicle insurance in "ROSGOSSTRAH", the insurance policy is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. Its cost is influenced by the accuracy of driving a motorist. If a client has not been involved in an accident during the year due to his fault, he can receive a discount due to the break-even ratio (KBM).

Documents for car insurance in Rosgosstrakh

According to the rules of civil liability insurance "Rosgosstrakh" for motorists, customers must provide the following documents for the purchase of an insurance policy:

  1. Passport of the owner of the car. If the policy is paid by a third party, the policyholder must also provide an identity document.
  2. Vehicle passport.
  3. Certificate of car registration.
  4. Diagnostic card - a document on passing the inspection. Help is needed only for drivers who have a vehicle older than 3 years. Upon receipt of a diagnostic card for cars that are not yet 7 years old, the document is issued for 2 years, in other cases it is necessary to conduct a technical inspection annually.
  5. Driver's license. If several drivers drive the transport, then you can apply for a single policy for all driving participants. Each of them should also have a passport and rights.

For the purpose of additional protection and compensation for significant damage, customers can apply for a CASCO policy. He, unlike OSAGO, also protects the vehicle. The set of documents for the purchase of CASCO in Rosgosstrakh is the same.

Rosgosstrakh basic rules of vehicle insurance

Customers can purchase any of the policies online. Payment on the site allows you to get a copy of the policy by email. Such insurance cover options are in no way inferior to the usual CTP and CASCO issued in one of the 2 thousand branches in Russia.

The occurrence of an insured accident under CTP and CASCO

According to the rules of civil liability insurance in Rosgosstrakh PJSC, upon the occurrence of an insured event, the client must immediately notify the insurer about it in any convenient way. The determination of damage and compensation for harm is possible only after an assessment of the situation by the agent of the insurance company.

If the client is responsible for the accident, he will not receive compensation under the insurance policy. But in case of damage to property or health according to CASCO, the policy holder can count on compensation. Under compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, the victim will receive compensation, he must provide the data of the policy of the culprit of the accident to the insurance company.

Under OSAGO (insurance program "Rosgosstrakh") the amount of compensation is limited:

  • 400 thousand rubles in the event of damage to a vehicle and other property;
  • 500 thousand rubles for harm to the health and life of other citizens.

The CASCO policy from Rosgosstrakh allows you to receive the amount of compensation in excess of the established limit.

In the event of an insured event, customers must record the incident with the help of traffic police and notify the insurance agent. You can report an accident online, by calling the support service or at the company’s office.

pa rosgosstrakh liability insurance rules

The term for consideration of the application for insured events is 20 calendar days for CTP, and 20 workers for CASCO.

Civil liability of apartment owners

Owners of property can receive compensation from the Rosgosstrakh insurance company if they purchase an apartment protection policy. Within the program, customers can connect one of 3 packages:

  1. Asset Fixed. This is the easiest insurance option. It includes not only civil liability, but also interior decoration, engineering equipment. Can be issued at Rosgosstrakh offices or online. To purchase a policy, only a passport and the address of the apartment are required.
  2. "Asset Individual". The extended insurance program includes exterior decoration of the apartment. You can buy a policy only at Rosgosstrakh offices.
  3. "Prestige". You can apply for a policy for any elements of insurance coverage and for a period selected by the client. The policy is available for purchase only at offices.

Compensation for damage to neighbors

When buying any package, protection of civil liability to neighbors is available within the amount selected by the client. When an insured event occurs, customers must do everything to reduce damage to their neighbors.

rosgosstrakh insurance program

The information on the Rosgosstrakh insurance company and reviews of the program indicate that the reimbursement is made after the damage agent has been examined by the agent of the insurance company. To do this, you should contact the insurance by calling or visiting the office.

According to the rules of civil liability insurance at Rosgosstrakh, compensation for damage is made within 20 days from the date of provision of information about the occurrence of the insured event and inspection of the apartment.

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