
At what age do I get tax ID?

Quite often, citizens wonder at what age they receive TIN. To answer this question is extremely problematic. Next, we will try to deal with the restrictions established by law and with the procedure for issuing a tax identifier. This is far from the most difficult task of all.


At what age do they receive TIN? First you need to understand what you have to deal with. What is a TIN?

What is a TIN

This is the name of the individual tax number. This is a unique combination of 12 digits from 0 to 9. It serves to identify a citizen in the database of the Federal Tax Service.

A similar combination is assigned at birth, after which it is not subject to change. Even a change of surname or gender does not lead to an adjustment of the tax identifier.

Age Law

At what age can I get a TIN? The main problem is that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish any restrictions in this regard. What does it mean?

You can request a tax ID at any age - even for a newborn. Only the TIN certificate is not required for the baby. It will come in handy closer to adulthood, and even after it.

Accordingly, citizens themselves decide at what age to apply for a certificate of the established form with a tax identifier. Some may even live without him all their lives.

At what age do they receive TIN in the Russian Federation

When to contact yourself

At what age can a child get a TIN? As already mentioned, there are no restrictions on this score. Even a newborn can be asked for a tax ID. Only the kid does not need him in real life. At what age do they receive TIN per child? You can request it immediately after birth and registration of the certificate of the established form.

Some people wonder at what age you can independently contact the authorized body for appropriate service. In this regard, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a specific framework.

A child can independently, without adult participation, apply to the authorized body for a certificate of registration with the tax authorities after reaching the age of 14. That is, as soon as he receives a civil passport. Until this moment, the TIN order will be carried out on behalf of the legal representatives of the minor.

Where to get

At what age do they receive TIN? As already mentioned, the child usually does not need a tax ID. It is useful to an adult. Nevertheless, it is permitted to receive an extract on registration with the Federal Tax Service at any time.

Where to go for help? To implement the task, a citizen can go to:

  • MFC;
  • Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • single window service.

In addition, registration of the TIN certificate via the Internet is allowed. This can be done on the website of the State Service or through the official web portal of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

Important: if you want to use the e-government website, you will have to register on the portal in advance, and also confirm your account.

Registration TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Right or obligation

Is it necessary to get a certificate with a TIN at all? Or is it the right of every citizen?

From what age they receive the TIN, they found out. Based on the foregoing, it follows that citizens have no obligation to issue a certificate of an established form. The document is useful for employment or registration of individual entrepreneurs without fail. But for most other life situations it’s enough just to know your tax identifier.

Accordingly, registration of a tax registration certificate is often a right, not an obligation.Moreover, the initial issuance of the document is free. But for a copy of it you have to pay 300 rubles.

Instruction: personal appeal to authorities

From what age you can get a TIN, found out. The main thing is to behave correctly, as well as carry out preliminary preparation for the upcoming service.

The first scenario is a personal appeal to the authorized bodies. For its implementation it is necessary:

  1. Form a package of documents for further maintenance. It will be different in adults and children.
  2. Contact the authorized body at the place of registration of the citizen with a request for a certificate.
  3. Receive a document on time by presenting a civil passport.

At this stage, the action ends. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. Especially if you prepare in advance for the upcoming service.

What you need for registration TIN

Guide: register on the ESIA website

At what age do I need to get a TIN? This moment is not regulated by law - a citizen can request a tax identifier when he needs it. As already mentioned, some never issue a certificate of the established form. This is a normal occurrence.

You can contact the authorized bodies via the Internet. For example, with the help of ESIA "State services". Suppose the applicant has an activated account on the e-government website. Then he needs:

  1. Find the option "Tax Registration ..." in the list of available electronic services and select it.
  2. Fill out the application in electronic form.
  3. Choose a place to get a certificate.
  4. Submit a processing request.
  5. Come to the MFC or the Federal Tax Service at the invitation, and then pick up the certificate of registration in the tax.

Fast, easy and very convenient. True, without a verified account, it will be impossible to cope with the task.

Important: in the same way, you can request a tax identifier through the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Documents for adults

At what age do they receive TIN? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. And what papers are useful for the implementation of the task?

To get a TIN, citizens after 14 years must take with them:

  • passport;
  • application for a certificate;
  • certificates from the place of registration.

That's all. An application is issued by an authorized body directly when applying for a TIN.

Help for children

At what age do I need to get a TIN? No exact deadlines are provided by law. Therefore, everyone can decide for himself when to apply for a certificate of tax registration.

What time do you get the TIN

If a citizen requires a document for a person under the age of 14, you need to bring along:

  • Application completed on behalf of the child’s legal representative;
  • parent's passport;
  • birth certificate or adoption of a minor;
  • extracts from the place of registration of the child.

Nothing more is required. You can see the TIN without issuing a separate certificate on the "State Services" or on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the "Check your TIN" section.

Important: the issuance of a certificate is carried out within 3-5 days after the submission of the relevant application.

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