
At what age are children taken to nurseries

When to send a child to a preschool educational institution is decided by each family individually. Sometimes a kindergarten becomes a necessary necessity. Parents have to go to work, and there is no one to leave the baby with. It is good if home education lasts until the end of maternity leave. And what to do if you cannot “reach out” to the kindergarten. A manger comes to the rescue. There you can give the baby until they reach 1.5 or 3 years. We will find out how the nursery works, at what age you can give the child there.

The concept

A nursery is a state-type institution in which young children are brought up - from 2 to 36 months. Here, events are held that contribute to the correct mental, physical development of the child.

at what age

Nurseries are divided into departmental and district. Kindergartens are being built according to standard designs: they have a specially equipped landscaped area. Children's groups in them are isolated. The room includes a catering unit, an administrative and economic zone, an insulator.

In a manger without fail there are:

  • Viewing room.
  • Reception
  • Children's rooms (at least 2.5 sq.m. is put for one child).
  • Bedroom (1.5 sq.m. - per child).
  • Toilets.
  • Veranda.

Some mothers want to put their baby in a nursery as soon as possible. At what age can a child be given? There are 4 age groups:

  1. Infants (up to 9 months),
  2. Slider group (for the age of 9-14 months),
  3. Medium (from 14 to 24 months),
  4. Senior group (2-3 years).

Parents themselves decide which nursery group to give their baby to.

Minimum age

Many mothers need to go early to work, so they begin to actively look for gardens for the smallest. For kids under 3 years old, a nursery in Moscow is provided. From what age children are accepted there, you can check with the head of a particular preschool institution. But most of the municipal nurseries enroll the kids in groups when they are already 1 year old. At this age, the child can crawl or walk, play independently for some time; many children are already accustomed to the pot. All this facilitates the work of educators.

at what age do they give children in a nursery

But there are exceptions when children are executed in a nursery until they reach the age of 12 months. In private kindergartens there are more such cases than in state-type institutions that accept a child only in the directions of the health department (district).

Daily regime

Having found out at what age children are taken to nurseries, parents begin to look for the answer to other questions. Among them is the regimen of the day of preschool. All kindergartens and nurseries begin classes with children from 08.00. The child can be brought earlier to the moment the group opens. But educators begin to engage with kids no earlier than 08.00. As a rule, it all starts with morning exercises lasting no more than 15 minutes. Then comes the time for breakfast.

From 09.00 to 09.30 - the period for developing activities. Children are engaged in music, modeling, drawing, dancing, physical education. Each class has a specific day.

From 09.30 or 10.00, a walk in the fresh air begins, which can last 1 or 1.5 hours depending on weather conditions.

from what age do they take to day nursery

At 11.30, lunch time comes. And after - at 12.00 - children begin to prepare for daytime sleep, which ends by 15.00. At 15.30, the kids are taken for an afternoon snack, and then the time comes for active wakefulness and versatile exercises.

At 16.45 - 17.00 dinner begins, after which the children play and wait for the parents to arrive.

Nutritional standards

Along with the question of at what age they give a child into a nursery, mothers want to know in detail how and with what they will feed her baby in the group. And it is right. The fact is that the cook and the dietary sister make up the menu, according to the "Collection of recipes for dishes for early and school age." In all institutions of the preschool type, it is checked that the nutrition is complete and differentiated by age. Calorie content is also taken into account: 25% is recommended for breakfast / dinner, up to 40% - for lunch, no more than 15% - for afternoon tea.

Be sure to include dishes from vegetables, herbs, fruits in the menu. Each specific institution of preschool education has its own list of "favorite food". But in almost every manger you can find mashed potatoes and a meat steak, which kids get used to at home.

kindergarten in Moscow from what age

When it is better to refuse a day nursery

As you know, a child is always better with mom. Reflecting on the question of the age at which you can give your baby in a day nursery and whether it should be done, some points should be considered. Children's doctors recommend that children not be taken to nurseries or kindergartens for as long as possible. And all because the separation of the baby from her mother at an early age is a lot of stress for him. As a result, the child's immunity decreases, and frequent colds begin to occur. Therefore, first of all, mothers should pay attention to the health of their babies. If he is often sick, then in a manger the situation can only worsen. Parents should adequately assess the health of the baby.

nursery from what age

You should also pay attention to the temperament of the child. Noisy, restless, easily excitable children will be very difficult to get used to the team. Psychologists warn that choleric people more often than others do not feel fear and tend to climb into a place that seems interesting to them. Teachers raising 20-30 children are not able to keep track of a very active baby.

It is not recommended to give a closed child to a nursery and kindergarten, for which the team is a real stress. Preschool pre-employment will not bring him any benefit, but it can harm the psyche.

Mom should consider the above points, well, and then you can choose the appropriate nursery. At what age to give their baby, parents decide for themselves and agree with the leadership of the kindergarten.

Essential Skills

Most institutions of preschool education accept children from 1 or 1.5 years. This applies to state-type gardens. In addition to age restrictions, they pay attention to the skills that the child possesses. A nursery group may not be credited if:

  1. The baby does not know how to use a spoon and a mug.
  2. Uses a pacifier.
  3. The kid does not know how to wash, wipe with a towel.
  4. Not accustomed to the pot.
  5. The child cannot explain to the teacher what he wants.
  6. The kid is not able to play independently and constantly requires attention.

When mothers and fathers give their children before 1.5 years, many of the above skills are not inherent in them. They cannot fulfill what the teachers and nannies require of them. As a result, the child has a growing dislike for the kindergarten. Therefore, you need to choose a nursery suitable for a particular child. What age of children there is preferable, it is better to find out in advance so that the baby subsequently feels comfortable in the team.

The opinion of psychologists

Specialists in the field of child psychology are of the same opinion - in the absence of good reasons, it is better not to send the child to kindergarten until they reach 3 years of age.

nursery what age of children

If a day nursery is the only possible option, then parents should understand that they will have to spend more time on their baby after work. This is necessary so that the child does not feel abandoned and does not become isolated in himself in the future.

And one more valuable rule. If mom or dad makes promises, they must keep them. If the parents told the baby that they would pick him up before daytime sleep, then this must be done. Otherwise, the child will develop distrust of the parents, resentment and, again, isolation.

It is better to choose a nursery close to home. From what age they accept a child, it is better to clarify in advance.

Private day nursery

Municipal preschools do not accept all. To get there, you need to have a direction from the district education department. Therefore, parents who have financial capabilities are interested in the question of how old they give children to a nursery of a private type. From almost anyone. Private nurseries provide groups for the smallest. The number of pupils there is minimal, which makes it possible for the teacher to pay attention to each child.

For registration in a private nursery, a direction from the Department of Education is not required. The only negative of such gardens is the high cost of visiting.

from what age they give in a day nursery

2018 innovations

Will the nursery continue to function? At what age will children be accepted there? The Ministry of Education has amended the law on kindergartens. They provide that the child must be provided with a place in a preschool educational institution upon reaching the age of 3 years. But there is one caveat - subject to availability. The obligation to take children to kindergartens occurs when they turn 3 years old. New amendments will lead to the gradual elimination of the municipal type nursery. They will be replaced by institutions operating on a commercial basis.

The garden received the right to refuse to register even a 3-year-old child if empty seats in it ran out. But parents have the right to obtain a place in another pre-school institution of the municipal type, after having previously queued.

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