
Stamp in the passport for divorce: when and where to put it

Divorce is a procedure that is often accompanied by a number of problems. Sometimes just ruining a family, registered in an official manner, will fail. Nevertheless, in the end, a citizen will be able to free himself from marriage. He will be given a certificate of the established form. Before that, divorced women face a stamp in a passport about a divorce. What it is? How to put an appropriate note? What is it for? We have to answer all these questions further.

The seal of divorce in the Russian Federation


First, let's figure out what we will deal with. Marital status is what needs to be publicized by government. The relevant information goes to the registry office and is entered into the person’s identity card. So a variety of services can understand whether a family person is in front of them or not. This is especially important when applying for a variety of benefits and payments.

A stamp in a passport about a divorce is a record that indicates the fact of termination of the marriage. A kind of substitute for a divorce certificate. With this component, there is no need to carry with you a confirmation of a divorced marriage.

Where is located

The passport has special pages. They are assigned to reflect the marital status of a citizen.

You can see the record being studied on 14 or 15 pages of the ID card. Here, as a rule, stamps about marriage are also put. Any changes in the family of the passport holder are recorded on the pages allotted for this.

Bet or not

Do you get a divorce stamp in your passport in 2018? Yes. As a rule, such a record is made upon termination of officially registered relations.

Divorce and stamp in the passport

Some citizens are wondering whether it is necessary to contact the registration authorities for an appropriate stamp. Is it possible to do without it?

Theoretically, a stamp in a divorce certificate is a convenient and compact record, a substitute for a certificate of divorce. With it, government agencies will be able to quickly understand when and where a person’s marriage was dissolved.

Mandatory to stamp it makes no sense. Nevertheless, many think about a similar task. After all, the presence of records of marital status in an identity card greatly simplifies life.

Ideally, the seal of the established form is put in the passport of each person. And as many times as a citizen gets divorced. The absence thereof requires a citizen to present a certificate of divorce, if you need to indicate whether he is single or not.

Do I need a divorce stamp in my passport? Yes, but that's ideal. Printing makes life easier. And it is not worth neglecting the corresponding right. The lack of a divorce stamp does not impose any sanctions.

Important: the record being studied may come in handy if a citizen has lost a divorce certificate. Making duplicate paper will be much easier than if you did not print an established sample.

Where affix

Who puts the stamp on the divorce passport? What bodies are involved in this task?

Answering a similar question is simple. The thing is that a seal with data on the termination of the marriage is affixed to the registry office. You need to go to where the divorce took place in reality.

As we already said, together with a passport, a person will be given a certificate of divorce. In Russia, such services are increasingly being provided by multifunctional centers.

How to put a divorce stamp

When a record appears

Putting a stamp in the passport on divorce is not difficult. And a little later we will figure out how to cope with this task.

To begin, consider the main issues of interest to the population.For example, when it is stamped on the dissolution of marriage.

The record appears on the corresponding pages of the ID card after the couple finally decides to hang. The termination of family relations in an official manner - this is the reason for translating ideas into reality.

If citizens are divorced through the registry office, then the stamp is put at the time when the couple takes the certificate of divorce. Similarly, the action occurs when the family is destroyed by the court.

Important: the presence of a court order on divorce does not in itself entail affixing a stamp in the passport of the established form. The corresponding entry is made in the identity card directly in the registry offices. Under no circumstances will the judiciary deal with such cases.


And what information does the divorce passport stamp contain? As we already said, this entry actually duplicates the divorce certificate.

Judgment and Divorce

Accordingly, the record will contain:

  • official date of family breakdown;
  • Name of the spouse with whom the person divorced;
  • information about the registry office in which the procedure was carried out;
  • number of the record of the act of divorce in the archive.

All of this is crucial when restoring a divorce certificate. Therefore, experts recommend putting down the appropriate stamp on the identification card as soon as possible.

Passport Replacement and Printing

Quite often, women after the end of the marriage take girls' surnames. Accordingly, identity cards have to be changed.

Change of passport after a divorce is required only when a citizen changes personal data. For example, returns a premarital last name. As already mentioned, women often face such an operation.

In the new identity card, the seal of the established form will not be affixed. You need to add it to your passport yourself. But you can do without it.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a man will have a complete set of stamps about divorces in his passport. And women can forget or deliberately not enter the relevant data into the identification card. After all, no punishment for such an act is provided.


Many are interested in how much they will have to pay for the process under study. After all, the bulk of the seals and documents are issued only after the introduction of the so-called state duty.

How can I stamp a divorce

A divorce in Russia costs 650 rubles per spouse. If the termination of the marriage is carried out unilaterally (under special conditions), the applicant will have to give 350 rubles.

In this case, the stamp in question must be affixed in the identity card free of charge. In fact, the citizen pays for the service during the registration of the divorce.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a separate fee for the press on marital status. Therefore, it should be assumed that the service is provided completely free of charge.

Action algorithm

How is a stamp stamped in a divorce passport? Consider the process that takes place after replacing an identity card. Indeed, in the case of registration of a divorce certificate in the registry office, the seal is put immediately.

So, it is proposed to act in this way:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for the implementation of the task. We will meet him later.
  2. Pay a fee if necessary.
  3. Contact the registry office where the divorce was conducted, with the appropriate request.
  4. Give the passport and pick it up at the appointed time.

That's all. The process does not cause any difficulties. The situation changes radically if citizens divorced in court without the participation of one or both parties. Sometimes it happens that the couple does not know that they really got divorced.

Divorce stamp in court

How many pages are given in the passport of the Russian Federation in order to reflect the position of a person in relation to the family? There are two of them. As already mentioned, we are talking about 14 and 15 pages.More records of family “status” do not fit anywhere.

What to do if a person wants to put the stamp of the established form when divorcing through the court? In general, the algorithm of actions does not cause any trouble. The main thing is to know where the divorce proceedings took place.

Where do they stamp

You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Go to court for a divorce certificate.
  2. Collect a set of documents of a standard form.
  3. Make a payment of the prescribed amount.
  4. Contact the regional registry office (that is, any) with the appropriate request.
  5. Take the divorce certificate and passport with the seal at the appointed time.

The main problems of the process are related to the search for the court in which the divorce took place. The procedure will not cause any more hassle.

Documents for printing

To cope with the studied operation, the citizen must responsibly approach the preparation of documents for the divorce stamp in the passport. What is useful in this or that case?

Applicants are usually required to:

  • check with paid duty;
  • statement;
  • divorce certificate (if any);
  • passport;
  • court order or certificate from the court.

No third-party papers are needed. After all, the registry offices only record facts, and do not analyze them. If a person can prove that he was divorced on a particular day with a particular citizen, they will put a stamp on his ID card very quickly.

About the timing

How long to wait for the corresponding service? The answer depends on how you contact the registration authority.

Usually you have to wait 1 month. So much time for reconciliation during divorce through the registry office. The seal will be put in the passport in a few minutes, less often in a couple of hours.

If we talk about divorce in court, then the divorce process itself can take several years. But affixing a stamp and issuing a certificate of an established form takes up to 30 days.

The same amount will have to wait if the applicant decides to submit a request through the MFC. Nevertheless, this alignment is almost never found in real life. Citizens who decide to contact the multifunctional center to implement the task should clarify the data on the speed of service provision on an individual basis.


We found out whether a divorce stamp is needed in the passport. As practice shows, relevant records play an important role. But not everyone puts a stamp on the divorce in the passport. Girls who have changed their identity cards often refuse such an operation.

Family status

It is important to understand that anything can happen in life. And sometimes the element of records we studied is necessary without fail. Indeed, in the registry offices there is no common state archive. Therefore, in some cases, it will not be possible to confirm the fact of a divorce without a stamp.

The state of the Russian Federation recommends a responsible approach to entering information on marital status in a passport. Then under no circumstances will there be any problems with the registry offices.

In addition, the studied process is not troublesome. Even a person who does not understand anything in paperwork can handle it.

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