
Penalty for loss of a passport of the Russian Federation: size and payment procedure

A civil passport is the main document proving the identity of a person. It is used to obtain public services, as well as to find out who a particular person is. For the first time, such a document is issued at the age of 14, after which it is exchanged several times without fail. Unfortunately, you can lose or ruin your passport. It can be stolen by ill-wishers and scammers. Is there a fine in Russia for losing a passport? And if so, in what sizes and how will you have to pay it?

What to do if you have lost your passport

The legislative framework

Every citizen is obliged to carefully treat his documents. It doesn’t matter if it is a statement of ownership, a passport or an internal identity card. If you spoil or lose this or that paper, you will have to bear some responsibility. For example, in the form of introducing a fee to the state treasury for reissuing certificates in increased amounts.

Is the penalty for losing a passport a reality or an invention? According to the laws in force, if a person has lost or ruined an identifier, he committed an administrative violation. A small fine has been imposed for him.

Payout amount

In what size? And how do you have to pay for a perfect administrative violation?

The amount of the fine for losing a passport in Russia is symbolic. The corresponding payment may not be assigned. For example, intentionally or by accident.

What is the fine for losing a passport in the Russian Federation currently assigned? The payment will be from 100 to 300 rubles. More accurate data must be obtained from a specific authorized agency. Namely, in the local migration service.

Where to recover a passport in the Russian Federation

Probability of release

Russia is a legal state, in the legislative base of which quite often you can find a variety of loopholes. And in the field of penalties, too.

The thing is that the authorized bodies do not always have the right to issue fines. If more than 2 months have passed since the violation was committed, you can not be afraid of responsibility for the corresponding act. What does it mean?

When a citizen applies to the migration services and the police for a new civil identifier, they should be brought to administrative responsibility. Authorized services retain this right for only 2 months. If no penalty has been set for the loss of a passport during this time, you no longer have to pay it. Such a requirement would be considered illegal.

About Duty

It is worth paying attention to one more point. The fact is that a fine for the loss of a passport of the Russian Federation is not the only payment that a modern person will face. In addition to him, it will be necessary to pay a fee to the state treasury in one way or another.

Penalty for the loss of a passport in Russia

How much penalty for losing a passport, found out. And in what amounts is it necessary to transfer the state fee for making a new copy of an identifier?

At the moment, the usual fee for a passport is 300 rubles. If a person has lost or ruined an ID, they will have to pay a lot more. Namely 1,500 rubles. A similar amount of payment is due if the documentation is stolen.

Duty Discounts

But this is far from all the information that a modern citizen must necessarily remember. In Russia, fines can be avoided, and duties are often subject to a certain discount.

What is the penalty for losing a passport, we figured it out. And with the size of the state fee for the production of a new identity identifier, too. It is worth noting that modern citizens can reduce the state duty for a passport by 30%. And with his usual re-release, and at the time of the restoration of the documentation.

For this, it will be necessary to conduct banking operations through the ESIA "State Services" service. This is not only convenient, but also an advantageous offer. With it, you can reduce the amount of state fees, and also when making payments there is no additional commission. All this cannot but rejoice.

Living without an ID

The amount of the penalty for the loss of a passport is now known to us. Only the above payments are not exhaustive. The longer a person waits, the more in the end he will have to pay.

Passport replacement in case of loss

The thing is that a person’s prolonged absence (for any reason) of a passport leads to a new administrative violation - living at the place of residence without an identifier.

For this act also relies on expenses. In ordinary cities, it is necessary to give the state 2,000-3,000 rubles, if it is a violation in the region of federal significance - 3,000-5,000 rubles. Reduction of relevant payments under the law is not provided.

Payment Time

The fine for losing a passport even in the amount of 100 rubles can cause a lot of problems and troubles. This is due to the fact that a person is obliged to make payments on time. If this is not done, an additional penalty will have to be borne. For example, to pay a fine or face the seizure of property.

2 months are allotted to a forgetful citizen to pay a fine for an identifier. If during this time you do not transfer the amount due to the state, interest will be charged. If you accumulate debt in the amount of 10,000 rubles or more, you will have to face a seizure of property, as well as a ban on traveling outside the country.

Deposit Methods

The fine for the loss of the passport and the time allotted for its entry were found out. But how can you pay fines?

Usually, for this you need to choose a payment method, then find the appropriate penalty in the system, and then specify the payment details of the recipient and payer. Confirming the operation, a person will transfer part of his money for a violation to the state treasury.

Payment of a fine for a passport

In general, among the known methods of paying a fine for losing a passport, there are:

  • bank cash desks;
  • payment terminals;
  • ATMs
  • electronic wallets;
  • service "Payment of public services";
  • public services page;
  • third-party payment services;
  • Internet banking.

Increasingly, citizens are resorting to non-cash settlement systems to implement the task. In the same way, you can deposit funds in the form of duties as well as taxes. Very comfortably.

When choosing a payment method, it is necessary to take into account that some of the listed services without fail charge a commission. In the branches of Sberbank and Gosuslugi, such additional expenses are definitely absent.

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