
SK RF, article 15. Medical examination of persons entering into marriage

Let’s talk about a phenomenon that is still new for our country. This is a medical examination of persons entering into marriage. To many, it seems absurd and even insulting, because we plan to see a man or wife as a person whom we fully trust. But you do not need to be biased towards the examination. It is no secret that any of us can accidentally become infected with a dangerous disease and not know about it. In addition, marriage is also about planning children. Agree, it is better to know in advance whether you or your spouse have a child.

Where is it written?

For an explanation of the features of conducting a medical examination of persons entering into marriage, we turn to the Russian Family Code. Unfortunately, statistics show that very many do not know that such an opportunity is prescribed by law.

We need Article 15 in the RF IC. It is here indicated that newlyweds have the right to voluntary and completely free medical examination before registering their own marriage.

Why do I need a medical examination of people getting married

Why is this needed?

Why do I need a medical examination of people getting married? It is carried out, first of all, specifically for each citizen - men and women. After all, the sooner a person learns about pathology, infection, the easier it is to defeat even a serious disease. So why not take advantage of the extra free physical examination that the state offers?

The absence of diseases that can be transmitted to the husband, wife, children is the most important point for family planning. The state needs this to guarantee a healthy society in the future - that's why it provides services to future newlyweds on a gratuitous basis.

How is this useful for you and me?

A medical examination of persons entering into marriage helps protect newly married spouses from the following:

  • Births of children with hereditary pathology.
  • Infection of the partner with the mass of diseases that are transmitted sexually.
  • The consequences of genetic incompatibility between husband and wife.
  • Intrauterine transmission of infection from mother to child.

The results of analyzes, hardware studies, and the conclusion of an examination by specialists will present a complete picture of the state of health - of one and one's spouse.

a medical examination of persons entering into marriage is carried out

Responsibility for one’s state of health

And here is another important aspect, which in some cases may relate to a medical examination of persons entering into marriage. Each of the citizens in our country is responsible for the state of their health!

What does it mean? Punishment is prescribed for patients with dangerous sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV infection). An infected person will be held criminally liable for contracting a disease by another person. This is regulated by Art. 121-122 (part 2) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, the patient faces imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years. But if a person suffering from a dangerous sexually transmitted disease infects an infection not of an accidental person, but of his permanent partner, part 2 of article 122 of the Russian Criminal Code introduces a measure of punishment for him in the form of imprisonment of up to 5 years.

A medical examination of persons entering into marriage is carried out, and in accordance with the Family Code. Art. 27-30 of this legislative act indicate the following: if one of the spouses knew that he had HIV infection or another sexually transmitted disease, but hid this fact from his wife or husband, then such a marriage will be considered invalid.

problems of medical examination of persons marrying

What is included in the survey?

Another problem of the medical examination of persons entering into marriage is that the public is not aware of the list of activities that it includes.But speaking in general, these are important areas on which both the health status of the partner and future children directly depend.

The most common survey list is as follows:

  1. Medical genetic counseling. Identification of hereditary pathologies that can be transmitted from generation to generation. A geneticist will advise your couple on this exciting issue.
  2. Tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases that can be transmitted by domestic, sexual, from mother to fetus.
  3. Diagnosing the most dangerous infections of our time - tuberculosis and the immunodeficiency virus (AIDS).
  4. Screening for psychological and substance abuse problems. As sad statistics show, this is precisely what causes the collapse of many families.
  5. Examinations and analyzes aimed at identifying the mismatch of the spouses to each other, as the parents of a common child. The most famous of them is Rhesus conflict.

We presented the most general picture of a physical examination. But the survey plan is drawn up for each pair individually by a specialist with direct contact. It is affected by the history of men and women, the epidemiological situation in the region, and other special factors and circumstances.

marriage survey results

Where is the medical examination performed?

To undergo an examination and then receive the results of the examination of the person marrying, your couple should contact any of the state or municipal medical institutions in their place of residence. This right secures you art. 15 of the Family Code.

Among the free procedures here may include the following:

  • Reception with a family planning specialist.
  • Medical genetic counseling.
  • Surveys of the health status of future spouses.

If you wish, you can contact a private clinic for such consultations and procedures. But her services will already be paid - such institutions are not covered by the powers of Art. 15 Russian SK.

sk rf article 15

Features of the survey

Consider also a number of issues that are particularly relevant among future newlyweds:

  • This medical examination is purely voluntary. No one, not even your future spouse, can oblige you to go through it. At least in the Russian Federation.
  • The results of the examination are protected by medical confidentiality. You have the right not to open them to anyone - including your future husband or wife. But do not forget about the responsibility for the state of your health, about which we spoke above.
  • After you pass all the examinations prescribed by a specialist, the medical institution is obliged to issue you an official document with a final conclusion. This certificate is enough for a prenuptial agreement, providing it to the registry office, where it is planned to register your relationship.

What does the law say?

Art. 15 of the Family Code, on which we relied in the article, consists of three points:

  1. Decision - by whom, under what conditions a free medical examination of future spouses is carried out. Mandatory note that the procedure is provided to citizens free of charge.
  2. About medical secrecy protecting the results of the examination.
  3. Health conditions that invalidate a marriage.

The latest version of the law is November 25, 2013 (Federal Law No. 317).

genetic counseling

The situation in Russia and the world

Even for the present year in our country, medical examination of future spouses before marriage is an event that is not approved by all citizens, including youth. Its unpopularity is explained not only by the fact that people consider such a procedure useless, offensive. Many simply do not know about the law that art. 15 of the Family Code.

And what about the world? If we turn to European countries, we will see that there a medical examination of the bride and groom before marriage is a long-standing procedure that does not cause unrest in society. The same situation is observed in the USA.

In addition, in these states, registries with diseases are established, the presence of which a citizen must have medical institutions report to the registration authorities. These include hepatitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, as well as infertility, drug addiction, sexual and mental disorders. This information is not hidden by medical secrets - a citizen, entering into marriage, must be sure that the physical and psychological state of the partner will not destroy the family, will not be a threat to himself.

The United States has gone further in this regard. The country has approved a list of diseases and pathologies in the presence of which citizens are forbidden to marry. In our country, as we have already said, the reason for declaring a marriage invalid can only be HIV infection or a sexually transmitted disease of the spouse, which the partner was not aware of. But the law implies that prior to marriage, obtaining specific information about this is possible only by mutual agreement - no one has the right to oblige a citizen to even report serious, dangerous diseases.

medical examination of persons marrying

A medical examination of citizens entering into marriage in Russia is an optional procedure that is provided free of charge. At the same time, this is a great chance to check the state of your health, to get a consultation with a specialist about family planning.

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